D.Turtle wrote:Simon_Jester wrote:Personally I'm imagining things like nuclear, hydroelectric, and geothermal being used for base load, with a rather large solar component that helps handle the peak demand period during daylight hours. Making that solar component cost-effective will therefore matter.
I actually expect wind to take up a large part of that. In contrast to solar power, there is always wind blowing somewhere, so that if your grid is large and good enough, wind is quite capable of always providing a certain amount of power.
I don't disagree.
For the US, solar has the advantage that North America's biggest potential solar power sources (big, flat, sunny areas west of the Mississippi) are getting plenty of sunlight during the period of peak electrical demand in the US (the afternoon). So even without the ability to store terajoules or petajoules of electrical energy, the US grid could still make plenty of good use of solar power, if that power were available at an acceptable cost.
Other, less time-dependent sources of power (including wind, but also things like nuclear and hydroelectric) would have to be used to provide the base load at all hours of the day and night, of course.
energiewende wrote:Not modest, but rather order of magnitude decreases in the cost of solar. That actually isn't impossible, maybe it's even likely, but not until the next generation of powerplants. Cheap solar is in the same sort of box as nuclear fusion. If you want to stop emissions in this generation, it's a waste of money and a distraction from solutions that can work.
Some level of funding on this generation of plants is probably necessary to get any actual progress on the next generation- why are you so averse to the idea that
large scale engineering experience is one of those fields in which progress can occur and people learn by doing?
Meanwhile, the real problem is getting nuclear and wind up and running. Nuclear suffers more from public perception than anything else; government funding won't help. Wind power is actively being pursued already. What in heaven's name would you have the state spending the money on?
Explaining choice of oil rather than coal or nuclear? A single large plant could be built alongside the water (it seems the largest plant there is already) with its own facilities for unloading.
Which runs into the logistics problems mentioned above. If you have to pay the cost of
building a harbor facility capable of offloading thousands of tons of coal off a ship, suddenly that 'cheap, cost-effective' coal-burning electricity becomes a lot more expensive. That is not a normal part of the cost of doing business when building coal fired power plants.
As always, the hidden costs of building the infrastructure can make a "profitable" economic undertaking very, very unprofitable.