Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Block »

Raw Shark wrote:
Thanas wrote:
General Zod wrote:I just think it's funny that someone can be all indignant about a topic not getting posted when they can't be bothered to do it themselves.
I did not get indignant about a topic not getting posted. I merely wondered why best western makes national news and the military killing service dogs apparently is not.
Because the service industry, including hotels, is totally and utterly shit on in a manner that is considered acceptable (because if you feed your family by being a servant, fuck you right up your nose, right?) in this country, while the military has been venerated for about 250 years now since they won a war or something, and the one fancifully aspires to the status of the other.
You really don't know our cultural history if you think the military being respected is something that's been a part of it for very long.
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Raw Shark »

Block wrote:You really don't know our cultural history if you think the military being respected is something that's been a part of it for very long.
Evidence, dickbag? This whole fucking nation has had a massive hard-on for war ever since we won the first one, no matter how many times we get our asses kicked, and it's plain to see in my opinion.

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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Block »

Simply look at the treatment of the military up until the 1980s it's pretty easy to find. Google the bonus army protests, or the treatment of the military in the 70s. Or go back to the civil war and look at the draft riots. The GI bill after WWII may have been the only time in the history of the country when vets received what they were promised.
And this may not be a miss manners board, but when you go from zero to tourettes it makes you look dumb.
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by General Zod »

Block wrote:Simply look at the treatment of the military up until the 1980s it's pretty easy to find. Google the bonus army protests, or the treatment of the military in the 70s. Or go back to the civil war and look at the draft riots. The GI bill after WWII may have been the only time in the history of the country when vets received what they were promised.
And this may not be a miss manners board, but when you go from zero to tourettes it makes you look dumb.
I seem to recall that the civil war draft riots weren't a protest of the military but of the fact that rich white people were able to avoid being conscripted and poor immigrants and black people wound up getting drafted instead. So it really hasn't changed all that much, the people who love the military the most are rich white people who never have to risk getting shot because they know other people will do the dying for them.
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Channel72 »

There's obviously a significant anti-military sentiment in the US; it's simply overshadowed for the most part by pro-military dick-waving.
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by General Zod »

Channel72 wrote:There's obviously a significant anti-military sentiment in the US; it's simply overshadowed for the most part by pro-military dick-waving.
Then where's the argument?
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Raw Shark »

Block wrote:Simply look at the treatment of the military up until the 1980s it's pretty easy to find. Google the bonus army protests,
Oh wow, you mean people got shafted out of money during the Great Depression? Excuse me while I retrieve my monocle!
Block wrote:or the treatment of the military in the 70s. Or go back to the civil war and look at the draft riots.
Conscripts often resent conscription, and have to be arm-twisted to do it? Sounds like a great argument against the draft, not respect for the military. You know, the same institution that the sons of American wealth have routinely joined for about 238 years now because of the prestige it gains them?
Block wrote:The GI bill after WWII may have been the only time in the history of the country when vets received what they were promised.
Yeah, who has two thumbs, worked his ass off, and never got a college education in exchange for doing a job? This guy.
Block wrote:And this may not be a miss manners board, but when you go from zero to tourettes it makes you look dumb.
What can I say, my good fellow? Bullshit gets my back up.

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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Raw Shark »

Channel72 wrote:There's obviously a significant anti-military sentiment in the US; it's simply overshadowed for the most part by pro-military dick-waving.
I see anti-Military/Industrial Complex sentiment on occasion, but who's actually come right out and said they don't like the troops themselves besides those Westboro Baptist loons (when they're not getting run out of town)..?

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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Broomstick »

There was a lot of hostility towards the military in the US in the 60's and early 70's due to the unpopularity of the Vietnam war.

You also need to distinguish the sons of privilege who joined with extensive education and connections that could get them into something like West Point and the offiicer's track, winding up in the upper leadership with much power and less risk,or whose daddy could get them an assignment stateside, than the lower ranks who wound up in the front lines taking the brunt of the risk and getting less of the reward. George Bush serving in the National Guard versus the typical draftee of the time, for example.
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Leonard Nimoy.

Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Raw Shark »

Broomstick wrote:There was a lot of hostility towards the military in the US in the 60's and early 70's due to the unpopularity of the Vietnam war.
I defer to your personal experience. The only firsthand account of a return from Vietnam that I've heard offline can be paraphrased as: "I heard some people got spit on! Also, a lot of people say very negative things about the war around me and I take that very personally!"
Broomstick wrote:You also need to distinguish the sons of privilege who joined with extensive education and connections that could get them into something like West Point and the offiicer's track, winding up in the upper leadership with much power and less risk,or whose daddy could get them an assignment stateside, than the lower ranks who wound up in the front lines taking the brunt of the risk and getting less of the reward. George Bush serving in the National Guard versus the typical draftee of the time, for example.
Of course the vast majority of them get screwed if they don't come from a privileged background. We're talking about people in a war here. That's why they threw in free college.

"Do I really look like a guy with a plan? Y'know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! Y'know, I just do things..." --The Joker
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

Enigma wrote: You should post it. I didn't know this happened until you mentioned it.
The recent cover story for National Geographic mentions the issue peripherally. The article is more about the story of one individual dog and its trainer, but it brings up the way the military handles dogs (i.e. kills them) and how former trainers are trying to get that changed. However, to be honest it is an extremely poorly written article (surprisingly for NatGeo). But it is a good starting point if you want to learn more about the subject.
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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Broomstick »

Raw Shark wrote:
Broomstick wrote:There was a lot of hostility towards the military in the US in the 60's and early 70's due to the unpopularity of the Vietnam war.
I defer to your personal experience. The only firsthand account of a return from Vietnam that I've heard offline can be paraphrased as: "I heard some people got spit on! Also, a lot of people say very negative things about the war around me and I take that very personally!"
Apparently the spitting thing is somewhat disputed by historians who say there are no documented instances. I know a few people personally who claim to have actually spat on returning soldiers, and I have no reason to doubt their claims though, obviously, they aren't "documented" in a fashion that would make it official. It's plausible and got a lot of press though if it did occur it was probably less frequent than supposed at the time.

During the height of the war protests people were drumming outside the White House and chanting "Hey, hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today?", at times loud enough the president could hear it inside the Oval Office. Military personnel were referred to as "baby-killers". There was a deep, nasty resentment and anger towards that war which all too often was directed at the guys who were drafted, that is, did NOT volunteer to go but were compelled to do so. A lot of young men were afraid of being sent off against their will to a war they did not think was justified and coming home in a box or a wheelchair or missing limbs. A lot of people were angry about war crimes we were hearing about (the My Lai massacre, a bound POW being shot in the head in cold blood, etc.) and the carnage we were seeing on the TV news every night (which is why I was NOT allowed to watch the TV news when I was a young child - my parents didn't think someone that young should be exposed to that sort of violence).

There there was the Kent State shootings where students protesting the war in southeast Asia were shot by National Guardsmen, with 4 dead and 9 wounded. Which shows just how divided the nation was getting over Vietnam. At that point we had young Americans shooting other young Americans, on American soil.

It was a pretty sucky aspect of the 1960's. People sometimes idolize those times, and there were some good things that came out of them, but I'm old enough to remember that they were also violent and scary. Between the next door neighbor OD'ing on drugs, choking to death on his own vomit, and being carried out on a stretcher to people the age of my older siblings being shot to death on a college campus or being returned from overseas dead I've got a few bad memories of the time. It wasn't all peace and love.

And that's enough of a sidetrack, if you want to learn more follow the links to get started, then go more in depth, I'm sure our official historians can help you locate solid references if you need a little help.
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. Leonard Nimoy.

Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of Serenity, which sums up my feelings regarding the lawsuit discussed here.

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Re: Best Western La refuses to accept family w/ service dog

Post by Phillip Hone »

The revolutionary war soldiers got fucked over. They were mostly people from humble backgrounds without a lot of spare resources, and the dysfunctional revolutionary government more or less failed to paid them what it said that it would. Many were so hard up that they were forced to sell their promises of payment to wealthier speculators. Years later, in the 1800s, the government started actually giving them their pensions, which met with bitter protest from portions of a public that believed that the continental army veterans didn't deserve anything because it the militia actually won the war (which is a complete falsehood).
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