There is a massive double-standard on the way society treats men and women, especially in the media. This may not have a huge impact on us adults, but consider what it is doing to young boys who are having their impressions of manhood shaped by what they see.
Start watching commercials for one thing, notice how they portray men as oafish, stupid, fat, lazy, and crude. Women on the otherhand are usually portrayed as smart, attractive, socially graceful, and right about everything.
The most offensive I have seen so far is the Honda commericial where a woman is portrayed as a zoologist studying the behavior of man. Of course the men are dancing around the car and acting like primates.
Why does this commericial work, because we have been so bullshitted by society as to think that men actually behave like chimps, it is now okay to make a direct comparison between men and primates.
Now for an experiment, what would happen if you reversed the commercial and showed a male zoologist watching women behaving like primates while dancing around a car, or a diamond ring. What do you think public reaction would be?
How often in a movie does a woman get away with something because a man is extraordinarily stupid and falls for her 'wiles' like a dog?
Has anyone gotten a chain letter at work saying someting like "Why (something) is better than men"? It happens all the time and I have seen several come my way, I am sure some of you have seen it too. No one complains, and everyone thinks that it is just good fun.
Now I dare you, I doubledare you to go through that document and twist it around to where you are now making fun of women and then forward it around the company. Notice how it has changed from clean fun to the document sitting on your boss's desk at your exit interview.
Gentlemen I have walked in on a group of ladies that were busying themselves telling sexist jokes. When they noticed I was in the area they closed the door to the room I was in and continued with their jokes...what do you think would have happened if the guys in the office did this to the women?
Want further proof??? Head to the hallmark section of your local store and look through the cards, find all the ones that denigrate men, there will be a lot. Now look through and find ones that denigrate women...keep a count.
How about this one from American Greeting Cards:
(Front of Card)
Men are always whining about how we are suffocating them
(Inside of Card)
Personally, I think if you can hear them whining, you're not pressing hard enough on the pillow.
How about this from Walter Williams ... 0104.shtml
Young boys aren't spared from the feminist attack. At a Boston area elementary school, nobody objected when girls wore shirts emblazoned with "Girls Rule" or when they taunted boys with a chant that goes, "Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider; girls go to college to get more knowledge." But when boys donned shirts emblazoned with "Boys Are Good," there was protest. One of the teachers protesting sported a button saying, "So many men, so little intelligence."
Now put on your critical thinking hats and tell me what would happen if I went to work tommorrow (at a school mind you) with a button that said "So many women, so little intelligence." Would someone care to place a wager on exactly how long I had my job?
But the real problem isn't me, I can handle this sort of crap without flinching. The problem is that my son is going to be raised in a world where he is told by the media, by the greeting card company, and even by the schools that he is oafish, stupid, fat, lazy, crude, and generally exists at the whim of women.
How do you think this is going to shape his view of himself, and how do you think he is going to view women?
Today we have boys (BOYS!!!) in school who are dying their hair, wearing makeup, putting on earrings, and looking more and more feminine each year. Why do you think that they are trying to do this? Could it be that in their minds the more perfect sex is female and they are trying to appear more feminine in order to become more perfect?