I was wondering what is an appropriate attitude from the host country towards migrants from poorer countries. I've spent time on boards where the sentiment is mostly negative "They are parasites - lets wall the borders". This is where the "ten times figure" originate. I find many of those to be selfish and racist.Spoonist wrote:Please, could a mod split the Swedish/Nordic tangent?So since you felt that you ordinarily are not allowed to talk about this, lets continue from there then.cosmicalstorm wrote:Those numbers seems more accurate and more in line with what I found when I went looking for this yesterday. I retract the "ten times the amount" claim.Spoonist wrote:...So in conclusion, what people who quote the 10x figure is worried about is not that Sweden is accepting a lot of immigrants. Because we are not relatively per capita nor per ppp. Instead its that Sweden accepts a lot of asylum seekers from the middle east and africa...
My first question back to you would be; why do you think it is that your gut told you that the number was an order of magnitude larger than it really is? (Genuinly curious).First to make any such dialog productive you need to make a distinction in regards to different immigrants. Otherwise you will just confuse the issue. Are you talking about natural immigration in the form of marriages and offspring of swedish nationals with non-swedish nationals? Are you talking about adoptions of non-swedish nationals? Are you talking about relatives migrating to family members? Are you talking about foreigners studying in Sweden and then staying once they graduate? (brain-gain) Are you talking about (the new law) specialists getting work permits and then extended to citizenship? Are you talking about work migration? Are you talking about temporary asylum seekers where the situation back home never got better? Are you talking about permanent asylum seekers?cosmicalstorm wrote:I wonder what policy ought to be adapted with regard to immigrants?No you are quite right, but you have to adjust it with the caveat of applications versus approvals. Just because you have an increase in applications doesn't mean you have an increase in immigration. Some countries have a fixed rate on immigration that doesn't take into account the rate of applications.cosmicalstorm wrote:To me it seems there is a powerful feedback-loop between generous entry rules and number of immigrants per year. I.e. the more generous, the more immigrants you get. Or maybe I'm wrong?
The only reason why countries really far away from emigration sources gets a lot of immigration anyway is due to such feedback loops. Canada would be one of the prime examples. Another would be that before 911 the USA had a huge brain gain that was giving them the best people from around the globe due to the reputation and politics of their Universitites and in continuation its science research. That they managed to squander in less than a decade due to such a negative feedback loop.
Its also a case of specific regions emigrating to specific countries when in need. In such feedback loops where they will go where they have heard that people are accepted in. The emigration from Iran/Iraq being one of those examples.Immigration discussions isn't taboo, never has been. Not even when we had the rasbiologiska institutet, even then the dialog was out in the open. The only time that it was truly taboo was in the prelude to and during WWII, then it was censured for good reason. What you are confusing it with is when those discussing immigration mix in racism, that is when you enter taboo territory. Then the productive dialog dies and everyone has to concentrate on shooting down the false claims of the racists. This gives the impression of a difficult topic to talk about when it really isn't.cosmicalstorm wrote:This subject is often taboo it seems.
Sweden has relied heavily on immigration throughout its history to keep economic growth and/or competiveness. This since the days of the vikings onwards, only back then it was a bit more forceful... The only time we didn't was when it was the other way around and we had a huge emigration to the americas. Which was so devestating for Sweden that they did the big emigration study (emigrationsutredningen), at the turn of the last century which gave the start for the modern well fare state, in that it was seen as essentially necessary to match and surpass the social liberties and well fare provisions given by the USA to its people.
Since it has been so important this means that legislation or royal decrees to get those immigrants have been important as well. Look at the foundation of Gothenburg as a good example. Or the whole history of mining in Falun and Bergslagen. The economic boom post WWII was very much reliant on work immigration. etc
So it has never been a question of if, the only questions are how much and how should the assimilation process be handled to give the best effect possible. And those aren't taboo at all.
And I've also spent a lot of time among those who believe that no borders ought to exist and anybody should be free to move to anywhere they want. I find this a unrealistic attitude in todays poor globe.
I'm trying to find an appropriate balance between these opinions.
Should wealthy nations make it more difficult for poor people to migrate to richer areas or should they make it easier?