World of Tanks Mark 2

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I have enough free XP (probably not creds though). The problem is, I want to avoid the stock grind on the ST-1 (something like 44k XP to get the BL-9 IIRC) since that strikes me as way too painful. So I'm keeping most of my free XP pool for that.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

Well then, I don't have the top gun, engine, or radio yet and I'm already enjoying the Indien-Panzer more than the Panther II or T-44. 10 degrees of gun depression is a beautiful thing..
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Highlord Laan »

I am now thrashing through the hell that is the 30.02D. It's not that that tank is bad, it's not by any means. It's that it's a tier tier 7, which means I see nothing but orbital support and tier 8/9 heavies and TD's. Yeah, real run there. I also just picked up the Comet, which is even worse, since it's not much more than a slightly beefier tier 6 that still faces the tier 7 fuck you mediums get.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

The indien's got two main weaknesses. Terrible aim bloom on tue tracks and a slow aim time mean that it takes a good long while to aim in after it moves, and the turret's got enough weak spots that even hull down you're vulnerable when aiming in.

Was platooning my bat with a pair of leopards and they're a nice pair. The Leo can move with the bat and cover its reloads, snipe things the bat can't reliably hit, and generally be really capable. Being silly fast and able to hit most anything you have line of sight on is really nice. You need to be careful, I saw one get ammo racked and one killed almost instantly by arty splash. It's vaguely disconcerting to be in the most durable tank in the platoon as a batchat.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Highlord Laan wrote: I also just picked up the Comet, which is even worse, since it's not much more than a slightly beefier tier 6 that still faces the tier 7 fuck you mediums get.
You need the second turret on the Comet, once you get that it has a mantlet of +5 to trolling and something ridiculous like -13 degree gun depression, which means you can basically shoot anything from anywhere.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

The DB (still stubbornly sticking with that name :P ) is probably the medium I've had the most fun in (I don't count the 3601 since it is a heavy, Wargaming is just too lazy to finally switch it). Which is odd considering how many people hate on it.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by AniThyng »

The konisch on the 36.01 is hilarious now :D Guess I better enjoy it before the nerf...
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

I've been playing with some new toys myself. The Conquerer is proving to be quite fun. It may be a Caernarvon without a gun mantlet, but the gun makes up for it. Hopefully,t he big engine will make a difference, but it's already pretty good. Kind of making the 215b look tempting, and that's scary.

At the opposite end, I picked up the Crusers I and III, loaded with the pom-pom. Totally worth it, just to scoot around and not care about anything.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

I like the Matilda for trolltanking.

Had a game on Mines yesterday where, in a tier 6 game, I was the only one went to the hill, I parked up at the bottom of our side (south) because I had no support and knocked down a Pz. 3/4, then eventually a T-150 came out to kill me. So I shot him four times in the side before he got back into cover. After his reload he came out again, donked a shot off my side and took another three shots for his trouble, I ended up doing as much damage to him as he managed to me with his dirty great 107.

Then he hid behind his rock until artillery killed the scary tier 4.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

Skywalker_T-65 wrote:The DB (still stubbornly sticking with that name :P ) is probably the medium I've had the most fun in (I don't count the 3601 since it is a heavy, Wargaming is just too lazy to finally switch it). Which is odd considering how many people hate on it.
The 30.02 is... flawed. It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, but it's not particularly good either. The guns are just really, really anemic for a tier 7 tank. Course, if you goldspam with the 88 it becomes a monster.

If it could mount the Konisch, it'd be a keeper.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vanas »

Battle: Lakeville 26 April 2013 20:36:24
Vehicle: Conqueror
Experience received: 1,650
Credits received: 44,302

While it gets mixed results, that'll do nicely. The worst thing is that I was only #3 on the XP table. Also it wasn't my 3x, which earned me less than that.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

The Vortex Empire wrote:
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:The DB (still stubbornly sticking with that name :P ) is probably the medium I've had the most fun in (I don't count the 3601 since it is a heavy, Wargaming is just too lazy to finally switch it). Which is odd considering how many people hate on it.
The 30.02 is... flawed. It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, but it's not particularly good either. The guns are just really, really anemic for a tier 7 tank. Course, if you goldspam with the 88 it becomes a monster.

If it could mount the Konisch, it'd be a keeper.
I don't deny its flawed (oh do I not deny that...) I just find it the most fun of the mediums I've played. And I agree on the guns, especially non-gold 88. That thing just can't do much.

That being said...I would pay to stick a Konisch on it. That would finally give the DB the pen it needs.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Highlord Laan »

Funniest accidental TK ever. I'm in my Comet, dashing to my teams base to interrupt a cap attempt. Two other friendlies are already there, our arty pieces. Both players are face mashing barely understandable curses at the team, telling us to come back and save them, calling us retarded noobs, cursing up a storm for half of us not "protecting" them, ect.

Standard fare for arty players, no one is surprised.

I catch air over a hill, fire mid-flight, and take the last 3% of health off a 3601 with a shot to the side, but just mere milliseconds after he 105's a Hummel, killing it. 3601 driver complements me on making an absurd shot, while the Hummel driver bitches and screams even more.

Last enemy tank is an EZ8 at 55%, turning things into a charging, drifting CQB duel while the other arty driver tries to hit him too, firing straight on into the middle of us like the mouthbreathing dumbshit that is the bog standard for the breed. I hammer the EZ8 down to about 5%, then get both tracks blown off, three crew killed, fuel tanks taken out and knocked down to 10% by the window licker in the M41. EZ8 sweeps between us, and I go for a shot, missing the EZ8, hitting the M41, and setting it on fire.

Cue more bitching from the idiot.

EZ8 takes me down to 1% just as my tracks repair, I make a wild spin, barely dodging his followup shot, and score a last desperate shapshot to his side turret armor, taking him out at the exact moment the M41 goes dies in a fire like a good little rocket camping shitbag. The chat window is full of nothing but cursing (from both whack-a-moles) and laughter from everyone else. I would have had six kills, but I got a -1, though I call bullshit. Abusing AoE campers either intentionally or by accident should land one a medal. Opposing team or otherwise.

At the far side of the map, an Indienpanzer rams the last enemy tank (M5A1. Poor little guy) scoring our victory.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

I will never understand most arty players. Granted its annoying when people let scouts through to the cap and you have to go TD-mode to kill them...but calling your team idiots? If I'm playing arty, I don't care if I get killed, so long as we win. Complaining is pointless.

EDIT: And so is being an idiot and shooting at an enemy when your ally is right next to him. That is like 'Rule #1' of Arty NOT shoot near an ally. Especially in an American arty past the Priest...they have splash to an extreme, and you're more likely to hurt your ally than your enemy.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Imperial528 »

Battle: Arctic Region Saturday, April 27, 2013 10:49:19 PM
Vehicle: Churchill I
Experience received: 1,141
Credits received: 25,312

Kill three tier 6s more or less by myself, and this happens. Best part was a VK3601H that was hiding behind a dead 1s. Due to the terrain I could shoot it but it couldn't hit me, and I also lit two enemies on fire in the same match, the VK and a Hellcat.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Hawkwings »

Hey, better than when retarded tankers say "OMG ARTY Y U NO SHOT HIM" after they die playing peekaboo with tanks around a building. Seriously, if you want arty support, ask for it, then BACK UP. And realize that arty fire does not rain down from the sky like an orbital ion cannon of doom, but rather follows a ballistic trajectory like any other weapon in the game.
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

So I had an amazing day at tier five yesterday. Five wins for about 30 battles. Highlights include a 1700 damage T1 game with 4 kills for a loss and a game where an M4 and a T1 camping so hard we thought they were bots until they fired going to cap and one missing three shots at an artillery piece so we drew with literally 100 cap points.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Skywalker_T-65 »

Battle: Cliff Sunday, April 28, 2013 12:39:52 PM
Vehicle: VK 30.02 (D)
Experience received: 2,766 (x3 for the first victory each day)
Credits received: 24,215
Battle Achievements: Sniper

Probably my best battle in the DB so far. Got up on the hill and just started sniping anything that moved. It doesn't have Indien-level gun depression by any means, but it sufficed to get me 1,975 damage on an IS-3, Tiger, 110, Super Pershing, and a Panther. I was actually the top XP-earner on my team that time, and that never happens with the DB.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Once you get up to the Leopard Pr. A be aware that it can be ammo racked from the front like the Centurion can, I 'sploded one earlier today as he was driving up the hill towards me.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by FSTargetDrone »

What drives me nuts when there are multiple arty on a side is that they always seem to cluster together. The other day I was on the Ensk map in my Pershing and each side had 4 artillery. The bulk of our side went into the city, 3 of the 4 arty bunched up in the NE corner near the farm buildings (or whatever those are), as deep into the corner as they could get. The scout went straight up the middle along the rails and myself and a single T59 positioned ourselves 1/3 of the way up the map and ahead of the arty, covering the eastern half. I had asked the arty drivers to please not bunch up before the start but I was ignored. It didn't take long for 2 of the other side's fast tanks to come roaring along the tracks and split up behind our lines. The one scout was killed but the other found the group of 3 arty. I was expecting something to come along the tracks and got off a single hit on it but by the time I could get a second clear shot, the enemy scout was weaving among the arty. I couldn't safely take a shot and soon myself and the 59 had 2 other enemy tanks on top of us that had advanced through the grassy area while were were trying to kill the scout. It didn't take long for incoming arty fire to take out 2 of the 3 grouped arty on our side and the 3rd one was soon lost to the scout. The 59 and myself managed to kill the other 2 invaders and then the scout, but of course it was too late by then. The arty players were streaming obscenities at us for letting them die and I simple replied that of they hadn't been parked on top of one another, we might have been able to save some of them. By this point the battle was going poorly for us, the 59 was eventually killed, I killed his killer and then went through the east side myself to look for the enemy arty (meaningless by this point but I wasn't going to go die swiftly in the city). I managed to find one of them and kill it, only to be killed by the other which had gone into TD mode.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by PainRack »

FSTargetDrone wrote:What drives me nuts when there are multiple arty on a side is that they always seem to cluster together. The other day I was on the Ensk map in my Pershing and each side had 4 artillery. The bulk of our side went into the city, 3 of the 4 arty bunched up in the NE corner near the farm buildings (or whatever those are), as deep into the corner as they could get. The scout went straight up the middle along the rails and myself and a single T59 positioned ourselves 1/3 of the way up the map and ahead of the arty, covering the eastern half. I had asked the arty drivers to please not bunch up before the start but I was ignored. It didn't take long for 2 of the other side's fast tanks to come roaring along the tracks and split up behind our lines. The one scout was killed but the other found the group of 3 arty. I was expecting something to come along the tracks and got off a single hit on it but by the time I could get a second clear shot, the enemy scout was weaving among the arty. I couldn't safely take a shot and soon myself and the 59 had 2 other enemy tanks on top of us that had advanced through the grassy area while were were trying to kill the scout. It didn't take long for incoming arty fire to take out 2 of the 3 grouped arty on our side and the 3rd one was soon lost to the scout. The 59 and myself managed to kill the other 2 invaders and then the scout, but of course it was too late by then. The arty players were streaming obscenities at us for letting them die and I simple replied that of they hadn't been parked on top of one another, we might have been able to save some of them. By this point the battle was going poorly for us, the 59 was eventually killed, I killed his killer and then went through the east side myself to look for the enemy arty (meaningless by this point but I wasn't going to go die swiftly in the city). I managed to find one of them and kill it, only to be killed by the other which had gone into TD mode.
I think most players aren't willing to budge from "optimal" spots..... You see the same behaviour sometimes for TDs....

I had a very weird game today, where my Marder was acting as a light tank, running around to cover flanks, outflank the enemy and withdrawing to protect our arty....
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Many people in WoT are at the stage where they remember doing a thing which worked on a given map, and so they figure that the key to success is doing that thing again. Going down a particular flank, camping at a particular vantage point, whatever.

They don't have a wide range of experience with the maps and vehicles, or haven't processed that experience into knowledge, so they don't predict what their team is going to do and what the enemy is likely to do based on what vehicles they have and update their plan accordingly, that's why you see things like a whole team zerging the city on Highway when half the enemy team is mediums who are all but certain to come across the field, or one bush bristling with guns because all the TDs are camping the same place because that worked once.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Highlord Laan »

Thats it. I'm done being nice. If 70% of the server is going to be fucking retarded, I'm just going to start shooting everything. Red tanks, green tanks, it doesn't matter anymore. Stupidity needs to be painful in order to make people stop doing it, so after eight matches in a row where I'm the only one with kills before I lose (if they have no interest in playing as I team, then they're not on mine) I'm just going to start killing every thing that moves.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Get a stress ball tank. Matildas are good, you're practically invincible at tier 4 and you can just roll around pinging things.

Or TK the arty first and enjoy their sweet scumbag tears.

For bonus points once you've done so ask your opponents to do the same.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Hawkwings »

TKing is a dick move and should never be encouraged or tolerated.
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.