Graeme Dice wrote:That's still dodging the point though that a person can easily tell that multiple days have passed simply by looking at how much they ate or any of a nmber of other methods.
Oh, right. People back then thought eclipses signified heavenly rage; you expect them to behave rationally? Besides, that is hardly the only way darkness could be brought upon the land. Atmospheric particulates (eg- from volcano or meteor impact) can cover a small area in a blanket of darkness temporarily, and even heavy cloud cover can make things dark enough that people might want to stay indoors.
For a modern simulation (darkness and people scared to go outside), we could simply pump smoke across the villages. Again, nothing requiring omnipotence and certainly nothing implying that Yahweh won't get his ass kicked.
Strawman. The point of this thread is to find things that we can't do in the modern era. I found two of them, but as I expected, you're completely unable to get pass your bias.
Ah yes, appeal to bias. Classic attack of the bullshitter.
Time for facts: the actual Biblical passage says nothing about your bullshit regarding water already in stone vessels turning to blood; God boasts that he'll do this but it doesn't even come to pass. In fact, it doesn't even state that the river smelled like blood; it only says the fish died and it stank, probably of rotting fish. As I said before, we can do this today, by ACCIDENT. Worse yet, it even says that the Egyptians did the same thing just to prove a point (Exodus 7:22), which makes it even more clear that it was hardly the miracle you make it out to be.
Got any more bullshit to peddle?
Care to build up any more strawmen?
Oh, puh-leeease forgive me for assuming that you would actually try to address the point of the thread instead of avoiding it in favour of bullshit and nitpicks. I see now that I shouldn't have assessed your intent so generously.