TheHammer wrote:Broom, I believe the process of applying for food stamps varies from state to state, but doesn't affect my overall point: That persons on welfare are often times better off then persons just past the "cut off", and that in and of itself serves as a dis-incentive to get off welfare. Foodstamps is only one aspect, there are also subsidized housing and other programs to take into account. Which means only two factors would really influence a person to get off welfare 1) Pride, or 2) An opportunity to bypass the "no mans land" between the point where you lose benefits, and where you are making enough money that you really don't miss those benefits.
I just want to point out a couple things:
1) applying for foodstamps is easy... qualifying for the benefit is another matter. Anyone can apply, as often as they like but in order to actually recieve benefits you have to document your income and assets. Last time I did that it took 15 pages and includes copies of the titles to my vehicles, a copy of my lease, and so on. This wasn't
too difficult but if you're homeless and couchsurfing how do you prove it? And if you don't prove it you don't get benefits.
Once you get it done you have to do it again every six months. You can't simply say "it's on file" you have to re-document everything.
Then there are the tiny little annoyances that the middle class don't think of when dissing the poor - the first time I applied I
had to FAX the documents in... but I don't have a fax machine. I was unemployed and couldn't use a fax at work. There are places in my neighborhood that will allow you the use of a fax machine. The cost back then was $1/page. I have 15 page application, so $15 just to submit it. The alternative was driving to a city 90 minutes away to hand it in, in person... oh, yeah, how much is gas? And no bus service from here to there. Copies are $0.15/page at the library or post office, so... $2.25 for that. $17.25 just to get the paperwork in, and I'm supposed to be destitute, remember? (They did fix the "fax it in" problem, now costs nothing, yay for that)
That's where the question "have you ever been on benefits?" comes in - because until you have you don't realize that it's not exactly "free" money, you have to continually apply and re-apply and document and it's all a pain in the ass. This does function to discourage people who don't really need benefits, whereas people who do will put up with the aggravation because they need to eat.
2) Subsidized housing: The waiting list in my area is TEN YEARS LONG. If you qualify for subsidized housing where the hell are you supposed to live in the meanwhile? It is also CLOSED. If you aren't on it you
can't get on it. They do have a waiting list for the waiting list... and that's no joke.
3) Cash benefits a.k.a. TANF: Unless you have kids you can't get it, and even then only for 5 years.
4) Medicaid: in most states kids have the greatest odds of getting on it. Past 18, most men do not qualify no matter how destitute. Most women don't qualify unless they're pregnant, and then only so long as they are pregnant.
5) WIC: another food benefit. Open only to pregnant women, nursing women, infants, and children.
Most able-bodied adults can qualify ONLY for foodstamps and Section 8 housing... and even if you qualify for Section 8 you have to wait YEARS to actually get a place. Um... where, exactly, is the comfort here? The incentive to stay there if you can possibly do something else?
Working poor is a different matter - there are working poor who qualify for one or another or a couple of the above, but they're already working.
I'd like to see welfare benefits for food and housing be provided across the board to anyone who wanted them, but to be such that no one would want them unless they really needed them in order to prevent the system from being abused.
How do you plan to determine that need? How convoluted will be the process?
The most basic of food and housing, while providing programs for training to allow people to better themselves rather than to simply perpetuate the welfare cycle.
Training programs are only useful if there are actual jobs available for people to take once they complete them. It's been a problem around here the last few years that plenty of people take training, but there are no job openings in the areas trained.
Now that you have that baseline survival safety net, you provide financial incentives when certain milestones are met, such as finding employment and maintaining it for 6 months or a year, completing a training program, etc. In short, you reward able bodied and able minded people for bettering themselves, so that eventually they work their way out of the system.
I could get behind that, but the devil is in the details. The more complex you make compliance the more likely the system is to unintentionally reward something undesirable.