Terralthra wrote:
Also, TheHammer - the logic that it's ok to collect and record massive amounts of data because it only becomes criminal once the government looks at it inappropriately is roughly equivalent to saying that it's perfectly legal to download every song, book, movie, and tv show, so long as you never watch them.
The way I look at it is this, the data is already out there on
someones server. All this sytem does is provide a tool to help analysts sift through it to find the specific targets they are looking for. As I understand from the article, unless something is "flagged" most of the data rolls off its cache after a few days as it is. I'm quite certain many of these other organizations (Google, Facebook etc) retain your data for far longer than that.
As to your statement, I'm not up on all the current legislation regarding the storage and transfer of digital media, but I believe I could make a logical argument as to why what you just described should be perfectly legal. All you are essentially doing would be creating a local cache, for the sake of convenience, for media you might potentially consume in the future. So long as you paid for the rights to watch/read/listen to said media then there is no harm to the content creator, and thus no crime.
General Zod wrote:
You know what the funny thing is? If there were proper civilian oversight over this project, you wouldn't have to wait for a whistleblowing leak to tell you that power has been abused. Because it would be transparent and instances of abuse could be a matter of public record. There's enough precedent of the government doing really bad shit to unpopular groups that you really don't need evidence to want some kind of oversight.
They have been moving to make things
more transparent, but with any sort of intelligence organization it is never going to be crystal clear. The project is under the jurisdiction of the FISA court, and recently they've looked at adding a privacy advocate
http://www.theguardian.com/law/2013/aug ... -us-senate to help assuage some fears. I expect you don't think that goes far enough, but I'm not sure what exactly you would find acceptable "civilian oversight".
To give some perspective, lets look at healthcare records - something very private and personal to most of us. The IT people at a healthcare organization have the capability to get your records from your hospital, and a good number of other hospitals that you go to. They can read through reports, doctors notes, view x-rays and MRI scans - your entire medical history. Unless there is a specific report of an abuse, there is no civilian or government oversight that prevents them from doing this, merely internal auditing. However, those IT people know that if they get caught abusing that power, there are MASSIVE fines (to the person not the organization) and potential jail time, not to mention the end of their career. I expect that an intelligence analyst is under similar circumstances.
Something that struck me as funny, while browsing the guardian website I accidentally clicked on the "facebook" link at the top. Then I was prompted with the following: "The Guardian would like access to your public profile, friends list, email address, birthday, and current city". It seems everyone is getting in on the data collection these days.