Losonti Tokash wrote:You're right, it is just up there, where anyone can see I didn't ask for the definition of a word, I asked if you realized justice and the law do not always coincide. You apparently thought quoting the dictionary would be an effective dodge if you chose a definition that clearly did not fit the context, all while ignoring one that actually did:
b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness
God you are an idiot. Rogue responded to the claim that death is not justice. What type of justice? Legal justice? Moral? Distributive? There are many different types of justice, and even within a type of justice, there is considerably disagreement among philosophers as to what it constitutes. Worse, the different types of justice are not independent.
Rogue selected legal and a basic form of moral justice (proportionality) as his response. That he did not write a dissertation on the subject of justice as it applies to the death penalty is not a requirement in this thread. Nor is it some fault of his for responding to a very vague statement with an interpretation that is not to yours or Stark's particular liking.
Had rogue responded to the claim that the death penalty was morally wrong with the claim "No it is not, because it is legal." THEN he would be guilty of a legalistic fallacy. If you are going to accuse someone of committing a fallacy and then berate them for it, at least have the good sense to make sure you are accusing them of a fallacy in an appropriate way. Otherwise you just make yourself look like an idiot--and a pedantic idiot at that.
Now, I shall write a dissertation on moral and distributive justice as it applies to the death penalty.
Simon Jester wrote:
Could you expand on why, exactly, you maintain that executions are always wrong, and not merely usually wrong? I am curious about your opinions.
I might as well take the bait.
I take a non-retributive stance with regard to what justice fundamentally is. Justice is not (or rather, should not be) about punishing or harming an individual who commits a bad act (or an illegal one, in this case) for its own sake. It is about correcting the bad act, and working to prevent future occurences of that bad act on the part of the individual involved and ensure that in the future, fewer of them are committed in the general population.
So, we have to ask ourselves what the death penalty does. What purpose does it serve? Does it prevent future crime? No. Does it restore the person who was murdered back to life? No. Does it offer meaningful psychological relief to the family of the original victim such that they will no longer grieve for their dead loved one? No. Does it have any moral benefits whatsoever, does the balance of good in the world increase as a result of the death penalty? No. All it does is kill a person, and inflict the same grief and pain on their innocent family as the family of the original victim. How is that fair?
Assuming the prison system itself is not a hell-pit, loss of freedom and confinement serve the purpose of protecting innocent society from the potential future crimes of a murderer. In a non-hell prison system, the underlying cause of the original murder can be addressed and the person--even if never released--can potentially be rehabilitated. When combined with more positive social policies that prevent crime... good is restored to the world. Hell, even if a particular criminal cannot be rehabilitated, there is some value in studying them. Compare the options. What is better?
Now, to the particulars of this case.
We already know he's mentally ill - you don't decide to murder a cinema full of innocent bystanders if you're of a sound mind. If you're asking whether it's right to execute a psychotic mass murderer as opposed to a mere sociopathic mass murderer, I would say yes. If we were talking about criminal negligence or the sort of extraordinary provocation that results in a "temporary insanity" ruling I would say no, but neither of those applies to the Holmes case.
Do you know what psychopathy is? It is a disconnect from reality. A person who is psychotic perceives the existence of a different world than the one you or I experience. A person who is psychotic is not making rational moral choices--not rational in relation to the actual universe anyway. They are not having hallucinations. A hallucination is something you know is not real (you know the shit in an acid trip is not real, even if it freaks you out). Psychosis robs your brain of the ability to make that distinction. Back when John Nash (the guy who basically invented modern game theory) was alive, he had a roommate who was manifestly not real... to everyone but him. He would go to dinner and have to make sure that the person he was talking to was real by asking everyone else at the table if the person to his left was actually there, and hope there was a consensus. He was self aware about it. He knew he had these things, and he still could have lived life in a fantasy world.
What the fuck is a person with say, paranoid schizophrenia that is undiagnosed to do about it? Hell, even a therapist (for something unrelated or co-morbid like bi-polar disorder) would not know about it unless told by someone else (like concerned family), or unless insanity shows itself mid session. Most cases of schizophrenia are sub-clinical. They never exhibit more than minor deviations from reality and as a result never get diagnosed, treated, or otherwise known about... unless something happens, they get stressed by say graduate school, and descend into madness.
So we are to just kill these people? He have the technology to make them better. Why the hell should they die?