Simon Jester wrote:If this ethical argument doesn't carry weight, then... I think Duchess has a point here, even if not an ironclad one. Either moral rules about a sapient creature's right to life and protection are universal, or they aren't. If elephants are sapient we can't allow them to starve any more than we would allow human beings to starve; if whales are sapient we shouldn't allow them to be killed any more than we'd allow human swimmers to be.
I hate to rain on your parade, but we do in fact allow elephants to starve. We also let 30k or so children to starve to death every day. However, this is not a thing we (for a definition of we that only includes civilized people, and you know who I exclude there because you know me well enough) More elaboration on that momentarily, but I would like to sort of combine it with a thing Thanas said that is on-point.
Thanas wrote:Whales have their own culture as evidenced by their songs and the differences between whale schools. They also give themselves names or at least means to individually identify themselves. They teach their children and have inter-generational memory and traditions handed down from one member to another. At this point we simply do not know yet to definitely say they are intelligent, but the possibility is there and all the evidence seems to point more towards the "yes" column.
That right there is the clinching point. If a thing is sapient, it has a right to preserve whatever culture it has, provided that doing so does not require harming another sapient being.
We have a certain minimum obligation, namely, to stop directly murdering other sapient beings. That is a thing we can do. First Nations people have options. They do not require whale as a food source. They can even preserve certain aspects of the whale hunt as an annual ritual. They can see a whale, go out in their canoes, they can chase the whale and have a competition to see how close they can get, or throw not-sharp sticks in ritual fashion. They can then proceed to have a collective feast on something not-whale. They can preserve a part of their culture that has meaning for them, without having to harm another sapient species. They are not obligate subsistence hunters anymore. They use plenty of modern tools like snow-mobiles. Hell, we can even subsidize the importation of food stuffs into those areas. Not that big a deal. We may not be able to legally compel them to give up whaling due to treaty, but once there is enough evidence to say for certain that whales of whatever species are sapient, we can probably convince them without having to use force.
Hell, if we make communicating with cetaceans a top priority, it might even be possible to enlist the aid of various whale species in traditional hunts. There are documented cases of this occurring with Orca. If Baleen Whales are sapient and we can talk to them, they may be able to point the Inuit and such like at additional food sources (such as mussels and such in relatively shallow water). The whale hunt then becomes a triumphant greeting rather than a slaughter. Given the aversion most human beings have to cannibalism, this is a thing that can easily be incorporated into their spiritual beliefs.
If whales are sapient, that is our minimal obligation. We stop eating them, right the fuck now. The consequences of doing this are not in the least bit ambiguous, unless one wishes to make the argument that head-hunting should be permitted because it is part of indigenous cultures.
Simon Jester wrote:We can agree that killing whales 'wholesale' is wrong no matter who's doing it. Can we reach a similar agreement about killing them 'retail,' or do we need one ethical rule for killings by humans and one for killings by orcas?
Have you been doing this thing called reading? I snap at you because I am accustomed to more reasoned argument from you.
Killing sapients is wrong. We can all agree on this. However, how we actually deal with this practically is a matter separate from the wrongness itself. There are things that are relatively uncomplicated that we can do right now. Other things are more complicated, and require more time.
The various indigenous tribes that still whale do so because they wish to preserve what is left of their native culture after white people all but destroyed it. That is cool.
However, other factors like the rights of whales who-for-the-sake-of-this-discussion we are assuming are sapient, are relevant. The right to live (or however we want to ethically frame it, it ends up with the same basic calculation most ways you look at it, so I will use the Rights shorthand) for a fully developed sapient being generally (there are exceptions, but generally) outweighs other perceived interests. Therefore, though the least coercive mean possible, all whaling must end if whales are sapient. I have already addressed alternatives to native whaling, I do not want to see anyone pulling this out of context while ignoring my statement respecting those alternatives.
It becomes more complicated when for one party to live, the other must die. In cases involving humans, there are options. If one group is trying to kill the other over a resource conflict, we can send in peacekeepers and work to resolve the fundamental conflict. No one need die there, unless one party or the other makes the knowing choice to force the issue.
With Orca however, the pods that eat whale rely on the whale as a primary food source. Without it, they starve. So unless we are going to commit the next best thing to genocide (again), we cannot simply deny them their food. We have to communicate with them. We have to offer them some sort of alternative that is ethical.
We must stop the killing and eating of other sapient entities. Full stop. That does not mean we have to do it the same way, or on the same time-scale, for every single instance of the killing of sapient entities, because the issues complicating it in each case are different. I fail to see how you have such a hard time grasping this unless you are simply not reading my damn posts.
I dont take that last bit lightly or flippantly. If whales are sapient, we have an alien species living under our damn noses. That should be a huge WOW moment for all of humanity. A thing of such profundity that it changes the way we interact with the rest of the world.
Simon Jester wrote:So in a life or death struggle where one side is predator and the other is prey, we... don't need to do anything? I'm having trouble reconciling myself to this position. I would dearly like to know how you find it such a comfortable fit.
It is not a comfortable fit. It is a recognition that there is very little that can actually be done, that will not have other consequences that are potentially worse.
If: We ban or otherwise end indigenous whaling because whales are sapient
Then: the indigenous people who whale will survive, and if we do it right, adapt their culture to not require the death of whales while preserving as much of their cultural traditions as possible. See possible scenarios above.
If: We directly intervene in Orca hunting of whales, before communication and possible alternative food options are present
Then: A lot of Orca starve to death, and we will have committed genocide.
Do you not see the issue there?
Simon Jester wrote:
I am in favor of a total ban on hunting any whale species IF the preponderance of evidence suggests the whale species is intelligence. I don't think I favor bans on the off chance that the species might be intelligent, simply because we're not yet that confident about the limits of what 'intelligence' means and if we apply the logic to all cetaceans indiscriminately, we really ought to be consistent by applying it to many other species around the globe that might be intelligent for some alienish definition of 'intelligent.'
It is a matter of what your prior knowledge is. We know that sapience is present or at least VERY likely present among several species of dolphin. Do we say "OK, go ahead and kill" with regard to the dolphin species we have yet to study in depth? Or do you make the call that it is simply too risky to kill and eat all of them until such time as we know for sure?
You should not shoot a gun in the air because when the bullets fall, they may or may not kill someone. The risk is often very low, but it is still there and the moral weight placed on the risk of killing someone is pretty high.
With some species of well studied baleen whales, as well as Sperm Whales, we have pretty good indications that they are sapient. Long distance communication with dialects in humpbacks, altruism toward unrelated individuals that includes self sacrifice in sperm whales, complex social behavior in several species. Oh, and the bayesian prior of a brain the size of a couch.
Is it enough to know for sure? No. Is it enough that the risk is high enough to make one... uncomfortable? Yeah. And given how widely distributed across taxa those are, it may be a good idea to use the precautionary principle like you would with regard to shooting a gun in the air.
Are there other species this applies to? Fuck yes. I dont eat octopus anymore. Why? A friend of mine used to work with Octopi in an aquarium. The tanks got cleaned with a toothbrush, and one of them took a toothbrush and when the tank got a little messy with algae or water quality dropped, would signal my friend to clean shit up in there by waving the toothbrush above the water line. That is not a sure indicator because it could just be an association between the toothbrush and having a more comfortable place to live, but it could also indicate second order theory of mind. So I dont fucking eat them. I lecture people who do eat them. So yeah, there are other species we should not fucking be eating. I dont have a problem saying it.
The consequence of Type II error in cases like this, is murder. Therefore, we should bias against Type II error. This is not a hard concept.
Stas Bush wrote:If you are willing to put a line between whales killing and devouring each other and humans killing and devouring each other, then you've already admitted that whales are not as valuable as humans.
I am not sure you read me properly. But this is... an interesting and absolutely critical bit of conversation we need to have. So, I am going to highlight it by putting it in bold.
Cetacean intelligence is probably very different from ours. Sapient, in the case of Dolphins and a few other toothed whales, as far as we can tell, but different. This makes sense when you think about it, their intelligence evolved under completely different environmental conditions. This has some very important implications. Some parts of their intellect we can predict, some we have no context that would permit us to predict.
Things we can predict
Theory of Mind: Sapience is first order theory of mind. For species without a consciousness, they perceive nothing. This is difficult to describe, but like the Terminator, their brain registers damage, but they dont actually experience pain. When an organism has a consciousness but no first order theory of mind, they actually experience the world, but are not aware of themselves as separate entities. They are aware of the world, but not themselves. When an organism has first order theory of mind, or Sapience, they are aware of their own consciousness, their own existence. 2nd Order theory of mind is what we have. To be aware of our consciousness, and the consciousnesses of others. Third Order and higher are degrees of recursion of the Form "I am aware, that they are aware, that I am aware" that goes to the Nth order. The ability to be aware that someone else is aware that either you or a third individual is aware (for third order) and to use this information to make decisions. We have this capacity to IIRC the 4th order or higher. Autistic people for example have deficiencies in this respect, to varying degrees.
Moral Behavior: A great many social species have some sort of primitive moral behavior. In some, it is just a Fixed Action Pattern to some some sort of stimulus. For example, when certain chemical signals are released, ants will come to the aid of distressed relatives. It looks like Empathy, but it is not.
In other species, it is more interesting. You start seeing things like empathy, basic concepts of fairness, things like that. The important distinction is that these things are generalized across taxa. An ant will only respond to distress signals from a related ant. A dolphin will respond to yours (if it is not the willful cause. Dolphins can be assholes). Animals with a concept of fairness will respond to Ultimatum experiments (wherin one animal is able to offer some portion of a fixed pool of treats to another individual. If the other one accepts the offer, they get their respective shares, if the other rejects, neither gets anything) by rejecting offers that are really low. If they are not rewarded for performing a task, while another individual is, they will decline to participate further.
These behaviors appear to have evolved multiple times, but what the really basic forms require in terms of orders of awareness of consciousness is somewhat unclear, as both dogs and rats display them but fail mirror tests. One of those things where all species with 2nd Order Theory of Mind will display them, but not all species that do it have 2nd Order Theory of Mind (though experiments have shown for example that Chimps have 2nd Order Theory of Mind, with absolute certainty. The extent to which they display these behaviors is correspondingly more complex than the basic versions. Communication experiments with bottlenose dolphins indicate that they do as well)
Beyond that basic scaffold though, the way such an organism interacts with and views others is a thing that goes in the other section for things we have no way of predicting.
Language: Any being with 2nd Order theory of mind will have something like language. However, it may not correspond with ours. It may use sound, but not be verbal. It may use some sensory mode other than hearing. Elephants for example use ultra low frequency, high-wavelength sound to communicate long range, but they use other forms of sound at close range. Dolphins can "see" images composed of high frequency short wavelength sound. If they have a language, it may be comprised of a combination of what we might consider words (like their name calls) and symbolic images formed from sound that right now we have no way to detect or decode.
Our current technology and linguistic models have no way whatsoever of dealing with this.
Things We Cant Predict
Death: How we deal with death is a thing that is particular to us. Another organism may deal with death in a way that is completely different to us. If an organism obviously grieves, it is a really clear indicator that they are sapient. If they dont, it is not an indicator of the reverse. If for no other reason than they may deal with death and grieve in a way that we cannot at this time detect as such.
Trauma: We dont know what will cause trauma or offense to another organism. I used the example of Bonobos earlier. They initiate their young into group sexual activity (non-penetrative) very shortly after birth. As in, they are being masturbated by adults and older offspring within an hour post birth, and this continues throughout the rest of their lives. If this happened to a human, the emotional trauma this causes would be... extreme. However, this is normal for a Bonobo. What we see as forced copulation in dolphins may not be rape. It might just be dolphin kink for all we know.
Ways of thinking: The way we structure our thoughts and experience the world is a thing that evolved for us in our historical environment for a being with our particular set of capabilities. Any other organism we might "meet" out in our world or some other is likely to structure their thoughts in a way that is VERY different from ours.
We do not for example, have any freaking clue how a being with 1st Order Theory of Mind will react on a cognitive level to other beings with 1st Order Theory of Mind. Can it somehow deal with it? With the conscious knowledge that this other thing thinks like it does, but with no way of simulating that other thing's brain state like we use our Mirror Neurons to do, and thus predict how it might behave? Will it even be capable of grasping the concept? This is an Outside Context Problem for us. We have no idea.
And this is just the list of stuff I can think of off the top of my head. I am probably missing things.
To be honest, I'm not sure I believe them.
In my experience, one should never trust the figures coming out of a government agency that has some other conflicting interest on the subject.
They expect me to believe that an animal with:
A generation time of something on the order of a decade
Reproducing every 3-6 years, giving birth to one calf
Calves making up 5% or less of the population
Went from a 1980 population around 4000 to 14 thousand?
If they reproduce the year after birth, with a 5% gross reproductive rate they could be at 20k right now. They do no such thing. Not even fucking close.