Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

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Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by TheFeniX »

Files left intact. Modding community working to reimplement them. I've bolded the parts that affirm my decision to pass on this console generation. I may grab a WiiU just to spite MS and Sony for being such d-bags and also enjoy some videogames that aren't gimped so the PC versions don't blow them the fuck out of the water.
A modder has uncovered many of the original graphics files for the game Watch Dogs in the video game’s code, allowing him to modify the game to use many of its original effects.

Ubisoft came under fire for downgrading the graphics of the game after showing off better looking builds at E3 for the past two years prior to release.

Now it appears that those effects can be restored via this mod. Here’s what the modder, who goes by “TheWorse”, has unlocked so far:

-Changes to the default fog values
-Enabled bokeh DOF for the main cameras
-Stuttering Improvements
-E3 2012 Bloom
-Performance Improvements
-Enabled Headlight Shadows
-LoD Changes
-Reflection changes
-Added 3 new cameras to the game (closer, normal, further)
-Rain changes (High quality rain drops, properly reacting to light, etc)
-LensFlares (WIP)
-Lighting changes (TESTING AND WIP)
-Civilians density changes

He promises much more to come.

Here are some screenshots showing off the (rather impressive) results:


Ubisoft apparently downgraded the graphics across the board in order to make the PC version line up better with new-gen consoles, all of which were held back by last-gen hardware. Why these files remained in the PC version is another question, and why Ubisoft didn’t just allow the PC version to keep all these features—which appear to work for the most part—is just as baffling.

Update: According to Rock, Paper, Shotgun the actual mod has some problematic performance issues and doesn’t look as good throughout the city as some of these screenshots might suggest. This may be a matter of more tinkering needed, or it may be a good explanation for why the game was whittled down in the first place. [End Update]

It reminds me of the Dark Souls II downgrade. Wouldn’t it be neat if modders could find the original files for that game as well? I’d love to try it out with the better textures and darker environments, where torches would actually be useful.

Whatever the case, seeing PC titles crippled for no good reason just to line up better with consoles is getting old fast. It’s also frustrating to see game after game demoed with much better graphics than the final release. It might be better to show less early on until a more realistic portrait of the final product is in hand. That way you don’t build up so much hype for something you can’t ultimately deliver.

Update 2: I feel like I should clarify. It seems like the downgrade was either made to achieve console/PC parity of some sort or it was made due to performance issues. While some people are reporting performance issues with the modified settings, others are not. It’s hard to know what the issues were from the developer’s perspective.

I think the bigger issue, the more important issue, is that the earlier previews showed a very different looking game. If performance issues were the problem and reason for the final downgrade, then it’s safe to say that the earlier version shouldn’t have been demoed to begin with. If parity was the ultimate goal, same thing applies. So either way, the fundamental problem here is that games are being advertised one way and delivered another. Even with perfectly legitimate reasons for a downgrade, this smacks of false advertising even if that wasn’t the intention. (Same applies to Dark Souls II.) This breaks trust between game makers and their customer base. I’ve written lots of positive opinions on Ubisoft and their willingness to delay games to make them more polished, but they’re not helping themselves by releasing games that simply don’t match what people expected. Hopefully The Division and Assassin’s Creed Unity look as good as their demos, but it’s perfectly understandable at this point for gamers to be worried.

This may simply boil down to a disconnect between the marketing and creative arms at video game companies, the former doing its best to show off the best material they have, while the latter may ultimately not be able to deliver. But if that’s the case, it may be time for these companies to start coordinating better so that customers don’t feel misled and backlash is diminished. [End Update]

For those who missed it, here’s a video comparing various demonstrations of the games and the final product:
Lies, lies, and more fucking lies. I can't recall the last game that looked anything like what we were shown on the tin. Nintendo has done this with LoZ for years, but at least they didn't have to gall to claim those were anything more than tech demos. We can't even expect devs these days to deliver on promises of the most superfluous part of gaming (graphics) and I'm supposed to believe we're in the "Golden Age of Gaming?"

It just continues to amaze me how not mind-blowing these graphics really are. Even the shit shown at E3 and we're already to the "not enough power on current consoles" to even bother with it. And this is pushing 30FPS with motion blur and sub-1080p resolutions. Holy shit, this generation of cross-platforms is going to be bleak.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Lol. I've boycotted Ubisoft for several years now. Glad to see they don't want me to change my mind.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Borgholio »

Didn't they do the exact same thing with Aliens : Colonial Marines?
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by bilateralrope »

Borgholio wrote:Didn't they do the exact same thing with Aliens : Colonial Marines?
The are two big differences between Watch Dogs and A:CM is that A:CM's trailers were completely fabricated. While the Watch Dogs preview footage was in-game footage using graphics that were downgraded before launch.

The other big difference, the one that is much more important, is that Ubisoft released footage of the downgraded graphics before launch. Ubisoft gave people time to cancel their pre-orders. The A:CM footage was treated as genuine until after release.

A:CM was intentional false advertising. Watch Dogs is a case of changes happening during development.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by TheFeniX »

Dark Souls 2 did the same thing. And Uncharted, and Battlefield, and CoD2 (or 3, can't remember), and Killzone, and SWTOR, and numerous other games filled with bullshots and pre-rendered video passed off as real time gameplay. It's not a new concept and developers have been doing everything they can to hide console/hardware limitations for over a decade. Even Square did what they could during advertising FFVII (one of the first games I recall getting actual TV spots) by focusing on the cutscenes and high-res models used for combat, specifically avoiding showing the sandbox models. But at least that shit made it to release: they didn't show anything the game didn't provide.

What's special about Watch Dogs is all the textures and graphical effects are still there merely requiring a few compressed folders being extracted and some .ini editing to be used. That and they seem to have purposely dummied them out in order to keep selling the notion that the Xbone and PS4 can compete with a modestly upgraded PC and/or to make console purchasers not feel ripped off. It's actually good they left them (unless they go the EA route and try to ban people for .ini editing) because the community can show off what the product should have been.

Basically, all the assets were finished, but instead of limiting the footprint for lesser systems (such as with graphical options prevalent in PC games since the dawn of fucking time), they just shafted everyone. And the haphazard way it was done leads me to believe it wasn't the guys making the game who decided this.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Block »

It'll happen til they phase out developing games for previous gen and next gen together.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by bilateralrope »

In related news: Ubisoft: Far Cry 4 on PS4, Xbox One Equivalent to PC Ultra High
Ubisoft says that Far Cry 4 will look the same on the PS4, Xbone and PC. Which means holding back the PC because the PC is already more capable than the Xbone and PS4, and that gap can only increase.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Vendetta »

TheFeniX wrote:Basically, all the assets were finished, but instead of limiting the footprint for lesser systems (such as with graphical options prevalent in PC games since the dawn of fucking time), they just shafted everyone. And the haphazard way it was done leads me to believe it wasn't the guys making the game who decided this.
I'm guessing, since if you actually read the articles on this the new effects are occasionally janky and incomplete (don't work properly in all parts of the city etc), it wasn't finished before the release date and Ubisoft were basically "only affects one of five platforms, we're not delaying it again, disable that shit and release it".

Maybe they intended to patch it up later, releasing broken games and patching them to functionality is a thing now. But maybe they don't even need to, community created content!
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Purple »

TheFeniX wrote:Basically, all the assets were finished, but instead of limiting the footprint for lesser systems (such as with graphical options prevalent in PC games since the dawn of fucking time), they just shafted everyone. And the haphazard way it was done leads me to believe it wasn't the guys making the game who decided this.
This. The way this was done is definitively not haphazard. If it were you would have seen inconsistencies, some files missing and some being there etc. This sounds like something the programers did on purpose as a subtle FU to the managers. I can personally think of at least several ways to explain why it was 100% necessary to do it this way that sound plausible enough.
It has become clear to me in the previous days that any attempts at reconciliation and explanation with the community here has failed. I have tried my best. I really have. I pored my heart out trying. But it was all for nothing.

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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Grumman »

As if I needed another reason not to give Ubisoft money.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by bilateralrope »

Vendetta wrote:I'm guessing, since if you actually read the articles on this the new effects are occasionally janky and incomplete (don't work properly in all parts of the city etc), it wasn't finished before the release date and Ubisoft were basically "only affects one of five platforms, we're not delaying it again, disable that shit and release it".
Could be. But if that was the case, why hasn't Ubisoft said anything ?

Especially with the conspiracy theory that someone paid and/or pressured Ubisoft to downgrade the PC graphics until they had parity with the new consoles.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Vendetta »

bilateralrope wrote: Especially with the conspiracy theory that someone paid and/or pressured Ubisoft to downgrade the PC graphics until they had parity with the new consoles.
Probably because the people who believe that are retards?

I mean actual drooling on themselves retards who shouldn't be allowed on the internet unsupervised.

It's far more likely that they did it to align the release schedule, thereby releasing all versions of the game whilst the marketing drive and public awareness for it was at its peak*, than they received some shadowy payoff because apparently console manufacturers are scared of PCs except Microsoft also make the operating system the PC version runs on anyway but evil money hat console manufacturers!.

* Marketing of media releases works on a bell curve, with the peak advertising being the week just before and just after release, releasing one version of the game significantly later means you have to repeat that marketing investment to readvertise the same product, and usually means you have to change the product in some way, for instance "enhanced" editions of GTA V are coming to PC, PS4, and X1 because it can be remarketed as a new product, but that's three versions and a decent likelihood they can pick up repeat business. Watch Dogs is not getting that treatment (and isn't an established franchise that people would buy twice because must have nao and then get upgrade later), it's unlikely Ubisoft wanted to pay to rebuild the same marketing again just for the PC version, so they are incentivised to push it out with missing VFX to align the release with the other versions.

It's not like this hasn't happened before. KotOR 2 was infamously unfinished because Lucasarts wanted it out by Christmas.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by bilateralrope »

Vendetta wrote:
bilateralrope wrote: Especially with the conspiracy theory that someone paid and/or pressured Ubisoft to downgrade the PC graphics until they had parity with the new consoles.
Probably because the people who believe that are retards?

I mean actual drooling on themselves retards who shouldn't be allowed on the internet unsupervised.
Yet they are out there and the conspiracy theory is gaining traction. Silence just seems like a very bad move on Ubisoft's part.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Vendetta »

Yeah, but the thing about conspiracy theory retards is that literally anything Ubisoft did other than confirming their retard theory would be taken as an excuse so that they didn't have to admit to the retard theory.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by TheFeniX »

Vendetta wrote:I'm guessing, since if you actually read the articles on this the new effects are occasionally janky and incomplete (don't work properly in all parts of the city etc), it wasn't finished before the release date and Ubisoft were basically "only affects one of five platforms, we're not delaying it again, disable that shit and release it".
Assets reactivated by a modder are "janky and unfinished," color me unsurprised. Even if that was the issue, I don't give AAA developers a pass on the "b-b-b-b-but programming is haaard" line. It just amazes me how they can't even get graphics right and people still believe anything they say concerning AI or physics. A game is only late until it's released: gamers know this, people who write development schedules do not.

And saying they'd have to market it again is pretty funny. I actually agree with you. I just think it's sad marketers don't realize the power of late-releasing on a platform like PC. You may make some people buy it ahead of time (and the console) and possibly buy it again on PC.
Maybe they intended to patch it up later, releasing broken games and patching them to functionality is a thing now. But maybe they don't even need to, community created content!
Well, yea. It's a thing shitty developers do. SWTOR was released in a state that bordered on false advertisement. They finally patched high-res textures back in, what, 2 years later?
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Mr Bean »

Hey question, where is this "the patch causes stuttering/it's unfinished textures" Maybe I'm missing it but I'm not seeing any "oh look how buggy it is videos" just 99 "look how pretty it is" videos. In fact from what I'm reading so far only the guy creating this patch is cautioning about unfinished items. I know two people who own watch dogs and both reported the patch generated an instant 5-10 fps boost and much smoother gameplay one with an AMD 7770 sli setup and the other with a Nvidia 760 and both told me this evening they have had nothing but things to say about it in the two hours plus hours both of them put into it post patch.

I checked with one of them who's still online atm and he's still go nothing but nice things to say and the only bad thing he noted was the headlights looked off on some vehicles... other than that nothing.

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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by bilateralrope »

Mr Bean wrote:Hey question, where is this "the patch causes stuttering/it's unfinished textures" Maybe I'm missing it but I'm not seeing any "oh look how buggy it is videos" just 99 "look how pretty it is" videos. In fact from what I'm reading so far only the guy creating this patch is cautioning about unfinished items.
I'd like to see some screenshots or videos of these glitches so I compare them to what I've seen in other released AAA games.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by FedRebel »

TheFeniX wrote:Lies, lies, and more fucking lies. I can't recall the last game that looked anything like what we were shown on the tin. Nintendo has done this with LoZ for years, but at least they didn't have to gall to claim those were anything more than tech demos. We can't even expect devs these days to deliver on promises of the most superfluous part of gaming (graphics) and I'm supposed to believe we're in the "Golden Age of Gaming?"

It just continues to amaze me how not mind-blowing these graphics really are. Even the shit shown at E3 and we're already to the "not enough power on current consoles" to even bother with it. And this is pushing 30FPS with motion blur and sub-1080p resolutions. Holy shit, this generation of cross-platforms is going to be bleak.
What were you expecting? The industry is driven by pre-orders now, not enough and the game is cancelled. Both the developer and publisher don't want to lose their investment, and the almighty focus groups say that lavish graphics are THE 'must buy' point. Problem is hardware does have limits and the 360/PS3 caps were being observed for the sake of uniformity and budget, a maximized XB1/PS4 let alone a maximized PC version would've been essentially wholly different products.

So the game is made with "current Gen" hardware in mind but people with PC or XB1/PS4 won't pre-order that (not for $60.) Without that support, the game would be likely cancelled, so a super polished "tech demo" running on $5,000 of custom hardware is whipped up. Because of the pretty, pretty, people line up for the pre-orders, guaranteeing the games release.

Why is a game proporting to be "Next Gen" tailoring itself for the 'obsolete' 360/PS3? Money, plenty of markets where "Current Gen" is still strong, ignoring that would mean less profit.

When it comes right down to it, "style over substance" needs to stop, "1080p FTW!" isn't all it's cracked up to be, there are plenty of great games out there that won't rape an nVidia Titan because they focus on the substance, at the end of the day that's what matters, your ROI is an engrossing immersive experience. Pining for graphic fidelity that makes real life look cel shaded is pointless dick waving, and you're left bitching about a substandard campaign because the game lacks all substance...because you wanted to read the label on the player character's underwear.

Graphics aside, Watch_Dogs is a decent game.

Any comparison to 'Aliens: Colonial Marines' is unfounded, ACM was a confidence scam, a buggy piece of sh*t that was slapped together in 8 months...with GearBox spending the 8 years Sega granted them, embezzling ACM's budget into the Borderlands franchise.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Vendetta »

Mr Bean wrote:Hey question, where is this "the patch causes stuttering/it's unfinished textures" Maybe I'm missing it but I'm not seeing any "oh look how buggy it is videos" just 99 "look how pretty it is" videos. In fact from what I'm reading so far only the guy creating this patch is cautioning about unfinished items..
If you read this article from Rock, Paper, Shotgun you'll see some of the problems with the FX. The depth of field effect, for instance, makes for pretty looking screenshots but can actually impede gameplay by making things you need to be able to see blurry and indistinct because it only accounts for objects the camera is pointing at (want to shoot at the enemy across the road but there's a bin next to you, good luck because the DoF effect only cares about that bin).
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Havok »

People still play games on PC?
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Mr Bean »

Havok wrote:People still play games on PC?
Just a couple billion worth, not like that Nintendo DS. Now that's a gaming console that outsold every Xbox360, PS3 and new Xbone and PS4 combined.

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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Havok »

Oh so we are just going to throw out made up figures now? "Couple billion worth"? :lol:
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by DaveJB »

Vendetta wrote:I'm guessing, since if you actually read the articles on this the new effects are occasionally janky and incomplete (don't work properly in all parts of the city etc), it wasn't finished before the release date and Ubisoft were basically "only affects one of five platforms, we're not delaying it again, disable that shit and release it".
There's precedents either way. One the one hand, Ubisoft themselves actually have form in this area, as they released a PC version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent that (at least initially) had gimped graphics and couldn't render at any resolution higher than 1280x1024 unless you edited the config files. On the other hand, Crysis 2 was released with graphics only slightly better than those on the PS3/360, but that was because Crytek hadn't had the time to properly work the kinks out of their DX11 renderer, rather than them being evil, money-grubbing bastards.
Havok wrote:People still play games on PC?
Hey, someone has to provide a credible alternative to the PS4! :P

Either way, it's certainly been regaining a lot of traction, thanks to cheap downloads from GOG and Steam, and integrated graphics actually getting half-decent in the last couple of years.
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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Mr Bean »

Havok wrote:Oh so we are just going to throw out made up figures now? "Couple billion worth"? :lol:
At least eleventiy billion

Why stop at made up figures when we can go right to made up numbers?

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Re: Watch Dogs Graphics Downgraded on PC

Post by Lagmonster »

Havok wrote:People still play games on PC?
It's the demographic of people who love modding/mods, plus guys who invested in a high-end rig because it's a bigger dick.

Basically the same subset of guys who prefer their cars customized and tweaked, even if the performance of many stock vehicles is the same or better. And here I am thinking of my dad's 70 Hemi 'cuda and not some modern suburban kid's riced-up Civic.
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