A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

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A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »

This has been brewing in the back of my head for...probably close to a year. For a long time it sat on the back burner because I first pictured in in the manner of a comic strip, and I could never in a hundred years make such a thing with anything even approaching any kind of acceptable art. Sometimes I'd revisit it, imagine different details, but it always went on the back burner again.

So, here it finally is. Concieved and written pretty much purely for catharsis. Yay.
Yes, I am shamelessly ripping off the counter and tense from Know No Fear. Fuck you, you can't stop me.

A Spear From Heaven



In a great tower overlooking a coastal city, a woman tosses and turns in her sleep.

She is pale haired, beautiful by the standards of her people. Right now they would fear to see her, skin drenched in sweat and lips pulled back from white teeth in a silent snarl. The silk sheets and soft pillows of her bed are no comfort to her.

She has long been used to bad dreams. She is a woman with much responsibility. And she has always had a particular ability. A sensitivity, some call it. A talent.

Right now it seems more a curse.


Halfway around the world, a dark-haired man dressed in fine crimson robes sets down his fork.

The light lunch before him sits on its plate, a mere few bites taken from it. The food is exquisite, but holds no appeal for him. Instead he folds his hands and simply looks down at it.

He cannot identify the odd disquiet that hangs over him. All he knows is that if he forces himself to eat any more, he'll likely see it again in a few minutes.

With a narrowing of his green eyes, he shoves the plate away in annoyance and rises.


His footsteps slap against the stone floor as he runs toward the sound of screaming. He has always been a light sleeper - he needs to be, in his profession. His favorite spear is held in one thick-fingered hand.

The shaman's quarters lie before him. The wolves are agitated, ears flicking as they circle about and whine. The shaman lies in his bed - not by choice, but because a trio of attendants hold him down as he thrashes and spits. Each of them is a warrior, green hides marked by scars. The shaman is ancient and frail, blind eyes covered by a dark strip of cloth.

And yet it takes all three to keep the old man from harming himself as he spasms and spits.

"What's happening?" roars the captain as he drops his spear and moves to help.

"We think it's a vision," replies one of the trio.

The two share a knowing look. Both remember what happened the last time the shaman had a vision of such magnitude.



It is a myth that space is dark.

Without atmosphere to hide their existence, without a nearby parent sun to outshine them, the void is full of stars in every direction. Distant nebulae can be seen amongst the innumerable points of light. Absolute silence fills the world.

In a word, it is perfect.

Something moves within the endless vista, like the ripples of a pond as something moves just beneath the surface. If someone could be there to watch, the empty void would seem to contort, to shift, to expand like the forming of a bubble.

Then it tears.

It is soundless, and yet it sounds like the crash of thunder. Cracks form through which shines a colorless light that seems to flash and crackle insensibly. The opening of the veil is accompanied by a sound like the noise of a whetstone against a blade, magnified a hundred thousand times.

Something emerges from the hole in reality. A broad, armored bow followed by a crenelated hull. A cluster of engines adorn its stern. The vessel's outer plating glows as if white-hot as it passes through the open tear, streamers of light lashing against a half-glimpsed sphere that surrounds the ship as though whatever lurks beyond is reluctant to release its prize.

The ship is over a kilometer long, its hull a brilliant shade of blue. It bristles with weapons along both sides, a cannon of immense size slung beneath the armoring of its prow. Upon either side of the vessel can be seen a great insignia: it starts with a golden bird of prey, its beak turned to the right and wings spread to their limit. In its claws it clutches at a more arcane symbol. The ignorant would call it a horseshoe, for it has that shape about it - a large, bowed U, its ends topped by short, classical stops. A pair of golden lines extend horizontally out from the sides of the U-shape.

Beneath the symbol is stark white lettering set against the ship's cerulean hull. If one can read the language, they spell out the word "Bellator." There is more such lettering below this, in much smaller writing. From left to right it proceeds: "272.136.M31 - Calth - Imperator Rex."

The Bellator's mighty engines roar soundlessly in the void of space as they pull it clear of the hole in reality. As the vessel emerges it alters trajectory in subtle fashion, yawing and pitching subtly to starboard as if hurrying to fall out of direct line with that rip in space. Behind it, the cracks torn amongst the veil of stars shift and squirm as they slowly recede, the light beyond flaring one last time as if in outrage before it closes up entirely, leaving the armored ship alone in the void.



"Translation complete at nineteen minutes," a voice announces on the bridge of the strike cruiser. Moments later there's a muffled grinding sound as hidden gears turn between decks, retracting a series of blast shields from the bridge windows so that the crew may look upon the stars beyond.

"Very good, Magos," replies a tall, lantern-jawed man that stands at the central lectern. His uniform is tightly-pressed, the shoulders hung with brocade. A pair of white lines mark the outside of his pant legs - a signifier that he has served at his post for a span of time no less than twenty years.

"No complications reported, captain," the ship's flag-lieutenant says a few moments later. He speaks to the man at the lectern, but as he does so his eyes flock over towards another pair of figures. Each is an armored giant of a man, one standing, one sitting. This creates the illusion that the shorter of the two is taller than his companion.

"There's a piece of good news," the shipmaster replies. "Mister Beech, that's your cue."

"Yes sir," the sensori replies smartly. "Beginning stellar triangulation."

"Belay that," a deep and resonant voice interrupts. It is the first time the seated giant has spoken in the better part of an hour. "Orient by planetary position alone."

There is a pause before the acknowledgement of the order. It is an odd one. Normally when exiting warpspace a ship will immediately determine its location by mapping the position of the stars around itself. Warp travel being as imprecise as it is, a vessel may arrive at the wrong star when moving through densely-packed clusters, or think itself in the wrong system when in fact it has arrived at the correct one.

Despite that, the sensori is a professional man, and though briefly thrown he rallies quickly. "Yes milord," he says.

As the man goes to work, the smaller of the two armored figures turns to glance at his companion. The brief look is not returned. The seated man holds a dataslate in one hand, an armored thumb tapping occasionally at the keys. The thing seems absurdly small in his massive gauntlet.

Both men are covered, from the soles of their feet to the level of their throat by suits of auto-reactive plates of ceramite steel. Like the ship within which they travel, their armor is painted a bright shade of blue. Their shoulderguards are edged in blue, the left marked by the same bowed 'U' symbol.

The smaller of the two men has minute symbols painted on his gorget. It looks like meaningless symbols to anyone that does not know their purpose - XIII-LXIV. To those enlightened, the symbols declare that he is a man of the 13th Legion, and the Sixty-Fourth Company within that legion. His right shoulderguard is painstakingly decorated with further markings that declare his rank as Captain. His features are craggy, marked by a scar that traverses his chin starting from the left side of his mouth. His close-cropped hair is an iron grey, a shade nearly to match his eyes. His name is Lucien Valtis.

The other man wears no heraldry upon his armor - neither rank nor personal. He needs none. His noble features- square jaw, aquiline nose, aquamarine eyes, and neatly made golden hair - are known throughout the galaxy. His age is indeterminate. Age matters little to a being like him, anyway.

He is the Primarch of the XIII Legion, better known as the Ultramarines.

His name is Roboute Guilliman.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


"Sensor sweep complete," the sensori announces.

"Send me the results," Guilliman replies immediately. His thumb taps against the keypad of the dataslate, scrolling through the transmitted information.

A yellow star. A system of eleven planets. Five gas giants. Numerous planetoid moons and asteroids. He recognizes the pattern immediately.

"Helm," he orders, "set course for the fourth planet. Make your speed standard, please."

"Fourth planet, aye sir," the helmsman replies crisply.

Guilliman taps his thumb against the dataslate once more to return to his previous screen. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Captain Valtis glance at him once more. He does not return this look either.

He understands the Captain's curiosity. He is acting far out of character. The entire trip through the warp he has been tight-lipped about their destination. About their mission. About why in the name of the Emperor he has brought a single strike cruiser bearing a single company of Ultramarines when he has the power to call upon a vast fleet of ships and two hundred and fifty such companies in total.

And he is micromanaging without explanation.

He knows that his refusal to permit stellar cartography has already told Captain Valtis and the bridge crew a great deal of what is being left unsaid. There is only one reason he would do so - the strike cruiser currently sails into a system marked by the starcharts with the words "INTERDICTED - IMPERIALIS EXTREMIS." Such systems, the men know, are often those consumed by plague, topography, or alien races so deadly to humanity that it is better to leave them alone than risk interference. In the whole of the Imperium's vast stretches, Guilliman can name less than a dozen star systems of such extreme classification. Individual planets are more common.

He scrolls through the information on his dataslate without really seeing it. He has reviewed it a thousand times already. No orders are within - setting them down might prove inconvenient should unwanted eyes catch a glance. The slate merely contains raw data about his target. From it Guilliman has drawn and redrawn and altered and perfected his plan of action - all in his head. Accustomed to commanding twenty-five chapters of space marines, their supporting armies and navies, an entire realm stretched across five hundred worlds, for the XIII Primarch crafting a single action by a lone company is like child's play.

Scrolling through the information, he thinks back on the conversation that led him here. Rather than astropathic transmission or courier, his orders had been delivered in person, by the one person that could issue such orders to a man of Roboute Guilliman's standing.

"It is a delicate situation," he remembers his father saying. "The planet in question is something of a pet project of mine."

"A pet project?" Guilliman had repeated. By that point he had only just glanced at the same dataslate he now carries. "It is..."

"Bizarre, I know. It is more the result of a failed project, in truth." His father had smiled briefly. "Nevertheless, though it has been many years since I last visited I have continued to observe it as an outsider in the hopes that I may yet glean something from its continuation. It has simply come to a point that things require...a little nudge."

"A nudge," Guilliman echoed. The magnitude of the orders he had just been issued had shocked him into parroting his father's phrases back at him.

"A nudge," the Emperor had confirmed. "No Legions, no expeditionary forces. A company or two should be sufficent for your needs."

"With respect, why me?" the primarch had asked. "Horus was with you, and Russ was closer-" He did not exactly whine, but he had felt compelled to question.

"Because it is precision I need, Roboute," the man in gold had replied. "Russ or Angron would see a world beneath them and lay siege to it in entirety. You are more...trustworthy."

"Dorn is trustworthy," he had said, compelled to defend his favorite brother.

"Dorn is honest," the Emperor had corrected him. "Whilst you are like me, son, with the blackened heart of a politician."

His father's humor had elicited a laugh, and raised his spirits. "If you would have it done, then I shall see it done, my liege," he had replied.

"I expected nothing less."



"I AM THE DESTROYER!" roars a gigantic beast of scorching magma and blackened steel as it thrashes in rage and agony. It thrashes in defiance of the enemies that seek to bring it down. "I AM THE END OF ALL THINGS! INEVITABLE! INDOMITABLE! I - AM - THE CATACLYSSSMM!!"

Moments later the essence of the colossus begins to fray, its physical form dissolving as it bellows. The massive reptile fights against the inevitable for a few seconds, but in spite of its protests the forces brought to bear against it prove too much. With a piercing scream and a great flash of light, the armored creature is reduced to mist and ashes; and then those too fade away, leaving nothing but the distant echo of that final roar.

In the wake of the apocalyptic confrontation, the survivors huddle together to catch their breath and count their blessings.

They are yet unaware of another behemoth that approaches their world from high above.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Highlord Laan »

So, Azeroth, directly post Cataclysm. At least it's Roboute and some Ultars and not a more...hardline chapter. Most of Azeroth's races falling into the "abhuman" category (I think all but the Trolls, Goblins and Tauren can interbreed with humanity) will probably help keep the planet un-bombarded from orbit.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


"Status on void shields," Guilliman demands.

"Shields functioning at ninety-eight percent optimal capacity," replies Magos Elbing, the Mechanicus representative on shift.

"Begin disruption," the primarch replies.

"I re-state my earlier protest," the tech-priest answers in a neutral tone.

"Noted. Now do it," Guilliman says firmly. He dislikes overruling the man in such blunt fashion, but he does not apologize.

"Yes, lord primarch," the Magos acknowledges, fingers tapping at the shield controls, the tech-priest adjusts their alignment to be slightly less efficient, slightly less perfect. The edges of the bow shield begins to crackle faintly against that of the belly and topside arrays. Those to starboard and port begin to react in much the same fashion against the aft shielding.

The overlap causes a low-level energy reaction that spurts excess power into the void around the Bellator. The constant sparking of the shields against one another obscures the shape of the strike cruiser inside their envelope.



A star moves in the sky.

"A comet, I think," pronounces amateur astronomer Clopper Wizbang of the Explorer's League. "It's very bright, and very difficult to observe directly."

The gnome gestures to the pinboard beside him. It holds a depiction of the constellations above Azeroth, the paper heavily marked by pencil lines. Along with it are a few fuzzy, heavily grained pictures taken through a telescope.

"I believe this may be a previously undiscovered comet," the gnome goes on. "One with a very long orbit, perhaps even a thousand years or more. We will have to observe it further until we can be sure." He smiles. "It's all very exciting."



"Passing the orbit of the inner moon," reports the helmsman.

"Standard high orbit, please," is Guilliman's reply.

By now the sensors can return more relavent data than that given to him by his father, and he is once more distracted by his dataslate. The moons are as they should be: the small one looks pale blue to the naked eye, while the larger, inner moon is a chalky white.

Below, the planet boasts a quartet of continents, the southernmost heavily obscured by mists. The continental outlines are slightly wrong in several places, and it takes Guilliman several seconds to mentally confirm the continuing existence of his primary targets. In addition, the primarch notes a new surface installation, not far from one of the primaries. He considers his father's instruction and decides that it falls within the parameters of his mission. He mentally adds it to his target list.



"An auspicious omen, Warchief," the shaman Xorenth says of the bright star that drifts slowly through the night sky.

The brown-skinned orc to whom he speaks harrumphs in reply and spares the sight only the briefest glance for the astronomical wonder beyond his window before returning his gaze to his maps. Garrosh Hellscream has little time for such ephemeral things as omens and portents.

He busies himself instead with his evolving plans regarding a coastal city to the south.



"It is not a comet," declares Magistrix Zaedana in a firm tone of voice, "nor is it a meteor."

The gathered Magisters of Silvermoon glare balefully down at her. "And so?" challenges the dark-haired Grand Magister Rommath. "What is it, then?" The question is understandably snappish - the mysterious object that has provoked the hurried congregation now appears as a bright, starlike point in the sky, visible even during the daylight hours. It has people on edge.

The question makes the astromancer purse her lips for a brief moment. "Unfortunately, scrying has proved difficult," she admits. "Something about the anomaly renders it resistant to our efforts in a manner I have never seen before."

"Antimagic wards?" someone demands.



"Gentlemen, please." The magistrix holds up her hands for silence. "I have consulted with a number of my colleagues and we have definitively ruled such things out. Anti-scrying measures all have distinct signatures when they are triggered by interference. This anomaly carries none of them."

"So what is it?" the Grand Magister demands once more.

Zaedana sighs softly. "My initial theory is that it is a construct of the Titans, perhaps summoned by the Observer entity. It is my suggestion that a Reliquary expedition be sent to Ulduar to determine whether this is the case. If the Observer cannot be contacted, perhaps the devices there may yet help us determine the nature of our...visitor."
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


"Captain Valtis, begin preparations for planetside insertion."

"At once, my lord." The captain of the Sixty-Fourth salutes smartly and turns on his heel to make his way from the bridge of the Bellator.

Over the past week the primarch has slowly let him in on the details of the upcoming operation. He understands now why Guilliman has exhibited such odd behavior. The mission is an odd one. A fast, hard strike as opposed to the invasions to which the XIII have become accustomed. Still, there is a spring in the captain's step. This is the kind of thing the Adeptus Astartes were made for.

Lucien Valtis mentally reviews his company's ranks one last time. The 64th consists of just over one hundred Ultramarines - each one a giant with superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. Most wield the standard-issue weapons of the space marines: a boltgun, several grenades, and a chainsword for close combat. The exception is seventh squad, who make use of heavy weapons.

In addition, the 64th possesses four men of particular specialties:

Apothecary Gallus, whose stark white armor is marked by the distinctive double-helix insignia of a healer. Affixed to one gauntlet he carries a bulky device called a narthecium that is equally adept at the saving and taking of lives.

Chaplain Tiburtius, his armor black as midnight, his helm imprinted with the fearsome features of a skull. A charismatic speaker, he wields the crozius arcanum, a golden staff of office topped by an Imperial aquila.

Codicier Avitus of the Legion Librarius, the psyker. He wears a great metallic hood that covers the better part of his head that protects him from the attacks of foes that possess similar talent. His preferred weapon is a sword built to recieve and channel his psychic might into his blows.

Techmarine Varinius, the man in stark red. A heavy servo-arm is affixed to his back, and he bears the skull-cog icon of the Cult Mechanicus. Should trouble arise in the field, he will be responsible for the well-being of the Ultramarines' equipment.

Their drop onto the planet will take multiple forms: the greater part of the company will utilize a pair of Thunderhawk gunships for their transport into the planet's atmosphere - a Stormbird is too slow, too unwieldy for Guilliman's plan. Others will strap themselves into the armored shell of a drop pod and make the descent that way.

Every fighting man will wear the ceramite armor of the Astartes - Mark IV plate that will boost their already exceptional attributes even further. It will protect them from almost any threat - be it bullet, blade, explosive, even the fallout of nuclear weapons. The corrugated mouthpiece will protect them from airborne toxins or poisonous immersion. The glinting red eyepieces will defend them against bright flashes and allow them to see in the dark, as well as intimidate their foes.

There are men and women across the Imperium that have seen the fearsome lethality of the Astertes. They have a nickname for them.

The Astartes have tried to put a stop to it. It carries religious connotations they do not like. It has not worked. The nickname persists.

It seems they are stuck with it.



"I am sending you home tonight, Prince Anduin," says the prophet. "One of our archmages is preparing a portal for you."

"But why? Because of that star?" questions the towheaded young teenager.

"Yes, because of that star," the ancient draenei replies.

"Have you seen something?" the Prince of Stormwind asks, his brow furrowing.

Velen does not reply immediately. Anduin has learned to wait during these times, though often (such as in this case) it is with great impatience. "I have," he finally says. Anduin gets the distinct impression that the answer is a terrible understatement. "I believe your father will soon desire to have you close by."

"Is something bad coming?"

"Yes," Velen answers in a grave tone. "Angels. Angels of Death."
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


"Release the seals," orders a voice tinged by metallic reverberation. Steam fills the chamber as stasis fields are switched off.

"Hoist him." Chains clink and rattle as the bulk of a large object emerges from a circular pit in the floor. Doors retract as boxy thing clears the decking, at which point the chains reverse and move to set their precious cargo on the floor.

"Adrenalin boosts," Techmarine Varinius orders, and his sevitors do as he says.

There is a low rumbling sound, like the noise of a bear warning intruders away from its cave.

"It is time to wake up, brother," Varinius says.

A brief, static-laden blurt answers him. "You could have given me another five minutes, you stingy bastards," the massive shape replies in an entirely machinised voice.

Behind his helm, Varinius smiles. His brother's wit is irrepressible.

Not even his burial could put an end to it.



"Mornin' bro," says Brett 'Coins' McQuid as he walks into the shop. The goblin is still rubbing the sleep from one eye and he suppresses a yawn.

"Hey Coins, how's the air out there?" the graveshifter says in greeting.

"Pretty clear," Brett replies, smacking his lips. "Think they cut the number four pipe. Might be able t'catch some fish if they don't start 'er up again soon."

"Hey, best news I heard all day," the other goblin says.

"Yeah, well, don't get yer hopes up," Brett replies. "Day's just startin'."

"Ah, go clock in and get some coffee in ya," his fellow gob replies. "I ain't got t'see Bilgewater Harbor from the water fer a couple weeks."



"Morning," the watchman greets his replacement.

"Morn'," the dwarf replies in a grunt. "Anything last night?"

"Yeah," the man replies as he stamps a foot to shake loose a bit of cold. "They set off some fireworks last night."

The dwarf looks at him suspiciously.

"Of course there isn't anything," he says a moment later. "They don't ever do anything."

The man leaves the watchtower without another word. The dwarf shrugs and takes his chair, setting himself up for a shift of watching the distant bastion of Warsong Hold.

The place has, as the dwarf's comrade just enthusiastically reminded him, lain quiet since the end of the war with the Scourge. Still, the ironclad fortress is one of the strongest Horde footholds on the continent of Northrend, and so the men of Valiance Keep watch it carefully. If the current Warchief intends to invade the continent anew, his efforts will certainly begin there.

The dwarf pops open a thermos of steaming coffee and pours himself the first drink of his shift.



Almost halfway around the world, a fearsome warrior lays herself down in her hammock and prepares for sleep.

Her name is Zaela, Warlord of the Dragonmaw Clan. As the grey-skinned orc runs a calloused hand through her hair, she listens to the distant sound of the wind coming off the ocean as it blows through the window of her fortress.

Swinging slowly in her hammock, she drifts off to sleep with impunity. Dragonmaw Port is too large, too fortified a place to fall under attack without significant warning.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


Tail flaps move up and down and engines whine softly as the Bellator Pilum performs its preflight checks.

In an identical bay on the other side of the strike cruiser, the Thunderhawk's twin sister, the Bellator Hasta spins its gunbarrels in its own preflight.

The Pilum and the Hasta, as they are fondly known, are both named after ancient types of spears used in the days of early man. To the crew of the Bellator, they are the ship's deadliest weapons, carrying forth Imperial law and dispensing Imperial justice as their namesakes once did across the face of pre-Imperial Terra.

Soon, the spears shall be loosed.


In the bowels of the strike cruiser, yellow warning lights flash as a quartet of metal pods are moved into the mouth of their launch chutes. Doors are keyed to cycle and open, revealing the padded seats within.



"Vanira," a female voice says sharply.

The female troll starts in surprise and turns to see the young face of the druid Zen'tabra peering at her. "Aya?" she replies.

"Why ya be out 'ere?" the druid female questions, waving a hand at the coastline. The ocean twinkles in the mid-morning sun.

"I dunno," the shaman replies, frowning around her tusks. "I gotta bad feeling," she says, looking back out over the waves.

They seem calm. Inviting, even.

"Someting be coming, mon," Vanira says. She doesn't trust those inviting waves one bit.



The Thundercaller sails slowly up to the docking tower outside the Undercity. The zeppelin is almost half a day late, and even before the boarding ramp is lowered the crew is beginning to catch hell for it from the guards posted at the tower. They yell back with equal vigor. The zeppelin shifts in a particularly strong breeze and the process of unloading the transported passengers and cargo is delayed even further by the inclement weather.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


"Status on bombardment cannon," Guilliman demands.

"Loading complete and target fixed, my lord." the master of ordinance replies immediately.


"Bellator Pilum and Bellator Hasta each report four engines green," the shipmaster answers him. "Captain Valtis reports final loading underway."

"Tell him to inform me directly when his company is fully loaded," Guillman instructs.

"Yes, my lord."



"Where's lunch?" one of the grunts complains. "Whoever's running the kitchen ought to be shot. Food's been late all week."

His companions rumble in agreement.

The guard tower is stifling hot. There's nothing to look at but the trees of the Azshara region in one direction and the smoky air above Orgrimmar in the other.

The guards are given much to complaining as a result.



"My lord Primarch," Valtis' voice crackles in Roboute Guilliman's ear.

"Captain," he acknowledges.

"The Sixty-Fourth is fully loaded, strapped in, and ready for drop."

"Very good, Captain Valtis," he replies. "Courage and Honor."

"Courage and Honor," the captain echoes the battlecry of the Ultramarines.

Guilliman cuts the channel and rises from his command throne.


"My lord?"

"Begin the count. Bombardment cannon...fire!"

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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


The Bellator trembles as the power of its forward cannon is unleashed.

The bombardment cannon is a multibarreled weapon, crafted so that may fire its projectiles at a higher rate than a standard Imperial torpedo array. The barrels use a series of magnets to accelerate their warheads to a blistering speed, and their muzzle velocity is such that the strike cruiser lurches in subtle fashion every time one of them launches.

Standing on the bridge nearly a kilometer aft of the gigantic weapon, Roboute Guilliman can feel the pulsation through the decking as the gun fires. One two three four five projectiles leave the ship in rapid sequence. The vibration barely has time to fade as the cannon pauses for several seconds to cycle ammunition, and soon enough one two three four five more erupt from their barrels. Another pause and one two three four five more follow.

Sensors on the Bellator track the three groupings as they speed away from the ship. Within moments they will enter the atmosphere of the planet below.

"Bridge to Pilum and Hasta," Guilliman barks as the strike cruiser ceases its vibration. "Thunderhawks, you are clear to launch."



The launch bays are empty of personnel. Warnings blare, the sound soon drowned out by that of the thunderhawks' engines as their whine rises in pitch to that of a deafening scream.

Antigravity fields hold them in place as they tremble and buck like wild beasts eager to be loosed from their chains. Thick blast shields have their faces scourged black as pitch as the shock of the engine wash presses against them.

Within moments of each other the grav fields cut and the twin dropships explode from their bays. Within each of their bellies, the armored figures of thirty Astartes are thrown against their restraining harnesses. Someone whoops aloud.

Both thunderhawks roll, Hasta to port and Pilum to starboard as they reorient in the same direction of their parent cruiser.

The Hasta makes an extra roll, waggling its wings in salute as it departs.

The shipmaster smiles slightly.

Guilliman doesn't.

"Drop pods," he says.



A quartet of flares sprout and flicker at the strike cruiser's belly as the pods are launched within moments of one another. Their departure does not shake the strike cruiser as did the firing of the bombardment cannon.

As they speed away towards the planet's surface, a series of attitude control jets fire in succession upon the surface of each pod, adjusting their angle of approach and carrying them off in their separate directions.

Within one such steel shell, Sergeant Alexios and the men of eighth squad sit silently. None of them look the others in the face, each man staring dead ahead.

There is a distinctive feature to the armor worn by the squad that sets them apart from the rest of their company, and indeed the XIII Legion as a whole. Although they boast the proud blue of the Ultramarines from the neck down, their helms are painted a bright, blood red.

It is a mark of censure - in their last combat action, there was a misinterpretation of orders which caused the men of eighth squad to spray suppressing fire at what they believed to be a group of enemy soldiers advancing on their position. Instead, when voices screamed for cease fire, it turned out that they had expertly pinned down a vanguard force belonging to the XVII Legion.

Fortunately, the suppressing nature of the bolter fire meant that none of the Word Bearers had been injured severely. Still, the incident has worked to keep relations sour between the two Legions. Not that they had ever been sweet.

Inside the plummeting drop pod, Sergeant Alexios tightens his hand upon the grip of his boltgun. He has much riding on the success of this operation. He considers it his fault that his men wear the mark of censure.

He intends to see them vindicated.



The hulls of the twin thunderhawks slowly change from valiant blue to cherry red as they descend into the atmosphere at high velocity. The superheated steel leaves a pair of smoky contrails behind the dropships. The turbulence of reentry rocks the two vessels, constantly jostling the troops held within.

"I hate this part," murmurs brother Aleci of fourth squad.

"You puke in your helmet again and you'll be pulling janitorial shifts for the rest of your life," growls Mycas, his sergeant.

"I was still a scout!" the marine protests.

"Childhood is no excuse," the sergeant replies.

Nobody interrupts the exchange. It has long become a drop ritual of the 64th. Most of the company has heard it five or six times.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


The Bravery sits low in the water, swaying gently with the motion of the waves. Her sails billow with the touch of the ocean breeze. Foam sprays against her bow as the ship cuts through another swell. The rippling waves reflect the light from a handful of lanterns that hang from the masts and shine from within the ship's hull.

A shout breaks the relative quiet of the evening. "Cap'n? Cap'n!" shouts one of the deckhands.

Captain Angelina Soluna, commander of The Bravery, turns at the sound of the raised voice. "What is it?" the dark-skinned woman demands of the bearded man. In response he lifts a hand and points a calloused finger towards the southeast.

Angelina follows the indication and frowns as she catches sight of what's caught the man's attention - an oddly shaped cloud high up in the sky shaped like a long snake that seems to be growing even as she watches. The woman slides a brass instrument from her waist and peers at the oddity through her spyglass. It's hardly a better view - there's something that looks like a tiny glowing ember at the head of the cloud.

"What do you think it is?" asks her first mate as the man moves to stand beside her.

"Can't see," she replies. "My guess? Nothing good." She lowers her spyglass and slides the smaller eyepiece back into the large end of the tube. "Least it's moving away from us," she says. She reaches beneath the collar of her shirt with one hand and withdraws a small symbol of the Holy Light, kissing it for luck.



The primarch's eyes track the motion of the projectiles on the bridge screens as they pass over the terminator to the planet's night side. The staggered launch of the warheads mean that by now they are strung out in a ragged line, though all of them yet remain within the proper cone of approach to their target.

Unconsciously, Guilliman finds his lips moving in accordance with the voice of the ship's master of ordinance.



"Ahhhhhh, go fish," says the navigator on the Thundercaller. With the vessel currently docked, there's little for the crew to do at this hour aside sleep or, in the case of this handful, play cards.

"You bastard," growls the Forsaken deathguard to whom he speaks. He reaches out towards the stacked deck of cards in the middle of the group.

His hand never makes it.

It doesn't sound like thunder - it's too low, too fast. The deathguard is insantly reminded of the time he'd seen a comrade punch one of the stitched abominations they use as heavy troops. The dull 'whumph' sound of an armored fist striking flesh, the subtle crack of bone beneath - that's the memory that comes to mind.

More follow, each whumph followed by a shockwave that buffets the zeppelin as the group struggle to gain their feet.

"Oh man," the navigator says as he catches sight of the clouds of dirt and smoke that hang in the air over the old ruins of Lordaeron. Even as he watches another missile from the sky descends and strikes the ground, throwing up another plume of debris.

Then the warheads start going off.



Amongst the Astartes, they are affectionately known as "magma bombs."

Not because they are crafted from the superheated substance. Nor because they interact with said substance in some way - the far deadlier exterminatus torpedoes are more likely to do that.

Magma bombs get their nickname because they do not explode immediately. They strike their target and burrow into it for several seconds before igniting. The resulting explosive fires and scattered rocks they fling into the air resemble the eruption of a volcano.

At the Undercity, they do their job magnificently.

It takes little effort for the missiles to punch through the crumbling stone and desiccated soil of the ruins - built as they are to bore through reinforced bunker walls. Several of them cut through the roof of the Undercity beneath and fall to the floor before exploding. Others miss their mark, detonating in the layers of rock around the mausoleum-city. Either way, the effect is catastrophic.

The ground buckles and quakes. The roof begins to collapse as those not incinerated by the repeated blasts turn to flee in panic. The walls begin to topple inwards. At the surface level, tanks of the Forsakens' blight overturn and spill. One of the orcish guards finds himself beneath such a shattered container and dies immediately, liquefied by the concentrated sludge that pours over him.

Deep within the city of death, a group of human beings tilt their heads up in response to the growing sound of roaring. Stripped of their clothing, kept within iron cages, fed on stale bread and lukewarm water, marked by innumerable scars from the experiments of their captors, they greet the sight of cracking roofs in markedly different fashion than the Forsaken. One woman smiles. "Thank the Light," murmurs one man.

In the throne room of the Banshee Queen, set well off the axis of the Undercity's radial construction, Sylvanas Windrunner screams for her attendant val'kyr. Nearby, Captain Bloodfist of the Kor'kron watches as a wall of collapsing stone and soil comes roaring down the great hall towards him. In contrast to the self-appointed monarch's fearful raging, his reaction is a subdued, "well...damn."

The capitol city of Lordaeron had been constructed at the northern coast of a great body of water known as Lordamere Lake. As the ruins of the city crumble, the waters of the lake come rushing in to fill the void. There is a great roaring sound as nature seeks to find balance. The toxins and chemicals of the Forsaken seep into the water, though the sheer size of the lake works to dilute them somewhat. Still, the water will be undrinkable from the combination of necrotic blight and dead flesh for some years afterward.

Though the entire ordeal takes less than twenty minutes, its immediate effects range as far as the zeppelin tower to the north as the shockwaves from the exploding magma bombs throw the Thundercaller up against its docking port. The fragile gasbag punctures and screams follow as the thing collapses against its moorings. The hull of the zeppelin crashes down atop the housing at the tower's base, crushing the roof and walls as it shatters with the force of its impact. The tower itself leans precariously in the wake of the collision and then, with almost agonizing slowness, topples over onto the wreckage.

As the piercing booms and echoes of destruction fade away, the frothy waters of Lordamere Lake slosh and slap against their new inlet. A few broken remnants of the city that once stood upon the banks still jut through the waves. Only a few stretches of the old walls remain standing at the edges of the collapse. Beneath, a miasma of poison takes hold in the water.

The Banshee Queen, her cohort of angelic val'kyr, an entire detachment of the Kor'kron Guard, and approximately one-fourth of the Forsaken race have been crushed to death.


In the gilded city of Silvermoon, many kilometers distant from the Undercity, a magical orb of translocation suddenly ceases to hum and shine its soothing light. Cracks spiderweb throughout the orb as it slowly fades into a dead, grey stone. Then it breaks, slowly pouring itself out in a cascade of dust that pools upon the floor beneath.

"Get the Regent Lord!" screams one of the attendants.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by White Haven »

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of genocidal war criminals. :twisted:
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Highlord Laan »

I am really hoping that the Exodar isn't on that shit list. The Night Elves could take losing Darnassus, even if Tyrrande dies there (screw Malfurion, death would do him good). The Draenei likely would never recover from losing their only large population center. Be nice if Silvermoon survived, but, eh. I doubt.

I also hope Ironforge, Stormwind and Gilneas aren't in the crosshairs, but this is the Imperium. Wiping out capitals to make a point is par for the course.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


The drop pod containing ninth squad is the first to make its touchdown.

It does so several meters short its intended point of landing. After a journey of several thousand kilometers from high orbit, more than a quarter of the way around the planet, to land within ten meters of its predicted destination is a very small error indeed - testament to the exceeding skill with which the guidance system has been crafted.

The pod comes down at the edge of the ocean, smashing into the sand just below the surface and throwing up a cascade of saltwater, sand and dirt. It strikes the ground with the force of a meteor, and the guards at the nearby target base are thrown from their beds and jolted from quiet watches by a noise that sounds like an explosion.

Grom'gol Base is neither the largest of the Horde's bases, nor the most fortified. It is, however, one of the most important.

It consists of a defensive wall made out of sharpened tree trunks that encircles a number of wooden structures and ramshackle tents. The base is accessed by several wooden gates that consist of more wooden logs lashed together that swing upwards to permit entry. Within the stockade's defensive wall is the reason the place exists: a tall wood-and-stone tower, the top of which forms a wide platform. A zeppelin named the Iron Eagle is currently moored to the platform, its gondola dark as the crew slumbers within the tower itself.

Grom'gol is the foundation of the Horde's strength in the southern reaches of the eastern kingdoms. The zeppelin tower is used to ferry troops and equipment not only across the ocean from Orgrimmar, but also across the continent from the Undercity.

The drop pod is hermetically sealed, but as the men of ninth squad punch the emergency egress and the doors cycle open saltwater begins to pour into the pod's interior. The space marines wade through the rising water and emerge from the pod, striding across the muddy bottom as light from the moons overhead filter through the sloshing waves above.

Meanwhile, a pair of grunts peek out from the gate that faces the coastline. There's still an expanding series of ripples and a fading smoke trail where the meteor came down. For a moment, the pair dare to hope that that's the end of it. Then something moves. Things begin to emerge from the water, armored figures the size of tauren. With maddened crimson eyes.

One of the grunts makes a panicked noise and grabs at the rope that holds the door in place, yanking it from its mounting so that the wooden gate slams closed with a bang.

Sergeant Draco is the commander of ninth squad, and as the gate swings closed he can't help but question, "Are they serious?"

The gate shatters as one of the Ultramarines puts down his shoulder and barrels through it, ceramite armor and enhanced muscle mass instantly snapping the ropes that hold the logs in place. His brothers are close beside him, pushing the remnants of the door aside. One of the guards manages to find his courage and lifts his axe to take a swipe at one of the figures that stands nearly a head taller than himself.

His target swings the massive gun he holds, using the armored casing to knock the blow aside. A moment later he slams the pommel of the weapon's grip into the orc's jaw. Bone cracks under the force of the blow. Before the grunt can collect himself the Ultramarine levels the weapon and pulls the trigger. There's a hard bang followed almost immediately by a loud boom as the explosive round punches through the orc's minimal leather armor and detonates inside his chest.

The sound heralds a staccato outpouring of gunfire, and within moments Grom'gol is filled with the ear-piercing noise of bolt rounds as they punch through wooden walls and cloth tents, exploding with dreadful force. Many of the resident's have heard gunfire before - the sharp crack of a dwarven long-gun, or the gear-grinding sound of a goblin's organ gun. This is nothing like either of those. The bolt rounds punch holes in the stockade walls like cannon fire from a battleship, and the rapidity of the gunfire being unleashed means that the damage inflicted to the base's infrastructure and the people within it rivals the bombardment of a dwarven artillery strike.

At one corner of the compound is set up a delicate ring of metal hooked up to a bank of machinery. Within the ring shimmers a halo of light - at least until one of the Ultramarines kicks the device over and fires two rounds into the accompanying equipment, leaving the device sputtering.

Another of the the Ultramarines throws out an arm, flinging a small item into the air. It bounces against the wooden face of the zeppelin tower a moment before it explodes. Splinters fly in all directions as the shattered ends of the boards catch fire. The tower itself rocks back from the blast, groaning like an injured giant. Then it rocks the other way, and mooring lines begin to snap as the sound of wood cracking and popping announces the collapse of the tower. It falls into the midst of the stockade, leaving the Iron Eagle drifting unmoored in the sky above.

Briefly it seems like the collapse of the tower might do the hopelessly outmatched defenders of Grom'gol a favor. As it comes down it looms over the armored form of ninth squad member Gracchus. Without time to dive out of the way, to the unpracticed eye it appears as though the Ultramarine seems to accept his fate. Gracchus drops to one knee, bowing his head and throwing up one arm to cover himself. A moment later he vanishes as the tower crashes down.

One of the grunts starts to laugh.

The side of the tower erupts with splinters as the space marine comes charging through the wooden boards. The paint on his defending arm has rubbed off, leaving a minor scar on the armor's surface. His bolter resumes firing, cutting down the laughing orc and several other abhuman forms. From one of the tents crawls a pale-skinned being with long ears that reminds him of the alien eldar race. Whether it is one of them in truth or merely a coincidence, Gracchus does not care. The long-eared being dies just as easily as the rest.

The sweep of Grom'gol takes less than ten minutes. The green-skinned beings that look like orks are neither as durable, nor as brave, nor as well-armed as the spacefaring creatures the Ultramarines have fought before. A handful of arrows bounce off of ceramite plate, whilst the few bladed weapons that manage to find a momentary use in close combat do little more than scrape blue paint from the Mark IV plate. Fires left by the explosions of the bole rounds burn steadily beneath the night sky of Azeroth.

Uncrewed, unmoored, the Iron Eagle is pushed inland by the ocean breeze. As the hydrogen in its gasbag depletes over the next few days, it will finally come to a relative soft landing in the jungles to the east, not far from the ruined city of Zul'Gurub.

"Draco to Bellator," the sergeant messages in. "Target location secured." As he speaks his gaze falls upon the coastline and the sheets of dirt and sand thrown up by the drop pod's landing. He cuts the channel to the ship and speaks to his squad. "Gracchus and Reuven, on guard duty. Everyone else, we have a pod to rescue."

Ninth squad spends the next hour hauling the heavy drop pod out of the ocean shallows so that it may be retrieved once done.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


Eighth squad is next to make its presence known. Unlike the oceanside jungle, their pod drops through increasing layers of fog and soupy air as they descend towards their target.

Unlike the tightly-built Grom'gol, eighth squad's destination is a small city of stone construction. It lies at the southern end of a thick swamp, almost hidden amongst the thick foliage. And unlike Grom'gol, the population of Stonard is permitted to look upon the drop pod as it slams home in the midst of the place. Then the doors cycle open and the Ultramarines storm out.

Stonard's thick, namesake buildings offer little protection from the raw violence of the squad's attack. In similar fashion to ninth squad's simultaneous assault, the Ultramarines unleash a torrent of bolter fire in all directions, cutting down anything that moves. In some ways the attack upon Stonard seems even more brutal, more insistant in its destruction. The keystones of buildings are targeted and destroyed to cause collapse. The skulls of the fallen are crushed and spines severed. The wyverns are gunned down at their posts as the creatures begin to shriek and hiss in fear. Grenades are rolled into the guard bunkers.

The red-helmed men of eighth squad have something to prove, and they prove it with every target killed.

Amidst the carnage, Sergeant Alexios makes his way towards the three-storey building near the heart of the city. Although the destruction of the entire swampland town is his primary goal, within the stronghold is a point marked on his helmet's HUD. He does not know exactly what the point represents. All he knows is that something about it merits particular attention.

He kicks in the door to the stronghold and enters, Valerian to his left and Felix to his right. The trio of Ultramarines storm the building, bolters chattering ceaselessly. Although the orcs put up a token defense, the catastrophic assault in the middle of the night has caught them completely off their guard.

Nevertheless, one of them manages to hand the Ultramarines a brief, unwelcome surprise. The orc lifts his hands and from his thick green fingers sprouts a series of forked lightning bolts. They strike Felix in the chest and leap from him to Alexios to Valerian. There is pain as the sizzling electricity heats ceramite and sparks against flesh, but the pain is momentary as Valerian lifts his boltgun and puts an end to the psychic assault.

The next attack comes without warning as a figure appears at the top of the stairs. A female, dark-haired. She looks like one of the eldar, clothes loose around a body that distinctly mimics the form of a human being. Alexios is enraged by the very thought of such mockery. As she waves an arm, something moves in the chamber with the Ultramarines - a hazy outline. Before Alexios can discern more, something lashes out against his chestplate. He feels heat as the attack deeply scores the ceramite of his armor.

She becomes visible in the wake of the whipcrack. A woman of unutterable beauty...and yet misshapen in horrific fashion, possessed of wings and horns, her legs ending in cloven hooves. She lifts her arm, a long whip being readied for another strike. It never lands. Felix dives past the warp-spawned creature and rolls, coming up on one knee. He fires once. It is all he needs. The exodite falls, cradling what is left of her midsection. The warp-spawn pet of hers shudders as if sharing some measure of the sensation. Before she can recover, Alexios draws his power sword and impales the creature through her midsection. She dies with a screech, body shimmering as it seemingly dissolves.

"A small wonder the primarch wanted this place disposed of," Valerian growls.

"Place charges," Alexios orders, all business. The trio carry melta bombs which they slap up against the thick stone walls of the stronghold. They are built to melt steel - mere granite will be no match for such explosives, and as the sergeant and his chosen men depart, a deafening blast erupts behind them followed by a rumble as the stronghold collapses.

Unseen, unnoticed by the Ultramarines, the violence of the explosion and subesquent collapse disrupts the juncture of Azeroth's leylines atop which the stronghold was constructed. It spins out of control, dissolving away.


Halfway across the swamp, the explosion is heard by the men and women at Marshtide Watch. A captain of the Stormwind Army named Joanna Blueheart is pulled from her sleep by what sounds like a crack of thunder. "Th'ell wassat?" she murmurs, rubbing sleep from her eyes.


In the wake of the assault on Stonard, Sergeant Alexios has a choice to make. Captain Valtis has told him that just over fifty kilometers to the southwest is another target. It lies much farther down in the Ultramarines' priority list, however its proximity to eighth squad's landing gives them the chance to further the company's gains should the assault on their primary target be accomplished with sufficient speed.

Alexios looks at his men - looks at the crimson helms they wear. The destruction of the swampland stronghold is not enough. It is not enough that eighth squad be dutiful and efficient. They must show that they can excel. They must wipe the slate clean. His men deserve that.

"Alexios reporting," he says to the Bellator. "Primary objective neutralized. Proceeding to secondary target."

He crosses to the drop pod and types a command code to retract the doors. The pod seals itself into the same impregnable shell that carried them through the blazing heat of reentry.

"Triple-time it, eighth squad," he growls.

The armored Ultramarines depart the burning ruins of Stonard at a dead run.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


Tenth squad's landing proves slightly problematic.

A split-second before the pod is supposed to touch down an alarm blares, and suddenly the interior of the metal shell seems to topple about, wrenching to one side and leaving tenth squad three-quarters of the way upside down, armored bodies hanging from their harnesses.

One of the men at the bottom fumbles for the release and the doors begin to cycle open. There's the sound of grinding rock and rubble as the action of the doors attempts to right the toppled conveyance.


The sound of the loud bang wakes Zaela from her sleep. The female warlord snarls. An attack by the Alliance cowards in the middle of the night? Another screwup by the goblins?

Either way she swings herself from her hammock and grabs her axe.


Tenth squad clamber out of their drop pod in a manner more like beetles than men. The pod sits askew atop a pile of rubble that was once some manner of building. A bar of some kind, guesses Sergeant Timaeus from the shattered glass and the spilled liquids. A tridactyl alien hand reaches out from beneath the rubble. The segeant steps on it as he climbs down towards the ground level.

Tenth squad have dropped into the center of a fortified peninsula. Already the defenders are beginning to turn from their posts atop walls of stone and iron to react to the unexpected intrusion.

Timaeus doesn't concern himself with that, however. As his men spread out from the wreckage of the drop pod's landing and begin to intercept the defenders, Timaeus himself sprints across a patch of open ground towards a tower marked with a reticle on his HUD. This is his primary objective; the destruction of the fortress, killing the enemy - all that is secondary.

As his men cover him, the tenth sergeant of the 64th draws his chainsword with one hand and thumbs it on. It comes to life with a roar as the teeth begin to whirl around the structure of the blade.

A grey-skinned orc attempts to get in his way, mail jangling as it raises a jagged axe and roars.

Timaeus cuts the guard in half without slowing.

By now he can see his objective through the open doorway of the tower. It's a vertical ring wide enough to drive a landspeeder through. Instead of the back of the tower, he can see a pool of daylight through the boundary of the metal circle. There's something that looks like a rocky desert.

As the Ultramarine skids to a stop in the mouth of the tower, he can spy another of the creatures through the glowing circle: green-skinned instead of grey. It turns to look at him in surprise. Having fought the spacefaring version of orks before, the sergeant of the tenth knows that they understand a pidgin form of gothic, and so he lifts his voice to holler in his best parade ground bellow- "Here! Take this!" As he speaks, he pitches something underhanded.


Halfway around the world, Farseer Krogar instinctively responds to the order and extends his hands to catch the object flung through the portal. The orc huffs as the thing's weight thuds against his chest. Blinking crimson eyes, the orc looks down at the odd, boxy device and then back up towards the portal to the Khaz Modan Highlands, where the half-glimpsed figure in blue armor is already turning away from him.

The shaman opens his mouth to ask what the hell is going on.

Sergeant Timaeus' melta charge goes off with an ear-piercing blast.

The radius of the explosion easily envelops that of the earthshrine where the farseer stood. Constructed by the shaman of the Earthen Ring, the earthshrine sits atop a conjunction of multiple leylines that stretch across the world, carefully urged into place by the shamans' pacts with the elemental spirits.

The blast of the meltabomb ends all that in an instant. Stone at the epicenter of the explosion is liquifed, while the standing plinths that ring the shrine are shattered. One by one, the portals that permit transit from Orgrimmar to the far-flung corners of the world - the desert city of Ramkahen, the summit of Mt. Hyjal, Vashj'ir Island, the cavernous realm of Deepholm, and the one to Dragonmaw Port - each wink out as the elemental bonds dissolve.

Nearby, an orcish mage named Zugra Flamefist topples over as a shard of stone drives itself into her skull. The mage's clothing catches fire from her proximity to the heat of the blast. Her own portal to the battlefield of Tol Barad sizzles and falls apart moments after those of the earthshrine's vanish.

All of this happens in less than a second. At the sound of the explosion, men and women in Orgrimmar's valley of wisdom look towards the cliffs above in shock. "What in An'she's name was that?" barks one tauren.


Warlord Zaela emerges from her stronghold to the sight of the intruders doing battle with her nightwatch. The orc bares her tusks in a snarl as she watches one after another of the Dragonmaw warriors is cut down by the ogre-sized attackers.

Zaela wears a chain at her belt, dark iron links looped twice. She grasps the length of it, pulling the artifact from its hooks and lifting it high as she spins it in a circle so that the iron links rattle against one another. "Rise!" the Warlord of the Dragonmaw Clan orders. "Rise and slay our enemies!"

And from the pens in the outer reaches from the fortress, dark forms take flight in response to the warlord's call. Wings stretch and spread as roars fill the air.

The sight of one of the horned drakes as it banks closer leaves squad member Naevius momentarily wrong-footed. "Is that what I think it-"

"Move!" barks Curtius. Applying action to words he shoves his squad-mate's pauldron, throwing Naevius out of the way as he himself dives in the other direction. A moment later a blast of ebon flame cuts through the spot where the tenth squad pair had just been standing. Curtius can feel the unnatural heat as it licks at his heels. Both men roll as they strike the ground, bolters firing up into the air. The drake's armored hide is far from proof against the power of the Ultramarines' bolt rounds. With a bellow and a wrench of its body the reptile falls from the sky.

The other members of the squad move to cover the pair as they rise, firing into the air to ward off the encroaching drakes. "They say the X Primarch killed one, once," Vydian says. "A dragon."

"I hope his was more fearsome," Curtius mutters. "Or that story just got a lot less impressive."


Sergeant Timaeus doesn't bother to rebuke the excess chatter. The men of tenth squad know how to do their jobs. Still, the assault from the air has him concerned. More of the armored orcs are coming, and although each of the Ultramarines is worth a hundred mortal soldiers, it is well within the realm of possibility that with the aid of the flying reptiles the enemy might be capable of swamping them, pinning the men beneath the weight of their foes and slowly hacking them to death.

Timaeus is not a stupid man, however. He hasn't missed the sight of the way that female rattled that chain she carries to call forth the beasts. A lure of some kind? A psychic focus? A cue from the beasts' training? It doesn't matter. The sergeant needs that chain.

The armored figure barrels towards the stronghold. Zaela sees him coming. With a snarl of her own she hefts axe and chain alike and bursts into a run to meet her foe. Timaeus is momentarily impressed by the grey-skinned figure's resolve.

As the two warriors reach one another their weapons intersect one another's paths. The monomolecular-edged teeth of Timaeus' chainsword bite through the steel of Zaela's axe in a hail of sparks and continues on afterward. Blood splatters. A moment later the Warlord of the Dragonmaw topples. Her head rolls some feet from her body.

Timaeus drops to his knee and grabs at the dark chain the orc carried. As his gauntlet closes about the thing, the links rattle and the sergeant can't suppress the sudden feeling that the thing writhes in his hand. He rises to his feet, letting the thing dangle from his grasp. Something about it feels...despicable. Foul, even.

As he rises, the sergeant is struck by an idea. He could use the thing to order the drakes to turn on their masters. To aid the Ultramarines in their fight.

His stomach turns in revulsion at the very thought of it.

Instead, the armored man flings out his arms and shouts, "shoo!" Rattling the chain he gesticulates wildly, looking for all the world like a man chasing off migratory birds. "Go away! Fly off somewhere far from here! Go and do...whatever it is you things do when you're not here!" The chain feels like it's squirming in his armored grip. Timaeus grits his teeth.

With a series of roars the ebon drakes wheel about in the air above. First one, then another, then the lot of them begin to scatter, flying off into the night sky.

Even as they depart the sergeant all but flings the chain down, giving in to the human urge to wipe his palm against his side. He feels...sullied, somehow. He'll have to talk to Avitus about this when the operation ends.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by LadyTevar »

I have to wonder what will happen when they reach the Human lands, and find so many "psychers" as well as Aliens.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


Grothek is an angry man.

A warrior in the armies of the Horde, the young orc had had a fine career ahead of him until he'd lost his sword arm in the war against the Scourge.

There hadn't even been enough left to mount a blade or other implement in the manner of the Shattered Hand. Grothek's days of glorious battle were over. He had long considered ritual suicide - to salvage an honorable death from his disgrace. But he could not quite muster the bravery to do so. Given the choice between 'victory or death,' Grothek settled for 'or.'

He has lived with his uncle Torp ever since. Though he may no longer be a warrior, an orc with one arm is still eminently capable of doing work on his uncle's farm. Grothek hates the work. He hates carrying buckets of food and water to the squealing boars. He hates the smell of the kodo beasts that pull the plows. He hates the cold of Northrend at night. He hates the sight of Warsong Hold to the east, and the knowledge that hangs around him every hour of every day that had that axe come at him a second earlier, a second later, he could have been spared this ignominous fate.

Torp does not see it that way. His uncle insists that what they do is crucial work. The food they grow, the pigs they slaughter go to feed the armies of the Horde. A million warriors need feeding, his uncle is fond of saying, or at the end of the day you'd have a million deserters. Grothek hates that saying, too. In some ways, he hates his uncle for his generosity in letting a cripple work for him. If Torp had turned his back the way Grothek's fellow grunts had, perhaps then honorable death might have been that much easier.

The orc grinds his teeth as he dumps the last pail of water into the boars' trough and sets it down before unlocking the gate to the next pen and pulling it open. He turns away as the animals squeal and snort and slop at the fresh offering. Slinging the dripping pail over one shoulder, he begins to make his way back down the dirt path towards the clutch of homes by the slaughterhouse at the center of the farmland. His stomach is rumbling. It's well past lunchtime, and even a one-armed farmhand needs a damned meal.

With a sound like the rippling of air in a sudden breeze, a meteor drops out of the sky, smashing through one of the stone buildings as it lands.


The fourth drop pod hits the ground much harder than the previous three. The building it strikes is completely wrecked by the violence of the impact. The walls are flattened. The floor itself is destroyed. Debris and dirt are thrown up in the air like a plume of sea spray.

There is no delay in the pod's opening. No slow retraction of the doors. Instead they blow open with a series of explosive charges, flying off to clang discordantly as they fall to the ground, leaving little left of the pod but a skeletal frame.

The sole occupant of the pod stamps his way out of the debris without even a moment's hesitation. Every foostep is a resounding thud like the strike of a mallet upon a great drum. Its arms are massive, one easily smashing aside what remains of the building's doorframe. The thing stands at twice the height of an orc - a behemoth of sloping armor plate and dynamic machinery.


His name is Mathis.

Alone amongst the 64th, he does not hail from any world within the Realm of Ultramar. Rather, he was born many light-years distant, upon a shining planet known as Terra. His life began in the great conglomeration-hive of Balmorra, on the northernmost of the two Merician continents.

Amongst the XIII Legion, he is one of a treasured few - the first class of the Adeptus Astartes, the men who kick-started the Great Crusade. He bears the title of "venerable brother" out of respect to his great experience. He has seen battle upon a hundred worlds and performed acts of heroism that stretch more than halfway across the galaxy. He was there to welcome Guilliman into the Ultramarines, rather than the other way around.

It nearly came to an end fifty years ago. Set upon by the piratical eldar, the barely-breathing Mathis was found beneath a pile of his foes' bodies: his own corpse hacked, charred, and festering with alien toxins. Only two things saved him: the quick action of his brothers in the apothecarion, and Mathis' own intomitable will to live.

Interred within the confines of a great dreadnought, Venerable Mathis continues on undaunted in his service to humanity. His oft-repeated consideration on the matter of his near-death experience is quite simple, if somewhat at odds with the encompassing realism preached by the speakers for Imperial Truth: "Death happened by. I told him it wasn't a good time."

The dreadnought stamps his way out of the crash site, four tonnes of unrelenting steel and menace. A green-skinned creature attempts to get in his way. Mathis twists his torso atop its gyroscopic pelvis and then swings back the other way. The dreadnought's power fist slams into the interloper's midsection and sends the orc flying without even a pause in the rhythmic pounding of its armored legs.

Auto-senses survey and track the immediate area. A number of stone buildings surrounded by farmland. His primary target is visible just beyond a nearby hill. Farm-beasts and draft-beasts are present along with more of the green-skinned orcs.

As he passes by the open doorway of the largest building, Mathis' auto-senses note the presence of a number of orcs, as well as the freshly-slaughtered carcasses of a number of boars. Lifting his power fist, the dreadnought points his arm towards the doorway and, with a thought, ignites the pilot light of the underslung weapon mounted there.

A tongue of flame whooshes out, white-hot as it rushes through the open doorway. The liquid promethium that fuels the weapon creates a steady stream, unstuttering as Mathis subtly shifts his arm left and right to cover the interior. Moments after the weapon's ignition, the screaming begins. It doesn't last long - the flame of Mathis' weapon burns at just over a thousand degrees celsius, hot enough to soften steel and make solid stone run like water. Wood, cloth, and flesh - whether living or dead - is instantly immolated.

Mathis cuts the flame after a few seconds and turns to continue onward. In his wake the structure of the slaughterhouse sags to one side, crackling with flame. A roar reaches the dreadnought's receptors as one of the orcs, a specimen missing one arm runs towards him with a pitchfork. The venerable brother doesn't know whether to deride or applaud the audacity of the act.

He does neither. Instead he reacts in the manner of a warrior. With another thought he spins up the barrels of the great weapon that has long replaced his right hand. The mechanism whines as it comes to full speed, and with a sound like a loud fart Mathis fires the autocannon. Though the burst lasts barely three-tenths of a second, it is enough to all but disintigrate the charging orc. Slugs meant to punch through ceramite armor blow through flesh and bone to penetrate deeply into the ground behind the creature. It's a messy destruction.

Mathis stamps past the remnants of the orc, firing off more controlled bursts in quick succession. Orcs die. Kodos die. He triggers the flamethrower once more, setting light to the dry grass and wooden fence of the nearest pen. Several of the boars inside likewise catch fire while their fellows flee instinctively, screaming and bucking against the fence on the opposite side. Wood splinters as the animals throw their considerable weight against the barrier, stampeding towards freedom and safety.

In the years to come, wild boars will become a recurring sight amidst the tundra of Northrend's warmer regions.


The sound of gunfire and the resulting screams carry across the rolling hills. They do not go unnoticed. Inside Warsong Hold, guards begin to shout warnings of fires being lit at the nearby farms. Although it once served as the Horde's foothold against an army that spanned the continent, in the years since it has filled mostly with those disgruntled by the current campaigns, with old veterans and rule-breakers punished with duty in the cold north. The unexpected attack leaves them discombobulated.

The disorder has no time to build into a proper panic, as a white-haired veteran of the Horde's campaigns reacts fluidly to the sudden chaos. He begins to bark orders that send off-duty soldiers running for their gear and on-duty guards readying the Hold's defenses. Almost single-handedly he pulls the orcs of the Hold together into a cohesive fighting force and sends the goblins scurrying to ready the fortress' contingency plan that floats in the center of Warsong Hold's cavernous shell of iron.

Almost unconsciously, he takes up a nearby battle-axe marked with a skull-faced emblem and slings it across his back in preparation for battle.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


Mathis relentlessly stamps his way across the landscape towards his target. The dreadnought can see figures moving atop the structure, but they're too far away and too little threat for him to bother wasting ammo. He keeps the barrels of his autocannon running nonetheless, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

The base is surrounded by some manner of pit. A kind of emergency quarry. There are gantries that lead down to the bottom, but the dreadnought doesn't trust the sight of any of them with his kind of weight. So he circles the edge of the quarry, looking for a way down into the base. He finds it at the north side, a broad, flat ramp cut through the edge of the pit that leads down to a wide open doorway at the ground level. Above it, halfway up the face of the stronghold is another doorway, wide enough to fly a thunderhawk through. Through it, Mathis can see the reason he was sent here - a zeppelin, moored inside. The gondola of the craft has its running lights on.

Mathis increases his pace as he nears the top of the rampway and turns to begin making his way down into the pit.

That's when they attack. The vanguard sallies out from the entryway, a dozen wolfriders followed by a number of troops on foot. The first line carry swords and shields, the second, axes and halberds. Most of them wear boiled leather armor supplemented by mail and chain.

Mathis looks at the approaching troops. He looks at the orcs mounted on their gigantic wolves.

He thinks: I can never tell the VI Legion about this.

He lifts his left hand and ignites the pilot as the wolfriders charge into range. The jet of liquid flame washes over the cavalry, orc and beast alike dying in moments as flesh melts and bone cracks in the searing heat. The flamer's spread engulfs the neck of the rampway, leaving the mounted unit with nowhere to flee. In a few seconds it is over, and Mathis cuts the flow of promethium to leave a scene of horror stretched across the melted stone of the quarry. The infantry back away, keeping together as a unit rather than following their comrades into the reach of the flamer.

Mathis is momentarily impressed: not as suicidal as their spacebourne counterparts, then. It won't save them. The dreadnought lowers his power fist and levels his autocannon. The whining barrels begin to roar as the muzzle flares. Mathis sweeps the troops with the weapon's spray, armor-piecing slugs blowing through the pathetic shields without slowing. A few try to flee. A few try to charge. They all die.

As Mathis ceases fire, the sound of another machine reaches his receptors. A whine, not entirely unlike the steady noise of his autocannon as the barrels cycle. He redirects his attention upwards and sees that the large propeller affixed to the tail end of the zeppelin has begun to slowly rotate. "Oh, we can't have that," he says aloud. He hoists the autocannon once more and lets rip with a sustained burst.

Bullets tear through the material of the gasbag. Ricochets glance from the steel blades of the propellers and within moments the sparks created ignite the escaping hydrogen. There's a brief spurt of flame and then the zeppelin bursts. The gondola beneath lurches heavily as the gasbag erupts and moments later smashes itself against the opposite wall of the fortress.

Mathis stamps his way down to the bottom of the ramp and proceeds into the burning fortress. Through the smoke and fire he continues to track his targets, trigging both flamer and autocannon to add to the destruction that ravages the stronghold's interior. "IMPERIUM VICTORIAM!" he booms over his loudspeakers, a voice to shake the walls of the enemy bastion.

It is an old battlecry of the Legions, one that has largely passed into history now that such things as "courage and honor" and "iron within, iron without" have risen to take its place. Like many such memories of the early days, Mathis keeps it alive as a salute to old comrades and fallen friends.

The dreadnought pauses in his relentless assault to peer up into the interior of the stronghold. A massive stone statue of an orc towers over the ground floor, a pair of axes crossed over its barrel chest. Mathis shifts and fires a blast from his flamer upwards. The tongue of superheated fire washes over the stone edifice for a long moment. When it flickers out the orc's head has softened into a misshapen lump, the scowling face indiscernible, the crossed axes bent and drooping from their previous position.

"Modern art," growls the venerable brother. "Can I get a Remembrancer grant now?"


On one of the upper platorms, the armored veteran looses his axe from its sling across his back. Gritting his teeth he takes a running leap towards the machine laying waste to his hold.

His eyes glow red as he descends and High Overlord Varok Saurfang bellows in a voice to match the thing's roar. "LOK'TAR!"


Mathis sees the movement asplit-second before the armored figure bursts from the haze of smoke. He swings about and lifts his left arm, but the orc hits the ground and lashes out with the axe he carries. The arcanite edge of Saurfang's axe shears through the armored feed line of Mathis' flamer, and an alarm flashes across the dreadnought's visual display. Before he can grab the white-haired orc, the warrior dives into a shoulder roll that carries him out of line of sight.

"Clever," the venerable brother mutters. He twists on one foot, lashing out with one heavy arm. The orc moves with uncanny speed and Mathis' power fist misses by nearly a foot. The dreadnought fires his autocannon, but the warrior dodges aside, moving fast enough that the venerable brother has difficulty tracking quickly enough. The bullets fly past to ricochet from the walls.

Saurfang lashes out with his heavy axe and Mathis lifts his hand to block it with the power fist. Sparks fly as the two weapons intersect. "Why have you attacked us?" snarls the High Overlord.

Mathis is momentarily thrown by the orc's proper syntax. "Why does any soldier do what he does?" he riposts after a heartbeat. With a whirr of pistons he shoves hard with his power fist. As he brings up the autocannon, Saurfang frustrates him once more by sagging to the side, out of the line of fire. He swings his axe about in an arc until the cutting edge slams into the joint just above the dreadnought's armored leg, putting a notch into the ceramite steel. Wrenching the blade free he ducks his head and rushes forwards past the armored enemy even as Mathis attempts to bring his power fist down upon the orc's back.

For Saurfang, it is like fighting a gronn - albeit a faster, smarter, armored one. Mathis is more fascinated than angered by the orc's continued frustration of his attacks. The white-haired warrior moves like a space marine, unencumbered by his heavy armor. That his axe can put so much as a notch in the dreadnought's armored bulk is an impressive feat all its own.

For a few seconds the battle seems as if it may well be even as the two champions duel amongst the burning wreckage of the stronghold's interior.

But Saurfang can't evade the venerable Ultramarine forever. Another blurt of autocannon fire stitches the floor in an arc behind the High Overlord. The last of the rounds punch through the warrior's greave and Saurfang stumbles with a snarl. A moment later and the dreadnought is upon him, gripping the orc's armored body in his massive power fist. Saurfang lashes out one last time in defiance, sinking the blade of his axe into Mathis' shoulder joint. As the power fist clenches him, the old warrior groans and instinctively drops his arms to try and free himself, leaving the axe there.

"Do one thing for me," he growls, looking into the narrow slit in the armor that constitutes the closest thing the dreadnought has for a face.

"What?" replies Mathis.

"Leave me here," Saurfang says. "Let me burn."

There's a brief pause. "Request granted," the Ultramarine says. Then he squeezes. The power fist closes around Saurfang's torso with a groan of metal and a crack of bone. The old veteran groans, coughing blood spatter.

Mathis lowers the orc's body and turns. There's a throne of wood, stone, and steel set between the legs of the enormous statue. The dreadnought carries the body of his foe over to the large seat and, with care, sets him in it. Varok Saurfang still lives, and he hisses in pain as the dreadnought releases him, crimson eyes watching as Mathis wrenches the axe from his shoulder joint and, after a moment's consideration, lays it down across the warrior's chest.

As he steps back, the dreadnought notes, "I could do it myself if you hadn't cut my feed line."

Varok Saurfang laughs, coughing thickly as blood trickles from his mouth. "Don't expect an apology."

"So noted. Die well," Mathis replies as he turns and departs.

As the dreadnought leaves Warsong Hold the upper floors begin to collapse thanks to the ongoing fires eating away at them. Surrounded by the flames as they close in, Saurfang leans his head back against the throne, draping one arm over his axe as his eyelids slide downwards.

"Ah," he murmurs softly as the heat begins to steal the breath from his lungs. "There you are, son."
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


The twin thunderhawks begin to pull their noses up as they bleed off their excess speed and settle down to manageable levels. The pair of them waste no time in reorienting themselves and homing in on distant targets that yet lie beyond the horizon.

The further west of the pair, the Hasta, begins to follow a course almost due north. In time it will turn further and further west so as to attack its target from the sea. Further east, the Pilum makes a sharper correction, heading almost due west in a path that will take it across the Hasta's contrail in due time.

Although it had greatly reduced its speed following reentry, the engines of the Pilum begin to rise in pitch once more as its pilot slowly eases the throttle further and further forward.

The craft goes supersonic.

Then hypersonic.

The Pilum rips its way across the ocean at dangerously low altitude. Behind it forms a wall of solid air like a bright white cone. A moment behind the vessel, a trough is formed in the water by the violence of the thunderhawk's passing. A mighty wake rises behind the dropship, saltwater churning and frothing in a distinctive V that follows the Pilum in its route across the ocean.

An expanse that takes a sailing ship like The Bravery weeks to cross will be bested by the thunderhawk in mere minutes.



Something sharp pokes the naga in his belly scales.

"Get ya up," an accented voice snarls.

Serekkar opens his eyes, third lid sliding back along with the other two. For the past four days the naga has been lying, coiled, at the bottom of the wooden cage in which he is kept prisoner by the trolls of the Echo Isles. At first he had held out hope for some manner of rescue. However now, with his stomach empty and his scales dry, there is little left within him but the simmering desire to at least hurt one or two of his captors before his life is finally ended.

The naga hisses at the spear-wielding troll that keeps jabbing at him. The bars of his cage are too close together to permit him to do anything as dangerous as swipe a claw through them, but he does make a grab for the spear. Days without food have dulled his reflexes, however, and the troll's weapon eludes him.

"Time ta get ya up mon," the Darkspear says, tapping the spearhead against the cage door. "It be ya turn in da pit."

"Ssssssss," the naga grumbles. "The leasssst you primitivesss could do would be to offer a man a lasssst drink."

The guards snicker. Spear-poke opens his mouth to reply.

The sun winks out as darkness passes overhead for the briefest instant.

Heads turn upwards all over the island. Spear-poke starts to say "What da fu-"

Then the shockwave hits.


The Bellator Pilum passes over Darkspear Isle at a velocity of more than twenty-five times the speed of sound.

A moment later the sonic boom that follows in its wake strikes the island.

Pandemonium ensues. It is not unlike being struck by hurricane-force winds, magnified over and again. Dirt and sand are ripped from the ground. The wooden poles of the Darkspear huts are shredded and splintered, the straw roofs disintigrating in moments. Bodies are picked up and thrown through the air like rag dolls.

The most unfortunate are those caught directly beneath the wash of the thunderhawk's passing. The sudden pressure of the shockwave causes blood vessels to burst and separate. Bones shatter from the force of the impact. Even a troll's supernatural healing factor cannot overcome such horrific internal damage, and their bodies collapse in pools of blood.

Others are crushed by falling trees and toppling bricks from the old stone walls near the island's center. For many, the overwhelming roar will be the last thing they ever hear.

Vanira the shaman coughs. She's been thrown up against something solid. The grizzled she-troll shakes her head as she tries to clear her senses. It's difficult to breathe, and she tries to push herself to her feet. She can't move. Looking down, the shaman sees a bloodied wooden post protruding from her midriff. She lifts a hand and tries to pull herself off the impaling stump, but her strength fails her. Her arms and legs feel like jelly. After a moment her hand falls back and she slumps. Darkness takes her.

A moment later the thunderhawk passes over the coastal village of Sen'jin, and there the carnage is even worse. Darkspear Isle was marginally protected from the destruction by the presence of numerous trees and the walls that worked to absorb the blow. Sen'jin has no such protection and worse - the wooden buildings are much closer together.

The fishing village collapses instantly as the sonic boom washes over it. The esteemed Master Gadrin is killed as one of the thick logs that support the largest of the huts is torn from the ground and flung into his face. His neck snaps.

The Darkspear raptor pens do not escape the assault. The reptilian beasts snap their leads and flee, screaming in fear and pain. Several turn on their masters as the trolls attempt to corral their mounts.

It is the blackest day the Darkspear Tribe has known since they suffered the depredations of the Sea Witch. Those lucky enough to escape will be a long time repairing the damage and seeing to the wounded and dead.


Serekkar screams as his cage is tossed end over end through the air. The naga presses his hands to his tympanic membranes and squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to shut out the overpowering boom of the shockwave.

The breath is knocked from him as the wooden cage strikes the ground and breaks open. For a long moment the naga sprawls there, groaning and unaware of his opportunity. Then his slitted gaze falls upon the nearby ocean and his eyes snap wide. With a burst of energy he pulls himself across the ground, belly-flat like a snake as he dives into the waves.

The cold shock of the saltwater is more rejuvenating than any magic spell could be, and for a long moment the naga works his tail to put distance between himself and the coastline. Then, unable to resist he turns and pokes his head up above the ways to survey the damage to Darkspear Isle.

"Ssss-ssss-ssssssss," the naga laughs, and with a toothy grin he flips about to dive once more, making good his escape.


The pilot of the Pilum eases back on the throttle and gains altitude in the wake of the flyby. Banking, he turns the craft's nose further west and makes for his next target.



In the Valley of Spirits, a respected witch doctor of the Darkspear Tribe named Umbu suddenly bends double and relieves himself of his last meal in florid, loud fashion.

Guards and people nearby rush to the witch doctor's aid. His eyes have rolled back in his head and he is shaking in a violent seizure. They hold him steady to prevent him from hurting himself. Someone pours a measure of cold water over his forehead and this seems to bring Umbu to his senses, still gasping and croaking as he dry-heaves.

"De Isles," he murmurs. "De Isles. Tell da Warchief..."

"Tell him what?" demands one of the nearby trolls.

"De Isles," is the witch doctor's only answer as he sways back and forth. "De Isles, de Isles, de Isles..."

Someone runs off to pass on the warning.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


The Bellator Hasta approaches the coastline of Kalimdor many kilometers to the north of its twin.

As its target comes into view, the pilot is reminded of a great Mechanicus weapon he'd seen in use once. The tech-priests had called the massive device an Ordinatus.

The centerpiece of Bilgewater Harbor's construction is a gigantic cannon, constructed of more steel than was used in the rest of the island city's construction all put together. The muzzle is built to resemble a giant grinning goblin head. The enormous weapon has never been fired, owing to the intervention of the Bilgewater Cartel's cooler heads. Some of them, experts on the typical rigorous standards of the engineers of their race, fear that the triggering of the weapon would cause more damage to the harbor than any potential target.

In a few moments, the debate will be academic.

The Hasta comes in low, beneath the tilt of the weapon's barrel. In the cockpit of the thunderhawk, the vessel's gunner leans into his HUD, adjusting the controls of his weaponry with shocking dexterity considering his position in a bucking metal box traveling at a thousand kilometers per hour.

The HUD goes red. A high-pitched whistle sounds.

"Lock. Tone," the gunner announces. He punches at a pair of buttons. "Release two!"

With a roar a pair of contrails erupt from beneath the Hasta's wings and clamps open to launch a pair of cylindrical missiles. Wings swing open along the length of the missiles as they streak away, and in their wake the Hasta peels off to angle itself further northwards, turning its belly towards the island harbor.

The hellstrike missiles cross the distance to their target in mere seconds. One of them explodes against the bricks of the foundation. The fortifications of the giant gun shiver. The second of the pair strikes the base of the cannon itself. The blast destroys the aiming mechanism and severely damages the cannon's support structure. Destabilized, the centerpiece of Bilgewater Harbor begins to collapse.


The blasts wake the goblin sleeping in his fishing boat. The counter monkey flails briefly, hands going to the outboard engine in instinctive panic before the sound of an avalanche hits him. He looks across the water towards the harbor to see the big gun beginning to swing downwards.

"Ohhhhhh boy," he murmurs softly.

A moment later the world goes white.


Even banking away from the target, the flash fills the flight deck of the Hasta. "What in Terra's name was that?" spits the pilot as the craft begins to shake.


The light of the blast can be seen by the bridge crew of the Bellator in orbit. "What in Terra's name was that?" growls the primarch.


As far away as Orgrimmar, guards in their watchtowers leap to their feet at the sudden flash of light. "What the hell was that?" one orc shouts.


The collapse of the Bilgewater cannon ignites the fuel used to power the machinery that aims the gun. The fire weakens the structure further, and as the weight of the immense weapon pistons downwards it crushes the armory beneath.

Stored beneath the housing of the weapon itself are a number of warheads that at one time had been intended to serve as the ammunition for the iconic cannon. The warheads themselves are half the reason the gun was never fired. Each one bears a glinting azure tip formed of a mineral named azsharite. Gathered and researched by the Bilgewater Cartel from the surrounding cliffs of Azshara, the mineral was found to be astonishingly reactive and added to the warheads in the hopes that it might give them extra punch. So much extra, some of the experts worried, that the blast might deal unrecoverable damage to the planet's crust.

Fortunately, their estimates prove to be overly cautious. As the weight of the gun collapses onto the armory, the warheads begin to go off. The azsharite does what its properties predict it will do.

The resulting blast is equivalent to a fifty megaton nuclear explosion.

Bilgewater Harbor vanishes beneath a flash of stark white light and a shockwave of force. The surrounding bay is rocked by the immensity of the detonation.


At the Azshara rocketway station to the south, a goblin named Greely drops her pneumatic wrench and presses her hands to her eyes. She begins to scream, over and over again.

Dr. Grapplehammer comes running from the housing of the station. "Greely? Greely!" he shouts as he grabs her by the shoulders. She starts to collapse against him and he huffs as she falls into his arms. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay," he begins to murmur. She keeps crying.

He looks over his shoulder towards Bilgewater Harbor. A mushroom cloud of thick bluish smoke fills the sky.


"They must have had a nuke or something stored down there!" growls the pilot of the Hasta as he struggles to keep his craft level. It's not an easy task as the thunderhawk is buffeted by the shockwave of the blast.


At the outskirts of Orgrimmar, the guards can see the smoke that rises in the distance. For a long moment they stand there, dumbfounded.

"Go get the Warchief," murmurs the officer on watch. "Go!" he barks a moment later, shoving at one of the grunts. The unfortunate chosen guard stumbles towards the ladder, moving automatically. It's not until he begins to descend that adrenaline kicks in and he begins to double-time it.


When the smoke clears sometime later, the island that once marked the center of the bay has vanished.

The Horde's largest port city, the docks upon which the orcish warships were constructed, the center of the Bilgewater Cartel's power following the destruction of Kezan, is little more than a memory.

The last remnants are a handful of unexploded sea mines still chained in place, accompanied by a few pieces of twisted wreckage at the bottom of the bay.
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Highlord Laan »

Holy fuck. Fifty megatons. The druids are going to be pissed

This is a bad, bad day for the Horde. Probably for the Alliance too, since there's what, about sixty Ultramarines that are looking for something to do?
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Tandrax218 »

i just want to ask in whitc time line of Wow is this set??

After the fall of lorderan and arthas's evil ascension, and the ork exodus to kalimdor ?? (warcraft3 and expansion) or earlyer?? or the timeline of Wow-game???

Appart from that

pure win :)
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »

The current distribution of the 64th is-
approx. 30 marines each aboard the two thunderhawks
10 men of eighth squad stampeding towards an unnamed target
10 men of ninth squad occupied with dragging their drop pod out of the ocean
10 men of tenth squad leveling Dragonmaw Port (I cut away from the action because without their drakes or their Warlord, the fighting at Dragonmaw is a foregone conclusion even if the port is larger and better-armed than Stonard and Grom'gol)
Brother Mathis stomping around the southwest corner of Northrend

There is one squad yet to be accounted for, but their role is coming.
i just want to ask in whitc time line of Wow is this set??
As Deathwing's defeat indicates, this is taking place directly post-Cataclysm (about when I started dreaming up the first drafts of this story), before the events that lead up to MoP (the fall of Theramore and the finding of Pandaria).
Padawan Learner
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Tandrax218 »

tnx for clearing that up Kuja :)
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Re: A Spear From Heaven (Warhammer/Warcraft crossover)

Post by Kuja »


The Bellator Pilum speeds across the savannah at the center of the continent.

As the craft traverses the vast swaths of flat plains and gentle hills, a few isolated eyes notice the flash of light and the sound of engines as it passes overhead.

The flight crew takes no notice of them. They are hunting larger prey.

"There. I have it," the co-pilot announces. "Relative bearing zero-two-seven degrees. Distance four hundred and seventy-one kilometers and closing." A beat. "Speed thirty-eight kilometers per hour."

"A Macragge silver dollar says I can make the shot with the turbo-laser," the gunner says.

There's a pause.

"Gondola. Not gasbag," the pilot replies.

"You're on."

"I'm not slowing down for you."

"That'll be fine," the gunner says, leaning into his HUD. His fingers manipulate a joystick with extreme precision, finger resting lightly on the trigger.

He squeezes gently.

At the topside of the thunderhawk, a long-barreled weapon hums and begins to throb with power. A moment later a crimson spike of energy lances out from the weapon.


The only sound aboard the Zephyr is the soothing hum of the zeppelin's engine. The craft is at the most boring part of its route between the cities of Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar, passing over the empty wastes of the northern Barrens. The zeppelin is light on passengers, heavy on water: fewer people go to Orgrimmar by choice these days, and the Zephyr's interior is mostly filled with the tribute of water demanded by the Warchief.

The only warning the Zephyr gets of the impending attack is a brief murmur from Watcher Tolwe. The red-haired troll furrows his brow as a flash of light catches his attention. "What be dat ting-"

The shot from the Pilum slams into the zeppelin's aft quarter. Three-quarters of the liquid tribute is vaporized instantly, and the back end of the gondola shatters explosively.

Tolwe is flung from his perch on the zeppelin's bow. The troll feels the wind rush past as he begins to plummet, flailing his limbs and screaming breathlessly. He won't have long to panic, however. Only another three hundred meters.

Two hundred.


"Target well-struck," the gunner announces in satisfaction.

"Not bad," the pilot grudgingly replies. "I'll pay you when we get back to the Bellator."

The thunderhawk swings about to circle past the burning wreckage of the zeppelin, making its new course east-northeast.



Grommash Hold is in a frenzy.

Voices shout to be heard amongst the tumult.

Two camps of shaman argue back and forth over the destruction of the earthshrine. One bemoans the loss of the elemental pacts. The other insists that the portals can be rebuilt, whether or not the elements wish it.

Dark Cleric Cecille is near hysterics, insisting that she can feel the loss of the Banshee Queen and demanding relief be sent to the eastern kingdoms. Ambassador Dawnsinger is agreeing with her Forsaken counterpart.

Several trolls burst into the hold sometime earlier, making noises about great calamity at the Echo Isles. Then the guards from the northern towers started to arrive, reporting a massive explosion over Bilgewater Harbor.

Finally, the figure of the Warchief rises from his throne and bellows "SILENCE!"

The sheer volume of the roar has its intended effect. All eyes turn to Garrosh Hellscream. He stares over the crowd, clutching the axe Gorehowl in one hand. "You see what is happening here, don't you?" he demands, making a clutching motion with one hand. "The Alliance is attempting to divide us!" he snarls. "To send us fleeing in all directions in a panic!" He slams the butt of his axe against the floor. "They want us running, running to the four corners of the world to give aid to the poor victims of their brutal attacks!" He says this last with heavy sarcasm. "And then, when Orgrimmar is stripped of all but the barest defenses, they will strike here in a coward's attempt to rob us of our greatest city!" He spits upon the ground and steps forward to stand atop the great map of the world laid out upon the throne room's floor. "Look at yourselves! Like cattle before the slaughter! Like dying trees you would snap beneath the pressure of the faintest wind! Nazgrim!"

The Warchief's favored general steps forth at the sound of his name. "Yes, Warchief!"

"Send messages to Warsong Hold, to Stonard and to Dragonmaw Port! Order them each to divert one-third of their forces to Orgrimmar to defend the city! Agmar!"

The pinch-faced Overlord of the Kor'kron steps forward to stand beside Nazgrim. "My Warchief," he growls.

"Call Bloodfist's detachment back from the Undercity. If what our dear ambassadors say is true," the Warchief says with a sneer, "then I encourage the blood elves to reinforce their closest allies."

The cleric of the Undercity bristles. "When we joined the Horde-"

"ENOUGH!" Garrosh bellows. "The Warchief speaks. You. Troll," he says, lifting Gorehowl to point at one of the Darkspear. "Determine what aid you need and go to the tauren. Tell Baine his mighty warriors are sorely needed patching up whatever terrible fate has befallen your tribe. Go!" he orders, waving Gorehowl's blade. The troll bolts from the room without further prompt, followed by his brethren.

Silence reigns for a moment. "A-and Bilgewater?" a thin goblin voice starts to ask.

Hellscream snorts. "Most likely there is nothing to be salvaged after such a blast if it could be seen from Orgrimmar itself. Most likely your own people saw the Alliance in the distance and their panic itself caused the blast." He laughs once. "Certainly the Alliance would not use such a weapon on a mere port instead of Orgrimmar itself, if they could even muster the stomach to do so. Remember! The Alliance seeks to topple Orgrimmar. We will stand strong! We will deny them! WE ARE THE HORDE!" he booms. "And that means each of us stands strong! We do not cringe in fear and plead for alms like beggars!"

He lets that hang in the air for a heartbeat. "As of this moment," he commands then, "Orgrimmar is to be locked down. See to it, Malkorok."

The grey-skinned orc bows in response. "Anyone that does not contribute to the defense of the city shall be arrested as a traitor to the Horde," the Blackrock hisses.

"As it should be," the Warchief agrees with a nod. He throws up his free arm and motions towards the doorway. "Go now! Prepare yourselves for battle!"

The Forsaken ambassador moves to argue further, but her elven counterpart catches at her arm in warning. Garrosh Hellscream stares the woman down as if daring her to cross him. One by one, the gathered bodies move towards the door, filing out quietly.

Eventually, the Warchief is left alone with a mere handful of his guards. His gaze wanders down to the map upon which he stands. His attention focuses on the small model of a tower that stands above the location of Theramore. In a fit of pique the Warchief kicks it over. His plans regarding the coastal city are ruined now.

He intends to make the Alliance pay twice as dearly for their interference in his agenda.

He does not yet know the extent to which his capitol is becoming isolated from its support.

Nor does he know just how soon the attack is coming.
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