Crazedwraith wrote:On the one hand, cutting the Tysha revelation is damn stupid. On the other hand I wouldn't miss 'where do whores go?' As Tyrion's catchphrase. The guy just becomes vile in Dance For Dragons. It was amazing how bad and boring that book made Tyrion and Jon, previously some of my favourite characters.
And that was not such a big deal for Jaime. He was already moving towards 'i will be honourable now' and splitting with Cersei well before than conversation. At least in the books.
Yes, I personally hated that scene in book. It was awkward, didn't work as presented, IMHO (something that would make them want to kill each other, and they just walk away without even a punch or threat exchange?). Jaime can learn the truth in dozens possible ways, and the whole whoregoing subplot wouldn't work at all on screen.
Patroklos wrote:Whats missing with the deletion of Tysha and "fucking Moonboy" for me beyond the follow on effects of those two action is that Tyrion and Jaime still have their relationship intact. In the books every sympathetic link between the prime Lanisters is severed. Tyrion finds that Jaime helped to rape and banish his wife and then hid this from him severing that one, and Tyrion exposes Cersi's betrayal of Jamie. In that one scene of secret telling all Lanister family allegiences are destroyed making all Tywin's plans for power and glory for nothing.
Isn't it anyway? Twins hate Tyrion for killing Tywin, and will soon hate each other as Jaime learns about sleeping around. There is no sympathetic link left aside Tyrion not having issue with Jaime. The only difference is not going 'lolyeah here I tell you for no reason dangling plot thread from 5 books ago why you should hate me forever'.