And she has lost the case.A HIGH school cheerleader has filed a lawsuit demanding her parents pay financial support after she was kicked out of home.
Rachel Canning, who has just turned 18, claims she was “abandoned” by her mother Amy and father Sean, but her father says she is a “spoiled” liar and she wasn’t playing by their rules.
Around November 1, 2013, Rachel left her comfortable home in Morris County, New Jersey to go and stay with a friend’s family.
In the rare lawsuit, the teen states around her 18th birthday her mother and father sent her packing by cutting her off ‘emotionally and financially’.
Court papers filed by Rachel claim: “They stopped paying my high school tuition to punish the school and me and have redirected my college fund indicating their refusal to afford me an education as a punishment.”
Morris Catholic High School, where Rachel attends, is backing the case of the A-grade teenager. Her parents already owe the school $5306, due to fees accrued after the feud started.
“Rachel has excellent grades and will not be removed from the school for this non-payment; however her parents do have a contractual obligation to pay. Rachel is certainly unable at this time to attend Morris Catholic High School full-time and support herself financially,” school president Michael St. Pierre said in a letter to court.
According to her father, Rachel left on her own accord after she refused to do her chores, return her sister’s belongings and be respectful.
“We love our child and miss her. This is terrible. It’s killing me and my wife. We have a child we want home. We’re not draconian and now we’re getting hauled into court. She’s demanding that we pay her bills but she doesn’t want to live at home and she’s saying ‘I don’t want to live under your rules’,” Mr Canning said.
Rachel is demanding her parents pay her high school and college fees plus expenses, cover her transport costs and even pay her court fees.
The first hearing is scheduled for Tuesday in Pennsylvania. ... 6846570363
My thoughts. The school fees presumably were the result of a contract the parents agreed to when they enrolled Rachel in when she was still a minor. Thus the are obligated to pay it. As for the rest (ie university fees etc), I don't see why when she is an adult and she doesn't like to live in the house. My house, my rules and all that (within reason). Although I will say that I am in a country where the government lends you money to pay for university, which is paid back when you start working. So the problem could be solved or at least lessened.
As to who is at fault for the deteriorating relationship, its really a case of my word vs yours isn't it? So I am not totally unsympathetic to her case because I am not completely sure who is mainly at fault here.