This is the first draft of my editorial in response.(Heading: 'Paper should promote family values')
The March 4 Gazette editorial criticizes Sen. Kenneth Veenstra for defining the family unit as headed by a man and a woman. Then, it criticizes him for having Christain principles. This is just another example of a Gazette editorial with anti-Judeo-Christan bias.
The editorial promotes adoption or foster parenting by homosexuals. The Gazette obviously promotes its values upon other Iowans who disagree. The Gazette uses the power and freedom of the press to do its bidding.
Homosexuals cannot propagate, so they need converts to their form of behavior. Thus, The Gazette promotes allowing homosexuals access to the younger generation for converts. Wil you enjoy it when homosexuals prey upon our children and grandchildren?
Quite frankly, I would like to see Gazette editorials promote positive family values rather than forcing gutter values upon us.
-Gary C. Young
Cedar Rapids
Mr. Young’s March 14 editorial berates the Gazette for publishing an editorial that criticized Sen. Veenstra for defining a family unit as ‘headed by a man and a woman’. Following Mr. Young’s method of reasoning, the publication of his editorial is an obvious example of the Gazette promoting its anti-homosexual values upon other Iowans who disagree.
The way young phrases adoption by homosexuals, he makes it to be that they would only adopt a child to ‘pervert’ them and make them a homosexual as well, or to “prey upon” (his exact words) them, implying that homosexuals are also pedophiles. How is this viewpoint better than one that is accepting of lifestyles different from one’s own?
So, Mr. Young, you want positive family morals to be promoted? Then perhaps you would be interested to know that I would prefer to be raised by a homosexual couple than by you, and have your bigoted views pressed upon me.
I intend to email my editorial to the Gazette tomorrow around 4 PM CST. Any suggestions on how to improve it before that time are greatly appreciated. There is a 300-word limit on editorials.