There is one way to do it. You dont need leading questions and you do not need to discriminate based on ideology.The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Naw, I don't think a psych exam could have done it. What it is, is that you get normal people who join message boards like AR15 and their equivalent communities in real life, and they basically psych each other up into pulling their guns during the slightest moment of adrenaline, because of this meme that you must draw and shoot on vigorously trained instinct, that you've got to shoot to kill the moment you think there's a threat or else you won't have a chance. The reality is that most self-defence cases involve fisticuffs already being exchanged or a fairly large buildup. And, of course, that going for the kill and then claiming "I was frightened" is basically how American law operates, but there has to be some kind of actual cause, which these people forget.
It's relatively easy, psychologically, to kill in the heat of the moment. It's why crimes of passion are an entire category, and they're not indicative of mental illness. The problem is that this guy of course was part of that draw-instantly, kill-instantly community of particularly fanatical people who should not be allowed CPLs. Detecting them though would basically require discriminating against people based on an ideology and I'm not sure it would be constitutional. I see them as a real problem in the firearm owner community, but the only way to screen for it I think would be a particular series of leading questions on how you'd act in a self-defence scenario.
What you do is you set forth a series of scenarios in which a gun may be drawn. The exam then asks a series of questions at the end of each scenario about what is and is not acceptable. The scenarios must rotate though exams (so the same ones are not always used), or could even be proceduraly generated in batches (if it can be done for random quests in Daggerfall....) such that the same scenario can be used repeatedly, with minor details tweaked etc.
The questions at the end:
Is drawing a gun legally acceptable under these conditions?
Is it permissible to fire a warning shot under these conditions?
Is it permissible to kill under these conditions?
Will you be civilly liable for damages under these conditions if you shoot a gun?
Will you be criminally liable for damages under these conditions if you shoot a gun?
The answers are always binary. Yes or No. Have say, ten of these questions.
If they miss one, they fail the exam.