How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

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How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Dominus Atheos »

Yeah, I don't know. In 5 minutes I may regret convincing other people to watch this, but right now the WTF factor is so great I just have to share it.

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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by spaceviking »

I am confused are you pro or anti the video>?
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

LOL I don''t think that really enters into this.
The video is far more of a "point and laugh" then.
Right now I am just trying to find out if this is by someone a the Onion, or another Parody site.
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Dominus Atheos »

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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Last month I had a debate with one of my coworkers on exactly this topic. These books/video have significant educational value. Of course, those on the right just focus on the titles or selected quotes from these materials and it solidifies their positions.
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Highlord Laan »

"Kids" (read: teenagers) are already hooked on sex by biology. It's called hormones. But I never do expect things like logic, facts, common sense or even the most basic levels of intelligence to be used or even acknowledged by the right.
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by madd0ct0r »

where can I find the penis and lady vagina superhero vid? that looks awesome!
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by loomer »

Go penis! Go penis! Go penis! Shit's catchy.
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by tim31 »

Go Penis sounds like an early anime series that never caught on
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

The fact that much of the offending content displayed in the video appears as reasonable and educational material speaks volumes to just how remarkably puritan their views on sex are. I also couldn't help but notice the heavily implied homophobia as a bonus.
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Solauren »

Which would you rather they be hooked on?

Safe Consenting Sex
Violent Video Games
Alcohol and/or Narcotics
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by Dread Not »

A sex negative dumbfuck wrote:The page on homosexuality titled "Coming Out" displays a teenaged boy in an intimate pose with what appears to be an adult man.
Yeah, HIS DAD you fucking nincompoop, who is "intimately" hugging his son as a gesture of support! I've got news for you: closetted gay kids don't need to come out to their gay sex partners.* Somehow the gay romance and sex tends to give away the secret.

*I can see that coming out might include revealing you're gay to a person you're interested in who you know is gay or sets off your gaydar who you then might start to date, but I don't think that's what is traditionally thought of as "coming out," and I certainly don't think it's what's being depicted in that thumbnail.

These people are shameless fucking liars, and the people in the comments who support the video make me sick, few as they may be. Interested in the same sex? Having sex for reasons other than procreation? Masturbate? Going into sex with knowledge of anatomy, safety and an idea of what to do? Clearly you've had all of the love, intimacy and sacred approval of Jesus stripped from your sexual relationship and you and your partner are just meat to each other. :finger: to these ignorant fucks. Let them have a life of sexual frustration, hangups and shame because that's exactly what they hope to push onto others.
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Re: How Planned Parenthood is Hooking Kids on Sex

Post by DieselJester »

Its people like this and their hate filled propaganda that's part of the problem. Makes me wonder why I even bother claiming to be a Christian anymore, even a Liberal one. God forbid that someone out there (I.E. Planned Parenthood) teaches children about sex because their conservative parents sure as hell aren't doing it which leads their kids to explore the subject on their own in secret (usually in dark corners with hushed whispers or whatever) that then leads to the problems of teenage pregnancy, STDs and everything.

Masturbation as a 'gateway drug'?! OMFG... Seriously!? :finger: News flash: kids find out about that on their own, genius! Suppressing it will not make it go away anytime... ever. :banghead:
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