Cleveland Kidnapping

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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Irbis »

White Haven wrote:Breaking down the door of a kidnapper's house yourself, alone, unarmed, without any certainty that you won't get shot dead by the kidnapper if he's actually home/returns home while you're in the act? About that lack of any threat to his own life you claim...
Yeah, Ohio has a Castle Doctrine law. Seeing Ramsey fulfilled the 'if the person against whom the defensive force is used is in the process of entering or has entered, unlawfully and without privilege to do so, the residence' part, he could have been as far as he knows legally shot, no?

Albeit yes, I'd agree it took much greater courage on the girl's side.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Korto »

The guy had no idea what the problem was until he actually went up there to find out. Once he's aware of the situation, even assuming Castle Doctrine occurred to him (and it may well not have), he would probably have assumed it doesn't apply to situations when you're breaking a kidnap victim free.

He knew the guys (or thought he did), and considered them just normal, average, forgettable people. Not people you assume would draw rifles and start firing when seeing a neighbour breaking in their door. In the middle of the day. In a built-up area. With "a bunch of people on the street right now".

And can we spare a word for Angel Cordero? He was there too, White Haven.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by JLTucker »

Possible discussion point. I'm on mobile, so quoting is difficult.

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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by White Haven »

Look, nobody's saying this guy is John Rambo McClane, just that no, it wasn't riskless. Yes, he thought he knew his neighbor, yes, he didn't know his neighbor was a kidnapper -- until the point that he was breaking his door down, which is not something you do to a neighbor who isn't up to some serious shit or, well, on fire. Not charging the beaches at Normandy, not performing a riskless sidewalk stroll.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Patroklos »

JLTucker wrote:Possible discussion point. I'm on mobile, so quoting is difficult.

The Troubling Viral Trend of the “Hilarious” Black Neighbor ... video.html
I would take the racism line more seriously if we didn't have mainstream TV shows like "Swamp People" and "Call of the Wildman" out there. It appears we like making fun of the poor with bad grammar regardless of ethnicity.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by ArmorPierce »

Korto wrote:
Broomstick wrote:If it makes you feel better, on the broadcast news conferences the Cleveland police have said over and over that Amanda Berry "is the real hero". And she is - she rescued herself and three other people from some obviously bad people.
Yes. That is, to me, a heroic act. Trying something like that puts herself in the line for punishment if she gets caught, by three men with great power over her. She could have just hunkered down and done nothing. She already knew the status quo wasn't going to kill her.
You consider her a hero for running for her own life and calling for help which happened to save others as well as others but not the man who put himself into potential harm's way to rescue her or a pilot that remain at the control of a plane? Why is that and how does it jive with your belief that the pilot would not be a hero? Each of them had to act to save their own life.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Korto »

No, she didn't have to act. She could have hunkered down and hoped that providence would save her. That's very easy to do. After ten years she would be well aware that if she did nothing, nothing bad would happen to her (unless there's something we haven't been told. A recent change in situation).
The fact that she was acting to help herself would actually disqualify her in my own definition, except that she was also acting to save others. What she did was put herself in harms way (harm she would not otherwise be in) and saved others.

OK, I will admit that if she was acting only to save herself, and the others were just happy accidents she never considered, then she's not a hero in my book (still gutsy, though). But that's just speculation of what went through her head, with zero evidence. The fact is she did save the others, and that's NOT speculation.

What's this about people denigrating the way Charles talks? I assume that's how people in his sub-culture all talk. How the fuck do they expect him to talk? Might as well denigrate me for not talking like a Queenslander, or a Yank for not talking like a Pom. Make friendly fun of them, yeah sure, but don't make the mistake of thinking it actually means anything.
Slack pricks.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Broomstick »

Korto wrote:No, she didn't have to act. She could have hunkered down and hoped that providence would save her. That's very easy to do. After ten years she would be well aware that if she did nothing, nothing bad would happen to her (unless there's something we haven't been told. A recent change in situation).
"Nothing bad would happen to her?" You don't think being repeatedly raped is a bad thing? Her daughter didn't arise by parthenogenesis. Also, it's being reported that one of the women has hearing loss and some facial disfigurement from repeated/severe beatings so physical abuse was always a risk.

I don't think you intended to be that callous, but you might want to reconsider the notion that "nothing bad" would happen if their captivity continued.
What's this about people denigrating the way Charles talks?
He speaks a low-status dialect. Within that context, he's quite eloquent, but then I'm funny about not assuming too much about people who "talk ghetto" or whatever phrase is being used nowadays in regards to that way of speaking.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by bobalot »

Charles Ramsey says he is "no hero and should not receive any reward".
Broomstick wrote:
Korto wrote:No, she didn't have to act. She could have hunkered down and hoped that providence would save her. That's very easy to do. After ten years she would be well aware that if she did nothing, nothing bad would happen to her (unless there's something we haven't been told. A recent change in situation).
"Nothing bad would happen to her?" You don't think being repeatedly raped is a bad thing? Her daughter didn't arise by parthenogenesis. Also, it's being reported that one of the women has hearing loss and some facial disfigurement from repeated/severe beatings so physical abuse was always a risk.

I don't think you intended to be that callous, but you might want to reconsider the notion that "nothing bad" would happen if their captivity continued.
Especially since they were raped, beaten, served 'abduction day' cake

From the article
The women were allegedly kept bound by chains and ropes in Castro's basement, and each was subject to years of sexual and physical abuse.
Berry and Knight both lost several unborn babies because of beatings.
When Berry's baby Jocelyn was born in a plastic paddling pool in 2007, Castro told Berry that if the baby died, so would she, according to WEWS, which quoted an unnamed law enforcement source.
The baby stopped breathing, but Berry gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Other unnamed police sources told another local TV station that Castro used a "sick" game to "train" his captives not to run away.
Sources told WOIO-TV that Castro would "play this little dangerous game that he would tell the women he was about to leave the home, and then he would wait and if one of them tried to open that door, he would go in and attack them".
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I would also submit that 'breaking into' someone's house when you don't know what is going on can be risky in omre than just physical terms. I doubt I'd be kindly inclined to someone who breaks in on my privacy even if they felt they had good reasons to do so, so there could be (for example) legal ramifications from Ramsey acting on his impulse.

I am honestly bewildered at the notion that there is nothing 'heroic' in thinking about others well being instead of oneself. It may not be the MOST heroic thing one can do, but that hardly means it isn't heroism. And he certainly didn't HAVE to choose to act either. He could have informed others and gotten on with his life (and some people might have done just that.)

I think its important to note that there does not have to be ONE hero in this story, nor does that heorism have to manifest in one way. And if we're going to get into 'opinion' territory, the simple fact he chose to intervene when he had no responsibility to is worthy of respect, because that intervention helped to facilitate this outcome.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by D.Turtle »

Merged the two topics about this.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Flagg »

Of course what he did is heroic. And he deserves a reward whether he wants one or not.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by UnderAGreySky »

Why do we have the debate in the first place? Why does it matter to people whether he fits into a defined box of characteristics that enables/disqualifies him in being a "hero"? This is not the first forum I've seen this issue being debated and not the first topic either.

Man did a good thing. Without him and the other guy who helped break the door down, the girls wouldn't have been saved. Likewise if Amanda hadn't managed to get herself seen or heard, she and the others would still be inside. Something good finally happened to resolve something bad, can't we thank providence and/or your favourite deity and let's try and ensure it doesn't have to come down to this again.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Flagg »

UnderAGreySky wrote:Why do we have the debate in the first place? Why does it matter to people whether he fits into a defined box of characteristics that enables/disqualifies him in being a "hero"? This is not the first forum I've seen this issue being debated and not the first topic either.
I take issue with the idea that what he did isn't heroic. It baffles me that there is even a debate as well. But a black ex con can't be a hero in this country without people bitching about it.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Alyeska »

Heroes are just people in extraordinary situations. People. Flaws and all. Charles Ramsey is a hero. And a characteristic of a hero is someone who is humble about their deed.

I wish him nothing but the best and hope he can get a fair shake out of life.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Korto »

bobalot wrote:
Broomstick wrote:
Korto wrote:No, she didn't have to act. She could have hunkered down and hoped that providence would save her. That's very easy to do. After ten years she would be well aware that if she did nothing, nothing bad would happen to her (unless there's something we haven't been told. A recent change in situation).
"Nothing bad would happen to her?" You don't think being repeatedly raped is a bad thing? Her daughter didn't arise by parthenogenesis. Also, it's being reported that one of the women has hearing loss and some facial disfigurement from repeated/severe beatings so physical abuse was always a risk.

I don't think you intended to be that callous, but you might want to reconsider the notion that "nothing bad" would happen if their captivity continued.
Especially since they were raped, beaten, served 'abduction day' cake

From the article
The women were allegedly kept bound by chains and ropes in Castro's basement, and each was subject to years of sexual and physical abuse.
Berry and Knight both lost several unborn babies because of beatings.
When Berry's baby Jocelyn was born in a plastic paddling pool in 2007, Castro told Berry that if the baby died, so would she, according to WEWS, which quoted an unnamed law enforcement source.
The baby stopped breathing, but Berry gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Yes, I agree her home-life was certainly less than ideal, although demonstrably survivable. However bad her day to day existence was, I believe we can assume that whatever Castro would do to her if she was caught trying to escape would be considerably worse, and very possibly fatal.
Other unnamed police sources told another local TV station that Castro used a "sick" game to "train" his captives not to run away.
Sources told WOIO-TV that Castro would "play this little dangerous game that he would tell the women he was about to leave the home, and then he would wait and if one of them tried to open that door, he would go in and attack them".
So, a savage beating could be expected, for one.
This is all the time I really intend to spend on this red herring.
Flagg wrote:I take issue with the idea that what he did isn't heroic. It baffles me that there is even a debate as well. But a black ex con can't be a hero in this country without people bitching about it.
I'll take that as a general comment, not particularly targeted at me, else I'd have to ask you to substantiate any accusations of racism, and I really couldn't be arsed.

I also at least partially agree with Alyeska. The person in question's own opinion on whether or not they qualify as a hero is seldom worth giving much weight to, although I see no theoretical reason why a braggart couldn't also be a hero.

This seems to me to come down to either one of two things:
1) Your definition of a heroic act, with mine including a very good chance of serious adverse consequences (high danger)
2) Your appraisal of the danger of what he did. When I put himself in his shoes, it doesn't feel particularly life-threatening.

If you disagree with (1), well that's fine but I don't see any way forward. If you disagree with (2), well you may be right, it may be cultural differences, it may be that I've never had to break in someone's door and so I don't know how it feels, and maybe I can be convinced with statistics of shootings of attempted break-ins and surveys of the climate of fear caused by the Castle laws. But you've got to ask yourself, is it really worth it to convince one lone idiot in another country? Because I respect the guy for what he did, he did a good thing, and I'm tired of this pointless debate.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

D.Turtle wrote:Merged the two topics about this.
I object to my handle being associated with this title because I object to the idea of smothering the woman's agency in her own liberation, which the meme in the title represents. Please delete or HOS my original thread or something.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Flagg wrote:
UnderAGreySky wrote:Why do we have the debate in the first place? Why does it matter to people whether he fits into a defined box of characteristics that enables/disqualifies him in being a "hero"? This is not the first forum I've seen this issue being debated and not the first topic either.
I take issue with the idea that what he did isn't heroic. It baffles me that there is even a debate as well. But a black ex con can't be a hero in this country without people bitching about it.
It is heroic, but I take issue with the idea that he rescued them when it was Berry who actually made the move.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Broomstick »

Korto wrote:Yes, I agree her home-life was certainly less than ideal, although demonstrably survivable. However bad her day to day existence was, I believe we can assume that whatever Castro would do to her if she was caught trying to escape would be considerably worse, and very possibly fatal.
They were already suffering savage beatings, apparently for nothing worse than daring to get pregnant when raped! "Less than ideal?" Let's see... malnourishment, regular physical abuse, threats, being chained up. You find that somehow tolerable?. Beating a woman severely enough to cause a miscarriage (which apparently happened more than once) can be fatal. An unattended miscarriage has the potential to be fatal. Unattended childbirth likewise has the potential to be fatal.

I just don't understand how you can be so cavalier about such horrific circumstances.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Simon_Jester »

I'm going to guess that he was focusing on the immediate consequences of actions: Berry could have stayed where she was and nothing would happen immediately, not right away. Whereas by escaping she was taking a huge risk of being caught and hurt even worse than she had been before. So to face that took a great deal of courage, compared to just hanging on in a status quo that was tormenting her and hurting her but hadn't killed her (yet).

An abused woman's decision to walk away is a brave thing in that respect, this one more than usual.

Reading Korto's first two posts, doesn't that seem much more in line with his conclusion, that this woman was extremely brave? If it were just a question of him being cavalier about her circumstances, would he have said it was courageous to escape them?
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Simon_Jester »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:
D.Turtle wrote:Merged the two topics about this.
I object to my handle being associated with this title because I object to the idea of smothering the woman's agency in her own liberation, which the meme in the title represents. Please delete or HOS my original thread or something.
Could we just pick a neutral, descriptive thread title? The "Guy rescues kidnap victims" title was originally meant to focus on people tittering at the mannerisms and behavior of Ramsey; it isn't a good fit for trying to describe the whole thing. Something like "three women escape abductor's basement" would make more sense.
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Re: Cleveland Kidnapping

Post by D.Turtle »

Changed the topic title.
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Re: Cleveland Kidnapping

Post by Mr. Coffee »

SDN: Get your fill sci-fi, science, and spending more time arguing semantics then talking about the goddamn topic.

In older, better times on this board we'd be discussing if the guy rated a BAMF for a month or a full year and the lady would get a BAMF Lifetime Acheivement Award. Who cares what the fuck your personal definition of "hero" is. I'm fucking astounded people actually saw shit go down and got involved instead of pretending it wasn't any of their business.
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Saxtonite »

Korto wrote:What's this about people denigrating the way Charles talks?
Slack pricks.
[Some] White Americans hate any distinct cultural markers and self-assertion of Black Americans as it detracts from the "one nation under God" bullshit which is promoted by the majority.
Patroklos wrote:
JLTucker wrote:Possible discussion point. I'm on mobile, so quoting is difficult.

The Troubling Viral Trend of the “Hilarious” Black Neighbor ... video.html
I would take the racism line more seriously if we didn't have mainstream TV shows like "Swamp People" and "Call of the Wildman" out there. It appears we like making fun of the poor with bad grammar regardless of ethnicity.
Cajuns were culturally suppressed based off their language in early - mid 1900s & white southerners were widely ridiculed as well in general (some "Southron" nationalist mentioned stories of his grandfather in WWII us military and how northernets were apparently rude in joking about how southern whites spoke)
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Re: Guy rescues kidnap victims while eating Mcdonalds

Post by Simon_Jester »

Saxtonite wrote:
Korto wrote:What's this about people denigrating the way Charles talks?
Slack pricks.
[Some] White Americans hate any distinct cultural markers and self-assertion of Black Americans as it detracts from the "one nation under God" bullshit which is promoted by the majority
Or they just think it sounds goofy and get judgmental about the grammar- any thought which can be expressed without the cultural markers of black culture can be expressed with it, but it's easy for intellectuals to be snobbish about a dialect where people routinely say "All X are not Y" when they mean "All Y are not X."

The actual intended audience gets the message anyway, but the snobs do not and assume it is pure ignorance.
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