Well, personally I am interested in agreeing on meaning. Such a thing would be crucial for subsequent debates.Rye wrote:Well it seems ive opened a can of worms on this. I guess it all comes down to how people define words.
So, you define atheism roughly as "one who does not believe in the existence of god(s)". But that still leaves two possibilities: the belief in the non-existence of god(s) and lack of belief in both existence and non-existence of god(s). Hence the strong vs. weak distinction.Rye wrote:To me, it would appear atheists specifically don't believe in things that may or may not exist... agnosticism doesnt discount the idea of gods with other properties, if they hinge on not being provable either way. They may agree that it's certainly unlikely that floating invisible animals that can pass through solid matter with no trace don't exist, but there's always a chance.
It seems many people dismiss weak atheists as anostics, and not 'true' atheists. I've begun to doubt what the proper usage of the word 'agnostic' is, given that many also define it as lacking knowledge. To summarize, either:
1. Agnostics are lacking belief in the existence or the non-existence of god(s) (weak atheism), or
2. Agnostics are lacking knowledge in the existence of god(s) (literal meaning of 'a+gnosis')
These positions clearly differ greatly--belief is not the same thing as knowledge, for belief does not require any sort of (logical or otherwise) justificiation, while actual knowledge does. It seems very plausible for a person to be able to believe that some god exists, but recognizing that s/he has no such knowledge.
I have no personal preference of how the word 'should' be used, but I am interested in how the people on this board divide these positions, just so we can have a common terminology.
At the risk of turning this into espistemological nitpicking... Comments?
(Edit: fix typo)