Replicant wrote:Nope, I can think it through just fine, I just have no interest in jumping through the justification hoops you are. Technically or not Camp David serves little purpose when the President is not there. No reason for it to be open.
If soldiers are getting paid to perform their normal duties, and their normal duties are "operate Camp David," then Camp David stays open. Contrary to your wild imagination, the federal government DOES have broad categories of 'open' and 'not open,' and not all decisions are being made on a case by case basis... among other things, because many of the people responsible for making and implementing such decisions
are not getting paid because of the shutdown!
Second, if one website is taken down due to government shutdown then all non-critical should be taken down.
If running a website require no input of federal labor, and the workers in question are not of an "essential" category which can be forced to work without pay, there is no reason for it to be shut down. If a website requires maintenance, it must be shut down. Simple.
if the website will stay up without maintenance as long as the server stays plugged in, the site keeps running through the shutdown. If it requires active work to keep it updated regularly, it goes down, unless it is "essential" in that people can be forced to work on it without pay. Simple.
This last weekend the Armed Services network stopped sending NFL games overseas for servicemen to watch. Are you suggesting that there is extensive day to day work done so the troops can watch those games? Yeah sure, I am guessing its all in place along with a long term contract with whatever provider is supply the games. But suddenly the shutdown means the troops didn't get to watch NFL Sunday.
If there is ANY federal employee who must regularly do ANYTHING to ensure that the games are sent overseas, then odds are this is impacted by the shutdown. Without any knowledge, you
guess that no federal employee is involved in the process in an ongoing way, that no essential facilities for coordinating the project are in closed federal buildings.
You know nothing of these matters, and cannot justly assume you know what is going on.
You don't seem to understand what the shutdown entails here: the government
cannot pay federal workers to do anything. Anything that does, or even MIGHT, require a federal worker to do something comes to a screeching halt, unless it is deemed "essential" enough to justify forcing federal employees to work without pay. Or unless Congress passes a resolution so that the people who would do it will
get paid, which has been done for the military, but not for anything else.
The list of things that are thus "essential" is short, and does not contain all the things we'd like it to contain. I'd like Head Start to keep operating through the shutdown, what are the chances I'll get my wish?
What the Obama Administration is doing is no different than what previous administrations have done. Previous Administrations have intentionally dicked the public by "closing" as much federal land as possible to make a point. I am just wondering why they think it works.
Because it does: it makes people aware that federal land does not maintain or patrol itself, that it is not FREE, in the sense of "no such thing as a free lunch." If we want the federal government to protect and preserve property, land, or people, we must PAY for it.
If we refuse to pay, the government will come to a screeching halt, even the parts of it that you might fondly imagine the government isn't involved in.
TimothyC wrote:Broomstick wrote:The shutdown is not "fake", major segments of the US Federal government really are shut down.
The statistics I have seen have thatn at least 80% of all regular federal expenditures are still being made. Now, about half of all federal monies go to pay non-discresionary items (interest on the debt, Social Security, Medicare, Medicade, Welfare, & SCHIP). While this makes the 80% figure disingenuous, a 60% figure would not be.
Broomstick and you have different definitions of "major segments," I think. Broomstick is talking about
things, not expenditures- programs that require labor and effort, and which cannot occur if no one is being paid to do them.
The government still has to write certain checks- but if you call to ask a question about an irregularity on your check, you may find no one there to pick up the phone.
Broomstick wrote:Also, Obamacare is not yet proven to be a boondoogle. One of the reasons for the shutdown is the fear on the Right that it won't be a boondoggle.
One thing that no one on the left has answered yet is this:
With the employer mandate having been unilatterally delayed by the administration (and the administation alone) for a full year (so it goes into effect on 2015-01-01 instead of 2014-01-01), why is the individual mandate still in place to start in 2014?
I don't know; I'd suggest asking an administration press release. It's a good question.
Broomstick wrote:The keep kids fit website doesn't require the frequent updates and maintenance of the Amber Alert system, so basically you can just leave the first website up to run on momentum, as it were, and the second goes down because the necessary support personnel aren't available, having been sent home.
And yet, I can't get to the NASA Technical Reports Server, which shouldn't need a lot of maintenance if new files are not being uploaded.
Take it up with NASA.
Pre-post edit: it seems that public/news pressure has forced the administration to reactivate the Amber Alert site. The fact that it came back up already would imply that there was no reason for it to be down in the first place except for maybe some directive to make this as painful as possible.
Or, more likely, there was a directive that said:
"All webmasters, if you foresee the need to maintain your site and won't be here, shut it down."
That order applies indiscriminately, but is very likely to be given during the scramble to cope with a shutdown. Unfortunately, it applies to some websites the public reasonably wants to keep open.
So now, some webmaster is working
without pay to keep Amber Alerts going. Hopefully he'll get paid back afterwards. Which is right and proper- but it hardly represents evil intent on the government's part that Amber Alerts were not already on the list of things to keep going when they can't pay anyone.