Saxtonite wrote:Correct. But a program can be dedicated towards young black males without the cultural baggage which sets me off. For example, I do not exactly enjoy sports but summer basketball programs do not set off my 'fuck this restrictive gender role' trip-alarms. And such programs are not inherently exclusive I guess.
So far as I know the midnight basketball leagues are not and never have been exclusive to any one ethnic group, but since they're neighborhood-based and organized there are a quite a few teams that are exclusively one group or another. That reflects the demographics of the area, though, and not deliberate policies of inclusion/exclusion.
I do wonder what sorts of programs can be dedicated towards young black males which wouldn't drive off some possible applicants (for example, Morehouse College is an all-black, all-male college. It focuses on 'development' of black males. However you could argue their culture is heteronormative, sexist, strict and not open to personal creativity/different modes of thought. Admittedly I never went to Morehouse, and I have talked to a student who went there who liked it, but I have a sneaking suspicion that if I went there I'd have a lot of fun pissing a lot of people there off
That just highlights this is not a problem with a one-size-fits-all solution. To me it too often seems that the only alternatives held up to young men are either the gangbanger or the regimented clone in a business suit and tie that matches all his fellows. Neither of those fits all black men, or all men of any color. We do have examples of both of those categories "succeeding" (gang leaders
are successful for some definitions of the term, but their success is usually not so good for society at large) and in some ways Obama is now the epitome of the latter.
Unfortunately, right now the role models for young black men tend to be gangs
(violence and short life expectancy being a problem), sports figures
(requires both a certain luck of the draw physically and talent, so it's a crap shoot), ministers
(I question if they benefit anyone other than their immediate family, some of them are quite adept at exploiting their communities), actors
(but that's a group were, like 98% of the active members aren't able to make a living at it and need a "real job" while pursuing their passion), musicians
(same problem as actors, with pressure to engage only in certain types of music - blacks are notoriously underrepresented in classical orchestras, for example, and still have problems with the pop category "country music", current success of Darius Rucker being a notable exception), and the "business man" model which isn't known for a lot of success but probably got a boost with Obama being elected PotUS
(there's overlap between "business suit" and "politician"). So... one is criminal, most of the rest rely on luck including physical prowess/looks, most rely on talent (either social or performing) and very little on education, and the last one (the one that actually does require education to be successful) is too often attempted by clothing rather than substance
(the fad to have black children at charter schools and private academy dress identically, usually in highly formal attire, is an example of this). This isn't really a good selection.
You can probably modify existing programs for those purposes. Uh, for example there are pre-existing policy debate leagues. The Chicago Debate Leagues. I presume you know
of urban debate leagues. They de facto focus on blacks more, or were originally founded for that purpose - underserved minority students - but I have not noticed a necessarily gendered aspect to the league.
Right. A sort of distantly related example is the chess league someone started in the city prison system. It's after the fact/too late for many of these men, but it
does promote thinking, planning, and other positives that may help some of the ones who return to society and try to go straight.
Honestly re. reducing violence, legalization and decriminalization of many drugs will help (Ending Drug War etc).
Unfortunately, legalizing drugs will
not overturn any past convictions, leaving all too many either in jail for decades or with felony records burdening them. It would have positive effects going forward but still leave a lot of shattered lives, not to mention resentment.
Then there is the iffiness of the state involving itself in some forms of mutually-agreed upon violence - i.e. people have some sort of disagreement and they go fight each other.
That's why team sports used to be promoted so heavily for young men - they were an outlet for energy and aggression in young men. A football team at practice or at a game is not out robbing/mugging/whatever. Outside of sports, though, is a different matter, but young men used to be better supervised by older men. Unfortunately, sports have been cut over and over as a "luxury" with deleterious effects both on the physical condition of the young adults and the social structure. Sports can be done badly and abused as well (Penn State scandal comes to mind) but it's been known since Ancient Greece that they have benefits for young men.
Amateur boxing leagues used to be far more common, but are largely defunct now due to liability concerns. Now, it's indisputable that boxing carries real risks and people did (and still do) get hurt or killed, but it may be that shutting down such activities in the name of safety and/or liability has resulted in the neighborhoods becoming unsafe as there is no longer a regulated way for violent/aggressive impulses to be discharged. The carnage of boxing stayed in the boxing ring, drive-by punches did not kill innocent bystanders or three-year-olds playing on the family porch.
Do you think repealing gun bans will work? I suspect doing that as well as perhaps lowering the age to say 18 for ownership of guns would make things less violent, or more precisely make self-defense.....better? Things like the pre-existing tendency towards self/community policing as well as NGOs like "Ceasefire" being allowed to use extralegal methods to prevent violence is also good too (Ceasefire members, many being former gang members will be ok with allowing the people with disagreements to physically fight each other without weapons like guns/knives). Put more funding back into that program.
I have mixed feelings about the whole gun issue. Too little regulation can be as bad as too much. You don't want a situation where the laws tend to ramp up the stakes on conflict (arguably, one of the problems with the Zimmerman/Martin killing). On the other hand, you want people to be able to defend themselves and feel safe.
Community policing
can be a good thing, but has potential pitfalls (Zimmerman/Martin again). It's also hard enough trying to keep bias out of the professional police, it's also a problem with the "amateurs". The socially popular people might get more protection than the marginal members of the community. It can also lead to some ugly forms of bias, basically running the "undesirables" out of a neighborhood based on criteria like skin color, language, religion, or other traits that have zero to do with criminality or safety. While the stereotype is of white bigots and sundown towns no group is immune to it, which has long been acknowledged. We don't gain anything if neighborhoods require membership in the "correct" group in order to live there, that's actually rolling back progress to a more segregated past. It's not that every neighborhood should be perfectly balanced racially/ethnically, I think there will always be concentrations of one group or another, but no one should be seen as too "outside" to make a good neighbor.
I have long suspected that about that particular school... but god forbid anyone mention the discarded ones. What are they supposed to do? What do people think they do? Or is it easier to just pretend they don't exist?
I am sure you have mentioned this before, but there is a disconnect in that people expect EVERYONE to go to college or whatnot when many people would be better choosing a trade in high school and working from there. Not everyone is set for college, and the pressure for even people going into trades to require an associate's is iffy itself.......
Given that we don't have a good apprenticeship system in the US the would-be tradesman needs to be able to go
someplace to get reliable and good training. I don't think the community colleges are
inherently a bad place for that given that the formal trade schools are largely gone.
I can only imagine the effect on a young person of the situation I've found myself in these last few years - I've been trying to learn a new trade but the first person who offered training to me wound up cheating me - I am in the process of taking them to court to recover wages they never paid me. It's a fucking difficult road even for someone pushing 50 with a lot of life and work experience to fall back on. A 20 year old in my position is far more likely to be totally screwed, or too discouraged to seek another place to get what they need (job and training) as I did, or negotiate the job interview process while being honest enough to say "yes, I am suing my former employer" but still convince the new one you
won't sue him, will be a good employee, etc. If I could find a training program that it would be feasible for me to enroll in that would be, on many levels, MUCH easier to deal with. And don't get me started on the prejudices you face with any form of retail work, regardless of who you are and what you look like...
Also, from what I remember during their (Urban Prep) skills in Policy Debate: They dressed up well and brought wheelbarrows of evidence. Of course, a knowledgeable debater can still poke holes in their evidence as well as well as the whole 'being dressed well does not make one smarter' thing.
^ My point about the suits. Yes, I think it is important for
anyone to be able to dress appropriately for the venue, and it can make a difference in one's mindset, but it can also be overdone.
EDIT: I am sure this has been said before, Job programs. Programs for decent paying jobs. But I know the modern capitalist system will not allow such, *sigh*
Right now, there are not enough jobs to go around. That's a huge problem for everyone, but it keeps being swept under the rug.
Apparently at least some people who get into the gang life coming from coherent/intact two-parent households. I know that 'destroyed' single-mother households with no father is a factor in areas with high gang penetration, but I wonder how many people have -no- 'good' male role models, as like you mentioned there are still grandfathers and uncles which are some sort of influence in people's lives.
An intact family isn't necessarily a
good family, or a functional one. While a young man could have a good (however you define it) upbringing in an intact family without abuse or neglect and still turn criminal, it is FAR more common to find something horrible (but concealed) in the background of those "good" kids from "good" homes that turn out bad. Conversely when you find good kids from bad environments they almost invariably have some sort of good/positive influence from their elders - a poor family that values education and takes the kids to the local library, for example, or elders that instil self-discipline by example rather than the rod.
There is actually a subset of sociology that investigates that sort of thing - why some people turn out well despite bad or even horrific environments - but some of the answers they've found make people uncomfortable, implementing them would require widespread changes society doesn't seem to want to make.
EDIT: I must specify this. Just because one is young, african-american and male does not mean the same policies will work on them, even if they grew up in a ghetto. If someone said "to be a man you have to do x, y and z" without any sort of evidence/explanation or what, or the statement made absolutely no sense or was useless "posturing" (i.e. 'fold your money like this, wear a hankerchief to "be a man", etc) I will have little incentive to listen. If the person phrased it like "many people say etiquette is in business situations to do X or Y" i would react better (i.e. phrasing things as in how some people do things in formal situations, and disentangling it from gender stereotypes/roles.)
This reminds me of a conversation I overheard between a former co-worker, "Robert", and his son. Robert was a dark black man in a predominantly white man's field (insurance). This surprised some people who knew who from e-mails and phone calls because in the business world he spoke impeccable American English with a "white" accent. He was also one sharp dresser, again,
impeccable is the word that comes to mind, perfectly fashionable
and properly understated for the conservative, white world in which he worked. He was on the executive track, rising steadily, and pulled in a six figure income with plenty of extra perks. In other words, successful in business by anyone's standards. Also one of the most even-tempered human beings you could ever meet.
The conversation concerned his son, a teenager, and said son's schooling. The part that stands out was Robert, quite agitated, almost yelling at his son in full black dialect, what basically came down to (paraphrased) "If you want the house, the cars, the woman, and the toys your old man has you
have to play the game. It doesn't matter how you talk or dress
at home but you
have to conform at work, you have to go to school and do well, and you have to play the game better than the white man does to succeed. No, it's not fair, but that's the way the world works and at least it's not as bad as it used to be."
I completely understand why Robert was shouting and upset - the stakes were pretty damn high for his kid, who was exactly in the most dangerous age range for a young, black man.
I also understand why the black community often focuses so heavily on appearance - they can't change their skin color but they can change their clothes. The successful black business people and politicians I've known are hyper-aware of clothing choices, probably because it's a part of their appearance they do have control over. I assure you white folks do not have the same laser focus. I also have some understanding of the factors involved, and being careful of one's appearance can be very much a positive. One black entrepreneur I find very interesting is Sean Combs, a.k.a. Puff Daddy, whose clothing line features a wide range. His suiting/business attire offerings are excellent. Since his company offers a range from casual to formal, not to mention featuring almost exclusively black models, it implies that one does not have to exist in a uniform of sorts but can be flexible, fluid, and shifting while still true to one's identity as African-American. I also don't miss that the male models dressed in his suits usually have very attractive women on their arms and very nice cars in the background - hey, sex sells. Wear my suits, get rich, and get laid - but without guns and violence in the picture, and from a man with plenty of "street cred".
I could go on, but you get the idea. Unquestionably, overall things ARE better than they were 40 years ago, a point Obama did mention in his speech. The work is not done, though, and won't be in our lifetimes. There is still a lot of ugly bias in our society that still hurts and kills.