To clarify: early long range ballistic missiles were liquid-fueled, so getting them ready to fire took a long time. This was a tricky enough problem for the Russians, who just had to worry about getting them fueled and ready to fire before an American B-52 crossed the thousands of miles to the launch site from a point in international airspace. It's much worse for the North Koreans, who have to deal with constant recon satellite overflights and multiple enemy armies and navies with cruise missiles ready to hit their launchpads.
Also note, North Korea has orbited a satellite. This means they could
definitely put a nuclear bomb on a missile, although the nuclear missile might fail for any of a number of reasons (missile engine craps out, warhead burns up on reentry, missile goes wild and hits the wrong target, warhead fizzles...). This applied to early US and Soviet missiles too.
Captain Seafort wrote:Simon_Jester wrote:What's the difference between us basing our policy on "yeah, North Korea has nukes" and us 'recognizing' North Korea as a nuclear state?
Basing national policy on obvious facts is a no-brainer. Officially recognising NK as a Nuclear Weapons State would require amending the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and opening up a couple of cans of worms about a million times its size called India and Pakistan. The idea is fucking insane.
India, Pakistan, and Israel have already merrily violated or ignored the NPT, and we have supposedly-good relations with all of them. Iran is damn well going to develop a nuclear bomb any year now because they want one, and the NPT isn't stopping them.
I think we have to recognize that the NPT doesn't carry as much weight as it used to, not in the world's hotspots. During the Cold War it worked, because there were
two superpowers and most global crisis areas saw the two powers staring at each other. So anyone afraid of massive invasion from their enemy could get under one side or the other's nuclear deterrent umbrella.
Today, this is no longer true- North Korea can't count on Russian or Chinese nukes to protect them if the US decides to invade them, so they develop their own. The Iranian theocrat regime can't count on anyone to protect them if
Iraq invades them, let alone the US, so they develop their own. And so it goes.
The NPT served its big purpose- to avoid massive proliferation in the immediate post-WWII world, when there were more armies threatening each other. A lot of borders have cooled down, the world is more peaceful now, and fewer countries feel they have reason to pursue nuclear weapons. But for the ones who do, the NPT is less and less effective as a discourager.