By old geezers?Thanas wrote:ARD and ZDF are not newspapers and I'll have you know that newspapers are widely read in Germany.
But that is what the Ukraine government said. When they banned the communist party, for example.Thanas wrote:Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that the opposition in the Ukraine is the seperatist movement? Because I find very little in the way of personal continuity there.
Separatism being illegal under 'international law' is no concern of mine. If the world lived according to law alone, Ireland and a bunch of other states (including Ukraine itself) would not exist.Thanas wrote:And you might think they are the same, but how does Putin not come off vastly worse here? He is meddling in other states. The seperatism is clearly illegal under international law. There was no oppression being planned or measures being taken to oppress the minority. And it is largely supported by Russia.
Well for starters, I did not bring up Georgia for nothing. The 'pro-Western leader' Saakashvili, while he was in charge, was not scrutinized. Despite getting 97% votes. Despite torture in prisons, corruption, violence against protesters. You seem to be of the opinion that changing the corrupt talking head to a 'pro-Western' talking head somehow fixes the problems. It does not - that is my point.Thanas wrote:After the fighting is over, the fuss will be over. Yes. What is so enraging about that?
Poland received a lot of money to make it work. Attempts to repeat this weren't nearly as successful (besides, we are talking about EU association only; not full membership). Czech and Slovak nations - even when united into Czechoslovakia - were never poor neither terribly corrupt, and they managed to keep most of their industry. Who is going to keep the Ukrainian industry, which is borderline uncompetitive even in the Russia-CIS market? With entire cities built around plants that work to sell stuff to the CIS?Thanas wrote:Yeah, and there is no way this will not change, because after all the EU has no programs designed to combat that, right? It is not like there is a huge track record of people getting better like Poland, the baltics, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia....nope, you just pick the poorest and youngest member of the EU to proclaim the whole thing as a failure. Which is really dishonest.
I have no idea how you got around to 'they are trying to be a better nation' by shelling people who want to separate. Maybe just, uh... let them go? I mean, if these people consciously want to separate, if they demonstrated support for separatists (which even the Ukraine central government said themselves), would it not be wise to just let them go?
I don't remember a 'better nation' that became better through war. Post-Yugoslav nations have a horrible track record: corruption endemic, poverty endemic, torture, organ trade, organized crime, human trafficking - you name it.