mr friendly guy wrote:At least NK's threat is against another nuclear power with the ability to retaliate, thus bringing the MAD scenario into play as a deterrence.
As pointed out, this is
not a MAD scenario. NK
might be able to hit a fraction of the US. The US can obliterate NK. The only way this could be MAD is if NK is counting on the rest of the world to nuke the US in retaliation for the US bombing NK after NK bombs the US.
Which doesn't eliminate the deterrence use of have a nuke - no nuclear bomb holding nation has ever been invaded by another so apparently it is useful to hold nuclear weapons. It's just that you can't characterize the situation as MAD because destruction is not
mutually assured.
It seems strange people were willing to accept the USSR pointing nukes at them, their own country and allies threatening nuclear use against non nuclear powers, but why go apeshit against NK, who is comparatively weaker than those others doing the threatening with nukes.
It wasn't so much that people in the US "accepted" the USSR pointing nukes at them as they couldn't do anything about it. For some time there's been this notion that harsh sanctions can somehow prevent smaller nations from acquiring nuclear weapons, though NK has demonstrated that with sufficient determination and sacrifice that can be overcome. (We should also stop pretending sanctions are going to change Cuba. They're not. But that's a separate issue.) At best, sanctions slow down the acquisition of nuclear arms they do not prevent them.
There is another difference between the NK and USSR. By and large, the US and USSR tended to see each other as human beings of good will but erroneous ideology. You know, they're nice guys, just mistaken, but if we could just
show them how wonderful our system is they'll come to their senses (and I do mean that worked both ways). The political conflicts were definitely serious, but there was the sense that we
could be friends, or at least friendly towards each other, if we could just find a way not to get into a fight with each other. The USSR
government was demonized, but the
people were not (I'm assuming, based on what little I have learned from Russian immigrants, that the same was largely true on the other side).
From what I've been able to glean about NK propaganda it is the American
people who are demonized. America is the Great Enemy not because of the government but because of the
inherent character of the people. It's not mistaken ideology, it's Evil People, and the North Korean people can never be friends with those evil people. I've seen translations of children's songs that talk about killing Americans and making them grovel, North Koreans are indoctrinated from the cradle to hate Americans. That strikes me as a different form of hate than what was in play during the Cold War. I certainly don't recall any nursery rhymes about killing communists of any nationality, nor have I heard about Soviet and Chinese children singing in unison about killing those goddamn American bastards in nursery school. Apparently, North Korean children do exactly that. The Cold War conflict was real and potentially deadly, but each side recognized the right of the other to exist and acknowledged that Russian, American, and Chinese
people, individuals, could be good, heroic, kind,
[insert positive trait of your choice], etc. From what I've been able to find that is entirely absent in NK propaganda. There is
nothing good about an American, there can
not be a good American. For that matter, they don't seem to have anything nice to say about
anyone outside of their fellow Koreans (those poor southern chaps - in league with
demons Americans! The Great/Dear/Whatever Leader works tirelessly to save them!).
So, I guess, to sum it up, during all the long years of the Cold War I had the sense that people on all sides were working for a way to resolve tensions and threats so we could all get along with each other even if we had serious disagreements. The USSR was in conflict with my government, not with me personally. What I get from North Korea is that Americans aren't human and the world would be a better, safer place without them. It's
not an explicit exterminate all Americans/drive them into the sea that I have yet seen but it has overtones of that. North Koreans don't just hate my government, if they met me they would hate
me, personally, because I'm an American. It reminds me of the how the Nazis viewed the Jews. The Norks aren't capable of waging a Holocaust against Americans but at times they sure sound like they'd like to have that capability.
That doesn't mean that I, personally, feel threatened by the Norks
right now, but clearly they seek more ability to confront the US. If they just wanted to sit behind their walls and keep to themselves I wouldn't find it as disturbing - hey, some people don't like Americans,
what a surprise!
- but they constantly jab at others outside, constantly try to extort more from others, including their worst enemy. They've set up a system where conflict with the outside is necessary to the national mythology and keeping the elite in power. Is there going to be a point where they take it from words and bluster to outright shooting and bombing? (Well, actually they
have fired upon South Korea and sunk a ship or two, their threats aren't entirely bluster even if, in the larger scheme of things, their actions aren't deemed sufficient to re-start a war over.) They can't win in a fair fight, but will they take it to asymmetrical warfare at some point? If they can build working nukes they can also build working chemical weapons and working biological weapons if they choose to apply the effort and money towards that - and really, I'd wish they'd just stick to nukes, one of the three is bad enough.
It's not so much what the North Koreans can do today, it's where they're going in the future.
The US has never actually done this- because we're not centralized enough as a nation to evacuate cities efficiently and we know it. Even during, say, the Cuban Missile Crisis when everyone totally expected nuclear war very soon... no mandatory evacuations.
Even when we have
days notice for a natural disaster we can't effectively evacuate a city - see Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. No one is going to get that much notice for a nuclear attack. I
wish someone could come up with a way to safely evacuate a city but so far as I know no one has.
I was thinking of private citizens telling their relatives when I said this rather than a government sponsored evacuation.
The average American isn't paying sufficient attention to either Korea to tell their relatives that. As the number of Americans living in South Korea increases that is slowly changing, but the number of such Americans is still a very tiny fraction of the whole. The US media doesn't really pay much attention, either (recent threats being an exception). It's entirely possible the American relatives of Americans living in Korea aren't going to get sufficient warning of a serious threat to warn their Korea-living relatives.
To be honest I don't find lack of subtlety on NK that bad. We know the nuclear powers aren't above threatening non nuclear powers with nukes. NK is just really unsubtle with it.
The UK threatened to nuke the Falklands over a territorial dispute, which is arguably bad enough, but when the war was over the threat was ended. The UK is not currently threatening Argentina with the bomb. Again, the USSR threatened the PRC over a border dispute. Settle the border dispute the threat diminishes. The Cuban missile crisis was due to stationing missiles "too close" (as the US saw it) to US territory. Remove the missiles and both sides stand down. The prior threats were over
things - territory, missiles, etc. - that can be negotiated, removed, dismantled, negotiated, and compromised on.
The problem North Korea seems to have with the US is that the US
exists. It may have started with the Americans in conflict with the North Korean allies but it seems to have changed over the years. It's not that the US is occupying half the Korean peninsula, holding the South Koreans in thrall (according to the Norks), situations that could conceivably be resolved by somehow removing the Americans from the area, it's that the Americans exist at all as some sort of anti-Koreans. Americans are the bogeymen Korean children hear about from infancy. Unlike fairy-tale boogeymen you don't grow up and find they're fantasy. When North Koreans grow up the
Americans boogeyman is right there, big as life. Actually, bigger than the usual North Korean, they're not just boogeymen, they're giant boogeymen. (Apparently, I'm as tall as the average male North Korean, although among Americans I'm considered short even for a woman).
Stepping back from all that, I fully realize that I am having to work through limited sources translated from a different language. There could be a lot I'm missing here so I am quite open to people providing contrary evidence. On the other hand, the North Korean websites in English, which presumably the Norks have full control over, don't seem to contradict what I've learned from other sources. So, my concern stems from looking at a nation that, while unable to invade or destroy my nation at present has a serious hate for not just what we do but our very existence and seems determined to acquire ever larger weapons to brandish at us.
So, feel free to convince me otherwise. (hint: saying the US is just as bad won't do it. If they're just as bad as the US that is definitely cause for concern.)