Patroklos wrote: There is nothing wrong with goat herding, the issue is that you intentionally conflated it with restoring "economic prosperity and cultural, linguistic and social integrity."
This is what you said:
Note "traditional". I get that you are shoehorning in your very real environmental concern about drought and land usage into this issue but you prove you are falling into stereotypes again and again with comments like this:For example, reestablishment of the Great Sioux Reservation as a Sovereign Protectorate of the United States would be a good first step in that direction, and one which would make sense environmentally as well due to the reversion of that area of the Great Plains into the "Great American Desert" where farming is increasingly unsustainable, but the land remains optimal for traditional low-intensity herding.
I can just see you envisioning the lone warrior on a horse above a landfill letting a tear fall to the ground. That image is insulting and racist Duchess. There is no special relationship with the native american and the ground below him any more than there is for anyone else with the ground below them and in this case it’s the SAME GROUND. A white corn farmer or a Native American goat herder or visa versa, neither has any intrinsic closer connection to the land over the other. They have both been there for generations at this point.They lost the land and watched foreigners come in and wreck it. They understand quite well the importance of managing it correctly now. That is all that aspect of the argument was.
If you want everyone to start herding goats that’s fine, but there is no special reason the Native Americans will be better at it than anyone else or would more readily chose it. Actually they may be worse than the current owners which is why I asked you what percentage of the reservation population is engaged in agriculture and more importantly sustainable agriculture different from that being used by the current users. I suspect that you will just be putting amateurs into a profession they don't currently perform but somehow think a magic connection with the land will make them better at . See Zimbabwe.
As of the last US census 78% of those identifying as native americans don't even live on reservations and 70% overall live in urban areas. Not exactly the best recruiting pool for the new agricultural labor you intend to usher in a new age of economic prosperity.
And while we are at it, why are we assuming goat herding is an avenue to economic prosperity? Note that sustainable and profitable are different things, and the Native Americans need something really profitable. Sure lots of the world eats goat, but can you point me to any area with a Western living standard that is supported by such? I can point to plenty of areas where corn and wheat and soy do so here in the US.
Here is a report on the world goat industry, you will note where the majority of it resides and the prosperity of the countries in question. You will note goat meat only made up 2% of meat inventories worldwide so local unrecorded consumption asside its hardly a "a premium item for billions of the world's population" as you contend. Surely a rare protein source for many, but because there is no other choice and its not like the mythical reservation in question is going to import it to Kenya.
You will also note there was no goat inventory at all in the US, meaning there is almost no market for it. This is your grand idea for economic prosperity? Producing a meat with no local demand except places you can't export it to and make up 2% of the market anyway? Maybe you can develop that market during the next half century, but it’s nothing to hang your hat on. I personally like goat, I am sure it will eventually be very popular here. I doubt you are buying futures in the industry right now though are you?
You have two scenarios here. Some local Native American farmers use goats in currently unoccupied land for subsistence, but that’s not "economic prosperity" now is it? Or they repurpose existing farmland to this end and destroy a currently economically viable enterprise to live on subsistence. The second may be the inevitable result of the drought you brought up anyway, but that still /= economic prosperity for anyone.
Goats are not going to produce what you want. I don't think that’s what you intend every Native American to do, but you specifically mentioned it as relevant to achieving your end goals.
Oh and you have been consistent, consistent on advocating forced deportation of people based on race. This needs to be remembered when you are throwing your reactionary racist accusations around.
I never once advocated forced deportation. I in fact expressly used the term "voluntary relocation", progressive scum. Goat herding was a casual example and I hereby concede it: You cannot, in fact, live your life entirely based off of goat herding. This does not invalidate one iota of my argument, which can be made with any kind of scientifically managed agricultural and herding processes in the great plains. You have turned goat herding, which was a casual example of how you could make money off of the land and of which many people would doubtless be involved in analyzing along with many other options, into some kind of bizarre litmus test over a very basic idea: Giving large areas of land back to Native Americans and expanding tribal sovereignty to include total domestic autonomy from the federal government. That is all I was ever arguing and I expect you to provide reasons why that is a bad idea instead of raising strawmen and red herrings. That is the only issue being debated.
Nobody is suited to comment on this issue really except for natives, but I can certainly try to defend the rights of indigenous people instead of restricting them.
Ah, self righteous indignation and a false resumption of authority without any actual details to support said authority. Is this really what you are going to rest on, you having visited a few reservations? The "I have a black friend defense?"
I have actually studied the issue in college in classes heavily focusing on the transnational intersection of women's rights and indigenous rights including internal development and expressions of culture as expressions of independence and resistance. I don't expect you to understand any of these things and I don't necessarily agree with the theory, being quite conservative, but certainly from my own beliefs comes a profound conviction that the only course is to respect and honour tribal autonomy and sovereignty, and this I am quite prepared to defend.I don't doubt the sincerity of your intentions but unless you are about to tell us you work for the Department of Indian Affairs, are a member of a tribal council, live on one of these reservations or maybe just took a few courses in college you are just an amateur commenter just like everyone else. Your statements have to stand on their own and so far they do not.
So I have some half-baked ideas for land use? So what? My argument was this and only this: We should give large areas of land back to Native Americans and expanding tribal sovereignty to include total domestic autonomy from the federal government. I was not defending or saying anything else except by way of analogy and example.And I was pretty sure I was careful not to claim you were a racist, but rather your barely thought out and unrealistic plan and the assumptions underlining it are.
There is nothing stupid or fantastical about cultural autonomy. And unsurprisingly many Native Americans do in fact return to their land after they are forced out by economic factors.I certainly do have a right to speak about it as do you or anyone else, and your assumption of authority is baseless. I have not claimed any special knowledge or expertise and am only commenting on your idiotic return fantasy that is no different than that of Saxonite and stupid for all the same reasons.
It's only a fiasco because you made it one, you damned liar.1.) I have been to the plains states many times, I don't believe that gives me any particular insight into these issues and I know it doesn't give you any as your whole goats=gold fiasco above indicates.
It's different because they move back as adults for cultural reasons, and of course economic opportunities are being created on more and more reservations which develop them. So, actually, there are now in fact effective programmes to get people to stay in the autonomous reservation community.2.) Youth leaving reservations is as its heart no different than what all rural areas of the US are facing, only 16% of the population being rural. That’s far lower than than the Native American rural population but their percentage has been plummeting right alongside the rest of America. And they are leaving for the exact same reasons, lack of opportunity. Goat farming aside, you are not going to get those people to return or stay on the reservations any more than you are going to get black people to return or stay in rural southern communities based on that alone.
The point isn't that the racism they face is similar, the point is that they have legal and traditional recourse to a solution: The expansion of reservation autonomy.And while Native Americans probably do face a under layer of racism depending on where they go when they flee to urban areas its not going to be any different than any other minority. Or anyone from that matter leaving a rural setting for the big city.
They have the connection of returning to their land when they are old, after economic conditions drove them out. And you are the one who started nitpicking by treating an offhand suggestion for what could be done to the land (which they would be explicitly free to ignore under my actual proposal) as the essential basis of your whole argument.And you don't get to retreat to some nitpicky irrelevances about why I didn't spend fifty lines parsing different levels and types of agriculture. You knew damn well what I was talking about and the simple fact is that your anecdotal reference to a few Native Americans practicing sustainable (but not necessarily profitable) agriculture does not reflect at all on the 5.8 million Native Americans in this country, at least 70% of which have no connection to agriculture in any of its forms whatsoever.
To compare rural states with the complete reservation economy is quite a different matter in a fully autonomist setting. One, after all, is just a state and the other would have considerably more power.You are the one who highlighted this as some special road to prosperity. If you didn't mean that fine but sustainable agriculture is NOT going to lift reservations out of poverty by itself. It will probably end up contributing to any successful reservation economy to the same degree it does any rural state such as Kansas, who has at a glance has over two million non farm jobs in a population of just 2.9 million people.
Traditional by which I meant, uses actually appropriate for the land (by both Indians and Anglos) before the development of the modern aquifer exploitation. By the way,I am a white woman, just to point it out. I had thought the handle on the board was indicative enough, but oh well.Yeah, and those changes are not to engage in agriculture. Just because you can raise goats doesn't mean it’s economically viable or something you are going to rely on to lift a population out of crushing poverty. And quite a bit of agriculture is wildly prosperous right now and the youth are STILL leaving as it is not the lifestyle they want profitable or not.
And no, as I quoted above you advocated them returning to TRADITIONAL agriculture processes, specifically herding, and somehow think that will magically not only uplift them out of poverty but also give them dignity and self respect (you as a white man knowing what that is, your standard used above not mine).
Those occupations would never use more than a tiny fraction of the land on the reservation, and the point was entirely about how the land could be used on a much larger scale to benefit the existing population. The simple fact of the matter also is that economics is not very appropriate as a measure of cultural health and happiness. Let them make their own decisions for how involved in western life they want to be.How about this Dutchess, why don't they abandon your rural pipe dream and do what the local economy supports and demands? Being a natural gas driller or a banker or a baker or a pharmacist is not white people stuff, its modern economy and money producing stuff. There is no reason that can't produce dignity and self respect and that can be done in NYC or Spokane or Del Rio or the reservation. If one of those things is goat herding go for it, again these things are dictated by economic reality or anything else you would describe as “traditional” as you did for herding so be it.
Goat herding was always irrelevant to the issue at hand, and I of course explicitly said people should have the right to remain who live there, albeit under tribal law.If you can quote where I said otherwise you get a cookie. As I said even the current residents will probably have to adapt to this but that /= goat herding. Not for the ends you want and whatever they decide to switch to (if they decide to stay, which people the youth of all races right now are NOT) is probably going to be not be done via the urban transplants you want bring in once you are done ethnically cleansing your new territory.
No, I know exactly what I am saying. If what I am saying is truly racist, then I am a racist and proud of it. If supporting the rights of indigenous people to their sovereignty, autonomy, way of life, and culture, makes you a racist, then I am a racist and I will never repent of being a racist and we will make a little deal, you can quote that wherever you want to as long as you quote this entire paragraph without editing it or removing a word from it, okay?I don't think you are a racist, I think you are haplessly saying racist things because you are not examining the reality of your position.
You were the one who chose to base an entire discussion of indigenous treaty rights on whether or not goat herding was economically viable. You are the one who thinks it has anything to do with anything. You are the one who derailed the argument.And I highly doubt goat herding is the ONLY think suitable for that land. After all we already have deserts in the US and goat herding accounts for exactly 0% of the economy of Phoenix.
You could have saved yourself all this trouble if you had just refrained from saying "traditional" in your goat herding appeal. Knowing something about goat herding probably would have helped too.
I don't need to because we're not having a discussion about goat herding.Nope, but yes the current model is not sustainable. Your goal is economic prosperity, prove goat herding provides that.
That's correct. I am also a defender of cultural autonomy and rights and traditional ways of living.And you already tipped your hand with "they watched the white man ruin their land and they won't let it happen again!" BS. Science is not your sole motivation for deciding how this will all go down.
If you object to the expansion of tribal sovereignty, you are a racist who deserves to suffer. Full stop. That's me backing it up.You use this word a lot but have yet to back it up. Please do.
No, though considerable improvement has been seen in populations like at the Warm Springs and Grand Ronde reservations thanks to a combination of sustainable businesses and casino revenues in allowing the expansion of linguistic and cultural programmes.
1.) Oh please do point us to this indigenous population enjoying amazing economic prosperity following your process. Do they live in Zimbabwe?
If a white person calls another white person out on their racism, they're now themselves racist? I guess being a Slav means I'm not white enough for you then. Oh well, I don't care.2.) So now you are an actual racist complete with racist slurs? Congratulations? Surely not, you can clarify for us yes? Land is only an issue here if you intend to have them revert to a centuries dead economic model of yesteryear where these practices were viable (and even then not very) and required said land. Land and agriculture is not the arbiter of anything you might use to achieve actually desirable goals. Building schools, technology education, history lessons and museums, removing institutional barriers, food health and medical care and yes the introduction of modern economic models of all industries and sectors including sustainable farming are.
They get the college scholarships and then they come back to the reservation to help. Interesting, no? They don't want to assimilate; and has been stated by others in this thread.Giving a modern assimilated urban Native American youth a goat and plopping him in his pumas and graphic T-shirt into 40 acres of hard scrabble land with some white dudes burnt down house in the distance is just going to force him to buy a plane ticket back to Boston. That land does him NOTHING. A college scholarship on the other hand...
Yes, they have higher propensity off the reservation due to the lack of traditional familial and cultural support networks as well as intervention programmes by the tribal governments. This has led to a substantial Bureau of Indian Affairs presence in cities like Portland to try and expand the intervention programmes into the cities, precisely because the problem has become focused there.
1.) Are you claiming Native Americans have some predisposition to drugs and poverty once they leave the reservation? Those problems are rampant on the reservations themselves and are a symptom of poverty not anything specific to Native Americans themselves. It’s the classic fish out of water story and ALL migrants are subject to it (minorities more so depending on where they go due to racism, not predisposition).
Not by choice.2.) I did not say anyone prefers assimilation, I said that the vast majority ARE assimilated. 78% don't even live on reservations.
Assimilation is genocide, and if that makes me a fascist, Anauê! I am a fascist, so be it. Anauê!I think its abundantly clear assimilation works better than these crypto fascist pseudo states based on racism and ethnic cleansing you propose for the same reasons they are for black people as was discussed at length earlier in the thread. I, however, am not the source of the reality as it stands today.
Which doesn't mean they are not going to try regardless if it will only be possible for a short while and end up screwing them in the end. Sustainable agriculture other than what is currently practiced makes sense nearly EVERYWHERE in the long term but also very often in the short term, but how many places are actually doing it? How many places are just going to milk the land for what it’s worth and give the next generation a dried out cracked patch of desert?
But not the Native Americans. Oh no, they have a generational memory and are different from every other human on earth for reasons! They will squeeze blood from a stone and make the desert blossom with their nature power inherited from their ancestors who were in perfect commune with the earth and eschew all the values and expectations of the modern society most of them currently live with and cherish. Local school boards? Local Courts? Labor Day planning committee? BAH! All will be willingly abandoned to live at the whim of ethnically determined tribal leadership and the heavy hand of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Service. Sorry little Johnny (of course he will receive a proper name that has linguistic and cultural integrity and provide dignity to his unknown to him but surely dignity devoid life up until now), mom and dad need to quite their white man jobs under the white man's yoke and go herd goats "traditionally". I’m not sure if all the white people are gone yet but we will take care of that if not…
And this is the problem with the modern American "conservative", who is a conservative in name only. The hatred of government, the demand for limited intervention, all of which stand against thousands of years of history and all of which actually seek the continued atomisation of society. The simple fact is that you came on this board hoping to troll liberals and progressives but I am not one of those. Over the years I have become a conservative in a profound sense, and that is one of my problems as I am a better person of actions than deeds.
Just like they did against the Crusaders, they'll win in the end, Patroklos. I came to that design despite loving the Jewish people and Israel a long time ago. The Israelis can't effectively disengage and create the separate state they need to survive, and accordingly locked into a death struggle, they are going to fall and their nation is going to crumple down in a few centuries. And the Palestinians will go back to living the way they have always lived. Good or bad, it is bound to happen, and in this particular case, actually, generational memory has served them very well. My world would be much less bloody because people like you would not be imposing free markets and democracy at the point of bayonet. I prefer that to another century, another round of revolutions promoting another ideology that will be bankrupt and replaced with the next in the revolutionary's hard in another century.This is your world Dutchess, enjoy. That generational memory has served the Palestinians well surely.
"Heavy hand of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Service" says it all--you're arguing just because you want to end the reservations, end the government mechanism for dealing with them, and eliminate the distinctions between the people who founded their cultures here and those who transplanted their cultures here. And that is wrong and racist, because these people have a birthright to the land. I am quite prepared to defend that idea: If that makes me also a racist, well, then, I am a racist who seeks to empower people not my own, and what kind of racist is that, really?
You have damned yourself with your own words. I don't need to say more. If I get banned over this thread I don't care: I don't desire to associate with you, and one way or another that will stop, so what does it matter?
I don't have any knowledge as to the doings of site moderation, but given the plethora of actually racism you have thrown out in this thread up to and including advocating ethnic cleansing you are probably in for a rude awakening.
Go ahead and quote all my racism though. Again, cookies are on the line