World of Tanks Mark 2

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

Sounds fine to me, arty shouldn't ever hit moving targets.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Steel »

The Vortex Empire wrote:Sounds fine to me, arty shouldn't ever hit moving targets.
I didn't mean moving as in targets crossing a field. Adjusting for a tank moving its own length was enough to make the aim circle shit itself out to 4x the size it had taken an eternity to come down to in my M7 priest just now.

Just to illustrate how absurdly badly they chose to rebalance artillery, they went all in on the wrong way and introduced a tier 2 artillery piece for the germans that does 410 damage. It literally cannot fail to kill anything it sees in one hit! But it has a 30s reload, so thats fine right? ~2 enemy tanks a match will die randomly from this vehicle with nothing they can do about it (nor can the guy firing either).
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

All arty effectively gained a big damage buff due to the MM changes. The S-51 will now one-shot nearly everything it faces, which is all the way down to tier 5s.

WG has done so much rebalancing to try and make arty work right, but it never has. If I were them, I'd just cut my losses and delete it from the game. It's never added anything of value to the game and it hurts it so much.

If they insist on keeping it, they need to do what people have been screaming for them to do since beta. Reduce damage and pen, increase RoF and splash. Turn it from the fist of god into an area denial weapon for digging out campers. I'd prefer just being rid of it though. All it does and all it has ever done is reward humping rocks and punish advancing.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Imperial528 »

Removed decreasing coefficients of XP received from dealing damage with TD or SPG. TD’s will receive 33% more XP from damage, while SPG owners will notice 50% boost in the same parameter.

Now I can get massive damage in my TDs and the exp I deserve from it!
If a player gets banned for teamkilling, he’s now immediately kicked out of a current battle, rather than waiting for the battle to finish first and being banned after
This will be nice for preventing the serial teamkillers. Or at least dealing with them. Especially since killing them is a huge hassle.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

7 kills. It was like a turkey shot. After a frustrating battle with my SU-26, trying to relearn it, this was fun. Unusual to see arty in low tier battles...
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Highlord Laan »

Wow. After reading up on 8.6 and talking to friends playing on the EU server, I can now say that I am done with this game. I refuse to spend any time at all in a game that caters exclusively to the lowest gaming denominator, griefers and rocket campers.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Jub »

How are they catering to arty, griefers, and scrubs exactly? 8.6 nerfs arty in some significant ways, they're auto banning team killers, and the changes should open things up for more skill to carry a team. Please explain how you came to your conclusion.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Arty MM has changed all the way down, so the tier 2 arty match at 2-4 not 3-5.

It's also borked at the moment, arty isn't being balanced properly between teams. (although the matchmaking weight system has been screwy for a while).

I haven't actually noticed arty having disproportionate effects on games, even with bigger arties at lower tiers, I guess because of the aim time, ROF and dispersion nerfs meaning that they can just get less shots than they used to.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

The Vortex Empire wrote:If they insist on keeping it, they need to do what people have been screaming for them to do since beta. Reduce damage and pen, increase RoF and splash. Turn it from the fist of god into an area denial weapon for digging out campers. I'd prefer just being rid of it though. All it does and all it has ever done is reward humping rocks and punish advancing.
You can't increase RoF and Splash too much otherwise arty becomes the king of the perma-detrack.

Personally I would go to something like 75% of heavy tank ROF, with the damage tuned so that direct hits are roughly equivalent to heavy tanks of the same tier at max, and the dropoff curve for splash turned into an s-curve so that close hits do more but after maybe 33% of the radius they start dropping off quickly.

Artillery should do less damage on average than a heavy tank of equivalent tier, for the simple reason that it's doing it safely hiding at the back, not exposing itself to damage to take every shot.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

Vendetta wrote:
The Vortex Empire wrote:If they insist on keeping it, they need to do what people have been screaming for them to do since beta. Reduce damage and pen, increase RoF and splash. Turn it from the fist of god into an area denial weapon for digging out campers. I'd prefer just being rid of it though. All it does and all it has ever done is reward humping rocks and punish advancing.
You can't increase RoF and Splash too much otherwise arty becomes the king of the perma-detrack.

Personally I would go to something like 75% of heavy tank ROF, with the damage tuned so that direct hits are roughly equivalent to heavy tanks of the same tier at max, and the dropoff curve for splash turned into an s-curve so that close hits do more but after maybe 33% of the radius they start dropping off quickly.

Artillery should do less damage on average than a heavy tank of equivalent tier, for the simple reason that it's doing it safely hiding at the back, not exposing itself to damage to take every shot.
I agree with you, Enigma. Just had a battle with my IS-4, and arty still did damage to me. If not for my sixth sense, it would have done more. The aim circle is bigger, but more shots go to the center of the circle.

I still do damage with my SU-26, but not instakills anymore. Before, if I didn't instakill a tank, I usually detracked it and the next shot would kill it. Now, it takes more shots to kill an enemy, and usually others finish off those I've damaged. I think it might work out fine, but time will tell. BTW. The SU-26 seems faster than before, more agile, like it was pre-8.5.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by xthetenth »

Highlord Laan wrote:Wow. After reading up on 8.6 and talking to friends playing on the EU server, I can now say that I am done with this game. I refuse to spend any time at all in a game that caters exclusively to the lowest gaming denominator, griefers and rocket campers.
Because people who can click on red tanks are totally the lowest common denominator, and making guns uncontrollably accurate for them is catering to them so much.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

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Just picked up the Object 704. Played one match. There are no words to describe how much I love this tank.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

WTF! SU-26 is now the weakest arty. The other tier III arties does 350-410 of damage while SU-26 does 110-164. The gun also have a flat arc when it fires, so all kinds of stuff gets in the way. The old 122 did 270 dmg with the right shells. I understand the arty nerf, but I really hoped the 122 would be replaced with another gun. It didn't. Hopefully, it will get a little buff in 8.7...
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Yeah, but none of the other tier 3 artillery has a turret. You have to pay for that advantage somehow, especially since it's even more of an advantage now due to increased aim time. (Remember that the aim time statistic is the time taken for the circle to reduce to one third its size, but traversing an arty's hull might increase the size of the circle by more than a factor of 3, so they actually spend longer than their listed aim time stat waiting for the circle to close, and that aim time is now longer than it was.)

Also it now meets tier 2-5 tanks not 3-6 as it did previously, having a 270 average damage turreted arty meeting tier 2s would have been OP.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Jub »

Plus that aim time and accuracy make it a great HEAT slinger if you can afford the rounds. At that level there's no splash anyway so you might as well deal full damage when you can.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Steel »

The SU-26 is the only artillery I can still even consider playing, as it can actually fire more than 2 shots per match. I hadn't thought about firing exclusively heat with it, that might make up for the fact that I could only do 30 damage at best on a hit, except for about 5% of the time when it would do 190 damage: WG maximises frustration for both parties!

Has anyone tried the new German tier 2 artillery? It does 410 damage, a guaranteed 1 hit for basically anything it meets, but has a long reload and absolutely fuck all gun traverse. The gun traverse is so small that there is no guarantee you will fire a shot in a given match, as there are only a few you'll play on where you can guarantee that tanks will sit still long enough in your 3 degree area to actually aim at them...
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »

Yeah, but you'll be playing it on Province, which is small an amazingly campsome, so you can just fire at likely bushes along the ridgelines where there's always someone hiding.

Or, alternatively, play man tanks.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Steel »

Vendetta wrote:Yeah, but you'll be playing it on Province, which is small an amazingly campsome, so you can just fire at likely bushes along the ridgelines where there's always someone hiding.

Or, alternatively, play man tanks.
Luckily I prefer the actual tanks.

I had never played artillery above tier 5 before the patch, and I found that tier 4 in the grille was absolutely miserble, tier 5 in the hummel was ok. I found the lower tier 3 artillery much more fun as they had a decent rate of fire, accuracy and damage relative to their targets.

The new artillery setup seems to make all levels of artillery spectacularly unfun to play, so I'm back to pure tanking for now. The patch has made tanking better in that you are rarely shot by artillery, but then every 20 games or so I still get vaporised by the artillery that I'm now ignoring, so I need to strike a balance, or possibly just accept random vaporisation as reacting to the now lower threat of artillery would make me much more vulnerable to actual threats like other tanks.

Has anyone seen stats on how much artillery play has decreased? I was looking at the queue last night and at one point there were only 9 SPGs in total.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

Vendetta wrote:Yeah, but you'll be playing it on Province, which is small an amazingly campsome, so you can just fire at likely bushes along the ridgelines where there's always someone hiding.

Or, alternatively, play man tanks.
I was just going to say that I haven't played Province with arty yet, and the next game gave me ... Province. My average damage has gone down quite a bit, but I'm learning the new(old) gun and am slowly getting used to it. I miss the howitzer that could sling insta-death at tanks who thought they were safe behind a rock, but I'm not going to stop playing it, but maybe just not as much as I used to. The aim time is low, so that is a nice thing, and it seems to be a bit more agile now. It moves faster and turret turns faster than in 8.5, but I really miss the high arc of the howitzer.

How much can you move the gun of the SU-5 before you have to move the hull? Maybe I should try it? Maybe try the old Bison again? Sold that one ages ago. How many 122 or 152 shells can the SU-5 hold? I used to empty my ammo storage with the 122 on my SU-26. I have a GW Panther, but it was slow before and even worse now. Don't think I'm gonna play that much anymore. (Heh, that is what WG wants, I think. I've already seen a decline in arty when I play. I've even played high tier with no arty. :o )
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Zinegata »

Ok, new record for the KV-5

49 hits, 11,885 damage received.

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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Marko Dash »

if anybody else with the M7 Priest is still on their grind for the M41 get it done before the patch hits. from what I've read on the Wot forums about feedback from the EU server, when the M37-Priest swap happens and you have a Priest it'll be down tiered to three without giving you the now tier 4 M37 and any unspent XP you had on the Priest will stay with it. making this XP unusable without gold, and you'll have to buy and grind though the tier 4 M37 all over again as regardless of how upgraded the priest was before the swap, the M37 after the swap will be stock with nothing unlocked.

also buy the M37 now while it's cheap, or conversely sell the priest if you have it done or don't have any xp sitting on it before the patch while it sells for more.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Malagar »

I can confirm that you will get a fully upgraded M37, if you had one pre patch.
Also, if you had accelerated crew training on then it will stay on, even if you haven't unlocked the M41.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Infidel »

Haven't tried WoTreplays before, so here goes...
Nice battle with StugIII, 7 kills. ... t-stug_iii
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by The Vortex Empire »

So in a recent dev q&a, they announced the second RU medium line, terminating in the Object 430, a T-64 prototype. Jesus christ. Expected in 8.8 IIRC.
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Re: World of Tanks Mark 2

Post by Vendetta »
