What argument am I not addressing?PeZook wrote:So, TheHammer, you have been provided with examples of abuse, both potential and actual, court opinions on the constitutionality of their policies, examples of past conduct by the US government as a whole and the NSA in particular, yet you still repeat your claims that they have electronic auditing so there's no reason to fret? And when people address that point, you just endlessly repet it over and over and over and over and over again?
This is classic stonewalling. Stop it, and address people's arguments.
Was my last paragraph in my last statement not clear?
You would be correct that I'm saying fretting over potential abuse is something we should not be doing. Chasing an endless number of what-ifs leads only to paranoia. As for as actual abuse, we don't have any major breaches of privacy that I'm aware of. At best we know that some incidents have occured, but in the context that they were addressed by both the courts and the NSA itself. That's evidence to me that auditing is working for its intended purpose.TheHammer wrote: What I'm seeing from the various articles is that there have been issues but that they have also made strides to correct those issues by increasing oversight, reforming processes, and fixing technical glitches. That's what I would expect and hope to see. It is by no means perfect, (and no one is saying it is) but I also see nothing particularly aggregious in what has been leaked so far. If evidence does come out where they are consistenly failing to improve issues, then I will gladly join the growing chorus calling for removal of these tools.
The fact that the FISA court did review and forbid certain techniques is reason to have more confidence in the system, not less. It means that the NSA is being watched, and its policies are not being "rubber-stamped" as some have contended. I read a bit of the court ruling that NettiWelho posted. It's rather informative as to the thought processes behind the FISA/NSA relationship.
The leaks also illustrate that when issues were uncovered via auditing that neither FISA nor the NSA sat on their hands. They took steps to bring the programs into legal compliance through technical fixes and evolving training methods. Again, that's what I was expecting and hoping to see in a program such as this.
One suggestion to many of you: Read the actual documents leaked/released rather than just the news stories that paraphrase them. It makes them not nearly as nefarious as some of the sensationlized headlines might have you believe. I've also found that many of these news writer's interpretations (either because they lack expertise, or because it makes for a more "interesting" story) are reaches at best, if not outright incorrect.