Metahive wrote:Stalin's regime cracked down on minorities within the USSR that showed any signs of separatism
yet weirdly enough, under him the Soviet constitution was modified to allow the righ to secession of all republics. You can argue about how 'realistic' it was intended to be, but it clearly worked well as sorn by 1991.
and tried very hard to assimilate whole nations into his communist superstate (just ask the Baltics).
The Baltics were at times pretty pro-Soviet (i.e. Latvian Riflemen). And in the end, no one is perfect.
I find it utterly laughable to treat him as an authority of ethnic separatism when he's always acted as its polar opposite.
He was an ethnic minority himself who had personal knowledge of "double counciousness" (to use DuBois's term) and also wrote a significant amount on nationality and ethnicity, so he knew a lot about such concepts. He was also the chairman of nationalities in the USSR and formulated the entire program. And a federation of different nations/republics held together as better than what happened before and after it. Arguably the USSR helped to foment national counciousness faster among various ethnic groups (i.e. Azeris and Kazaks)
Heck, he gave this shit even to his very own ethnicity starting from when he protected the later Stalingrad from getting conquered by Georgian separatists!
huh? I know there was a interesting anti-soviet feeling among Georgians even while Stalin was alive, and the destalinization protests in Georgia had an interesting mix of good feelings towards Stalin and ethnic nationalism (protests with one thing shifting into other manners).
Blacks aren't any more a distinct "nation" than New Yorkers or Californians are. I would even argue they're less.
Really? Blacks in the US have a similar national genesis. Blacks in the US have similar naming conventions. Blacks in the US have their own churches, colleges/universities, cuisines etc. Blacks have displayed a national counciousness throughout their existence in the US. Blacks in general speak their own distinct LANGUAGE.
Black identity has often developed in response to WHITE Identity. They identify as black, in response to whiteness. This is how nationalism works, Irish helped to define themselves by
not being English, Han as
Not being Manchu, etc.
So yes, you're actually all going by race alone.
There are blacks who are hard to tell apart from whites, but still are black. There are blacks who are partially puerto rican, CHINESE, etc etc. So how it is only racial if they are also Chinese or (Mestizo) Puerto Rican?
You talk about a "black homeland". I think all the white racists would be very happy if they could create such a construct and herd all the nation's blacks into it.
Half of the black population lives in the US south and a significant portion of such live in a continous territory known as the "Black Belt". There ALREADY is a black homeland in existence, and it is already forming/changing its' own social aspects (i.e. taking over Atlanta for black owned businesses etc.)
It would become just like the native reservations, a giant ghetto or do you think the US would be stupid enough to create a homeland that'd be able to sustain itself? After what they went through in 1861-1865? No. Fucking. Deal. Get your head out of the clouds.
The Soviet Union suffered a long war of 4 years which helped to foment a sense of national unity yet it still fell apart due to various reasons. The United Kingdom went through a lot of trials as a unified state yet there still are centrifigual tensions.
The supreme court ruling of 'Texas vs White' was pretty much a retroactive legal justification for suppression of the Confederate States of America and can be reinterpreted in the future. And at least discussing the idea that blacks are a distinct nation will be doing something to remember that not everyone wants to be "American" and remembers their roots/ancestries which were suppressed.
I'D also argue that blacks who wish this to become reality are a minority.
The support goes up and down depending on era. But having a discussion on this will help to allow this to be done in the open on the advantages and disadvantages of independence for black america.
Ziggy Stardust wrote:Did you actually read the paper? Because it seems to me you are seriously misrepresenting its results. In fact, saying that "73% say blacks should control the economy" is just an outright fabrication.
yes I read it before. The " In fact, saying that "73% say blacks should control the economy" is just an outright fabrication." is in page 243, that is how they phrase the graph.
Read page 242. Emphases mine (for brevity's sake I have snipped parts out ... I made an effort not to snip anything relevant out, but feel free to check the paper and correct me if I am wrong):
Marx, who found that 20 percent would support a separate black nation in 1964, suggests that "most respondents regarded a negro nation not only as politically unfeasible but as undesirable."
Remember they believed that integration would be massive good for all and there would be no bad effects from such. That is why those people felt as such.
ok. However, regarding pag 251:
Despite a high level of support for nationalism in the abstract, assimilation and the desire to affect change through existing laws and institutions have been the dominant and safest strategies for African American enfranchisement.
A lot of bourgoeise derive their power from the status quo. Of course they would be more likely to be unionist. It's like a lot of the Scottish in London apparently. Also, interestingly
Disintegration: The Splintering of Black America says that the richer individuals could be shown as more nationalist. However, the very rich tend to be nouveau riche and still remember certain aspects of their past. I think Korea during Japanese rule was similar as well, the upper classes being Japanized more readily.
Simon_Jester wrote:
I mean, if you look at the African-American community of that time, segregation very much tended to force blacks to recreate all the same organs found in white society, but in miniature: there were black universities because blacks could not attend white universities, there were black-operated companies because white companies would not deal equitably with blacks, and so on.
You may be operating on an obsolete set of facts.
Why are there still historically black colleges and universities? A good portion of a lot of people who go there can afford to go to predominantly white institutions. Whatever jokes you may make about Morehouse, it does still attract those who can arguably go to "better" white colleges. Even in the era of integration, why do they still exist? And white americans -can- go to such HBCUs but most do not even think of it, even when affirmative action incentives them to do such.
Why are there still neighborhoods which are predominantly black, and RICH? Why is PG Country predominately black, but very upper class. The growth in PG county is post-integration, and Maryland was not like Virginia in racial segregation, but the rich blacks formed their own enclaves. Pill Hill in Chicago was originally formed by white doctors, but has been replaced by black professional class.
If the facts are obsolete, there would not still be separate black pageants, restaurants (many of which are NEW and post-segregation), media/radio stations, and even 'scenes' in the anime and goth scene (i found it interesting that there is one Chicago area anime club which is all black/formed of blacks, noticed it in hindsight).
If the facts are obsolete black people would not refer to each other as 'brother' and 'sister'
reflecting ethnic and national conciousness.
Yes, but the Harlemese are quite distinct from the Gullahs, so trying to herd them both into the same Bantustan homeland isn't necessarily smart.
They still consider themselves to be blacks. Whites will still call them Niggers. They syill call themselves
Niggas. A black from Harlem will recognize a Geeche as a co-ethnic readily, and will be able to understand each other largely.
After all, many Kashubians, Silesians, etc still consider themselves 'Polish' after all yet there is internal distinctness.
The first two are independent of separatism and have nothing to do with it.
Business and economic autonomy is a sign of self-determination. If you are not a distinct nation, there is not a need for group economics to promote the industry of your people. If you are not a distinct ethnic group, there is no problem with trading with other people, and not a need for such economic protectionism. So yes, it is pretty much a sense of nationalism or ethnic solidarity which suggests such is a good idea.
I think economic self-reliance is an impossible pipe dream in the modern era for anyone: the United States as a whole is not self-reliant economically; how could any splinter of it become self-reliant?
Well, independent nations still trade with each other, and to be honest such a separatism would likely (currently) happen in a era of reduced state power (i.e. oil peak), meaning few people would be able to trade and would probably be FORCED to relocalize. But that is one possible speculation.
Indeed, I would argue that trying to create self-reliance through separatism is a losing game, because economic prosperity comes about through mutual support. Creating a little artificial country and moving all the black people into it isn't going to solve the problem,
Nearly every country trades with each other. Many countries form political and economic unions with each other for movement of people and goods. An independent black state would not be walled off DPRK. Such a state would still be a member of the U.N. for example. And I would not say claiming a significant portion of the US south would be a 'little artificial country', especially given blacks have lived in that area for CENTURIES.
any more than it did with the Bantustans- which in turn became heavily dependent on the South African government's transfer payments, and served only as a vehicle to further disenfranchise and disadvantage the black population of the country.
Different example (blacks as majority in SA for one. I would argue moving the Boers to their own state would be better, like those AWB people.) This would be a case more like the Kurds wanting their historical lands to be independent. And sch a state likely would have access to the Mississippi river, and there could easily be a treaty of co-ownership of the Mississippi River for trade purposes.
What happens if the grandchildren of those elites don't want to move back in with the grandchildren of the people they left? How does that impact the viability of a separate American Bantustan?
It is negatively effected but there is enough intellectual class remaining which has ethnic counciousness to rebuild an indigenous intellectual/politicial base. After all, this is 40 million people. Most of the black colleges would be in this state, for example. As would a lot of the black media. I doubt the people in Atlanta, New Orleans or (at an extreme example) Washington D.C. would exactly leave.
Some would want it, others would not; I'm personally curious about what the statistics are. Can you show me that survey?
I do not have any studies I know of re. that. Most stuff I have reals with grammar and vocabulary of Ebonics and -some- political ramification of such.
I'm not sure either. If she can make herself clearly and consistently understood in Haitian Creole, then the issue is not one of education and I am more supportive of the desire for a translator from that language/dialect.
Is it reasonable to ask that all crimes committed against blacks be tried in black-only courtrooms? Should we expect that in these black-only courtrooms, black witnesses are not expected to be able to remember or identify their own testimony? What other rules of evidence are to be waived?
If so, should we also rule that a crime committed against whites be tried in white-only courtrooms? With similarly loose rules of evidence to apply when a nonwhite is accused of a crime against a white? Because that sounds like a recipe for disastrous miscarriages of justice. It sure was the last time this country tried it.
Yeah I do see disadvantages to such a thing.
There are also advantages to some aspects of such a system. For example, no awkwardness like this if in cases with all black people, black lawyers etc were here.
I have no idea. But it's perfectly decent handwriting, and better than most; it's not exactly unreasonable to expect a woman to be able to read her own court deposition. Not when it's written in good handwriting.
Her alleged inability to do so casts doubt on the accuracy of the testimony- and I'd be just as uncomfortable with that if she were white or blue. A witness who can't look at their own testimony and say "yes, that is what I said" is a less valuable witness.
These are things that should ALWAYS be a problem for a witness in a trial, no matter what color or race or ethnicity the witness represents.