And if the carriers would allowed to leave single grid squares it's unlikely an SSK would ever even hear them. In major exercises carriers basically end up steaming in circles in very small areas while their SSN escorts are running with augmenters. The reason is simple; no other navy would get any training out of the exercises because they'd be sunk in minutes.weemadando wrote:And somehow they still manage to get practice shots off at US carriers in wargames.Sea Skimmer wrote:
Kockums Type 471, named Collins by Australia. Six where bought, entering service from 1996-2001. They've suffered basically every probules possibul without one sinking or exploding. The combat system doesn’t work, they weren't designed for warm water, the loading gear can't take the weight of the torpedoes and they unbalance the boat, the structures had major problems. They've basically been pier side since completion. Some of it was design, some was inept combinations of several different nations technology and some was the fact that the building yard had no idea how to build subs.
Only now after years of work are they slowly becoming operational.
Not to mention the fact that our old Oberon class sub captains used to regularly mail the US Navy HQ pictures of their carriers propellors taken from their periscopes. Unsurprisingly the US Navy was very unhappy each time this happened.
In a real war an SSK would have to hunt for tragets, rather then sitting silent in one spot the captain knows the carrier has to pass by on the open ocean.