Ace Pace wrote:Far more amusing is the Russian statement, basically, the leaks are exposing something every single nation would rather keep under the rugs. The German security services are most likely attempting (or, more likely, succeeded) in doing similar wire taps to the U.S. mission in Germany.
Putin wrote:If he (Snowden) wants to remain here there is one condition - he should stop his work aimed at inflicting damage on our American partners
no matter how strange this may sound coming from me.
Of course, Putin himself is a nastier piece of work than any major US officeholder, so making him miserable is arguably an even bigger feather in Snowden's cap than doing the same to the NSA is.
Broomstick wrote:Sure, there would be outrage... and then everyone would ask why the US didn't have that capability first so they could spy on the USSR in that manner.
But they would also ask, why is the US not trying very hard to stop the Soviets from doing this, and how does it intend to counter the massive wealth of information the KGB now has on everyone in America?
I think that's the interesting question, and the one that the US should be worried about. And that WE personally might worry about, because it may impact the future of the global communications system.
For example, a country like the USSR would respond by clamping down on public communications and defining a much wider variety of cross-border communications as "spying," because of the way they could be used to indirectly build up a foreign agency's dossiers on their citizens.
Another country might simply insist on a national communications network that doesn't connect to the global one, or does so only under specific conditions that can be monitored. Sort of like how you had to go through extra rigamarole to make a long-distance or international phone call Back In The Day (TM).
Yet another country might respond by trying to punish the US for NSA hacking attempts that interfere with its infrastructure, retract trade deals that it suspects may be 'gamed' by all the secret knowledge the US has been compiling, and otherwise treat our government like the unreliable and disrespectful bunch of busybodies it's chosen to be.
All these things might have consequences for us and our friends, both personally and as a nation, in the future. So thinking about them is worthwhile.
I get the feeling that the US security apparatus has built up its global surveillance organs without really considering this question. And what consequences the issue will have on the grand strategic level.
Today, right this moment, even having a database with everyone's email on it won't give the NSA that kind of power. There aren't enough spies to read the data and trawl it for incriminating information.
You don't have actual human beings read every bit, that's what automated searches for keywords are for.
...Which is why I myself talk about developing automatic systems to do the job,
in the same post you quoted, Broomy.
My point is that insofar as they can't just automatically type a name into a database and pull up a big file of potential blackmail material, back channels to bribe them, and so on... they will probably acquire the ability to do that soon, with disturbing reliability.
This is the sort of thing a voting public should probably be worried about. Because it is NOT "what has been going on since forever,"