ray245 wrote: It's not the first time Fingolfin_Noldor let's his prejudice of China cloud his views.
Actually, to be more correct, I am a misanthrope, which means I hate humanity as a whole. It's just that the Chinese race happens to be one of the top few races I particularly despise for what they stand for, if they stand for anything at all.
mr friendly guy wrote:This meme seems to be used a lot doesn't it? What's next? A person who tries to self harm themselves constantly is a bigger threat than a serial killer who doesn't self harm?
Edit - this type of thinking seems to be based on a nice sounding premise which doesn't jive with reality. That is, if you treat your own citizens badly, you will treat citizens of other nations even worse. If you are going to argue that, ultimately you must put forward empirical evidence for that rather than assume its a god damn universal rule. But then some right wingers (and left wingers for that matter as well) seem detach from reality and don't seem to understand concept of empiricism. Remember, when reality doesn't match your theory, its reality that's wrong.
My bloody point, obviously buried with all the vitriol above, is that if you are going to go side one side against the other, you ought to at least know that the side you are siding with isn't exactly even remotely saintly, if at all. That Japan is no fucking saint is obvious as hell what with their misogyny vis a vis women, their nationalism and whatever not. The Koreans aren't much better because the nationalism in some quarters is as bad as the Japanese. The only reason why they never ever reached the level of the Japanese, is because they were, historically speaking, something of a "Poland" between China and Japan and were devastated by 2 wars fought on their soil and they were a tribute state of the Chinese. In any case, the only thing the Chinese do care most about is money and resources, and of course anything standing in their way gets swatted aside.
In any case, N.E Asia has always struck me as resembling 1900s Europe in many ways, so I fully expect them to go to war in the next 20 years for whatever mundane face-saving reason they can think of. I honestly don't give a rat's ass how many people die in the attempt, but quite frankly, a weakened NE Asia is a good thing for rest of Asia.
Stas Bush wrote:Does China throw Koreans into their prisons, or is that an internal Chinese matter? Needless to remind you that Japan discriminated against various foreigners and even their own people from a lower caste for centuries. In any case Japan is, making some corrections for its wealth level, an offender quite similar to China - it has a conviction rate of 99%. Japan's prison system has been linked to numerous abuses, deaths of prisoners and the like - that in a nation where wealth is equalling a First World country and representative-democratic procedures do not seem to be compromised according to the West. Conviction rate for both countries (in fact, for almost all Asian countries) is exceptionally high.
The Chinese don't, but they are known for returning N. Korean defectors back to N. Korea, which is a certain death sentence.