Quick, take a guess which country possibly elected a neonazi to Europarliament
Poland was one of the best in that regard - only 4 seats lost to Eurosceptics, namely on idiot* Libertarian protest party, and this is the only election in history they won any seats.
*idiot as they are extremely conservative socially, to the point their leader is asshole who would introduce 18th century moral laws and lamented Obama election on skin color
Two nice things so far - one, right wing religious populists lost
eight election in a row, and it seriously looked like they might grab this one on protest ticket
This also means EPP delegation will be very strong, looks like 12% of MEPs in biggest EU party will be Poles. Though this might have ruined Schulz chances, so might be bad after all.
Second, another idiotic project "let's divide and sabotage left wing electorate vote on personal prejudices" crashed and burned. The only true left wing party in Poland was marginalized in last decade due to butthurt drop-outs killing their chances for personal reasons. Now that their third in a row "let's kick left wing out of parliament" attempt died, maybe finally leftists can be a major party again. Sadly, this means another 5 years with weak Polish presence in S&D, but oh well.