TheFeniX wrote:I found DW to be extremely limiting. With life-steal on one weapon, it could do the job, but then that meant your attack speed shout wouldn't work. You also lacked a block and your power attack rooted you and was only single-target with no cleave that I was aware of.
Oh god, don't remind me. DW is essentially fun only if you're an Assassin, just for the kicks in kill animation and the decapacitation move:D.
Sword and Board worked pretty well, but was also single-target outside shield bash. I found the extra survivability just wasn't needed with the right enchants.
Not survivability. Flexibility. With board, I could easily switch over to magic for runes, healing or etc, and I found I just loved that kinda playstyle as a Paladin or Spellsmage. Lol. I once fought through a dungeon as a 1hder sword just for kicks, the game is just too forgiving on damage once you geared up. Even 'undergeared' as I am in Steel armour, I could plow through bandits and vampires.
Also, I understand the base combat is quite boring to others but I just like the darting nature of 1H shield bash and stab. I plan to install some mods that affect the Shield mechanism in the future to make the combat more interesting but Bash and stab, or shout and charge attack works pretty well for most encounters:D
Rereading my post, I think I didn't pay enough attention to the fun factor so a 2H does have its perks there:D
You probably figured out something I didn't (which is one of the thing I like about Skyrim) when it comes to 1h. Once I went 2h with a bow for backup, I was a killing machine. Even many of the overpowered shields I got just ended up hanging in my armory.
Oh god:D There's that fun fact of it alright:D I'm playing a female character(don't judge) so it just seemed more appropriate to use a SwordnBoard tactic than a bigass Sword but I loved weilding and charging into the meelee as a 2Hder:D
More fun than bash and dart:D
The difference in fun I guess is darting around the wave of draughr with a one hand, constantly bashing and sidestepping away from the enemy vs HULK SMASH:D
Lord Revan wrote:this reminds me can you "block" arrows or just side step away?
Both. There's a shout that slows time down, allowing you to dodge magic and arrows. Use it and Shout time reducing gear if you're playing a 2Hder for some Matrix lite fights.
For block, without a shield. the block damage reduction is minimal and there's a perk that increases the amount of damage blocked. But it doesn't matter for a dungeon crawl.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner