There are guidelines in some areas, but setting the voting districts has been a traditional prerogative of state (provincial) legislatures ever since the Constitution.Serafina wrote:Why do you get to arbitrarily redefine voting districts anyway, instead of having it based on some sort of guideline? Like, according to actually administrative districts (by town, urban district, whatever?
Why hasn't it been changed? Sadly, because the state legislatures have an incentive not to change it, and so does the House of Representatives.
The reason we can't just use administrative districts is that they're not all of equal size, so we can't get approximately-proportional representation in a popular legislature that way.
The Supremes don't. Or they would have said so.amigocabal wrote:Indeed, the Supreme Court plainly held that, "Congress may draft another formula based on
current conditions" Shelby County v. Holder, No. 12-96 (Jun. 25, 2013), op. at 24
I have doubts that any coverage formula enacted by Congress is consistent with the principle of separation of powers.
The legislature and executive has a legitimate role in enforcing the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to protect voter rights- enforcing constitutional policy in the US is not the sole provenance of the courts. They have to have some practical means of doing so, and having to repeatedly strike down an endless stream of Jim Crow laws created by an asinine and racist legislature after the fact is a foolish way of going about it.
Nothing is wrong with that, it's a lovely idea. Plenty of countries do it, the US could and the world wouldn't end.Purple wrote:Is it just me or is this whole system so insanely complicated and byzantine that maybe, just maybe it can't even be fixed? I mean what is wrong with just having a vote, counting the ballots on a union wide level and assigning seats proportionally as opposed to this strange 1 per X people thing? Than again I will admit that I can't make heads or tails of how your system works beyond it sounding complicated and confusing.
The only reason we didn't do it that way in the first place is that it would have been damn near impossible to do a timely count of all ballots throughout the country in the 1700s. Which is a pointless, idiotic reason not to do it in the 21st century.
That said, there's ALSO nothing wrong with having small localized districts elect officials. Indeed, in a nation that consists of very diverse cultures and peoples, who live in many different environments and lifestyles, there are strong arguments for that.
But it's stupid that we place control over district boundaries in the hands of a politicized group.