Thanas wrote:TheHammer wrote:I guess that's my point really. Acts like these tend to sway public opinion toward decisive action rather than the limited strikes they had seen. The use of beheading, particularly of Americans, is to the American public a blatant declaration that "Yes I/we are terrorists". Its at that point numerous people on the fence pick a side, and polls for military action swing towards "in favor of". History has shown time and again that if you get yourself "on tv" in this manner that eventually, the drones
will be coming for you. It seems to me the smartest course of action is to go the "freedom fighter" route, and make it difficult politically for the US to intervene.
I very much doubt Obama has the stomach or money to send that many US forces into combat. We are talking a whole different kind of strike than sending a few drones into Somalia to bomb some leaders. We are talking here about a bombing offensive of several weeks, followed by even more sorties in ground support. I doubt the Iraqis are able of such a feat of combined arms, meaning you'd need to have american troops on the ground. That is something Obama will not do, he will not go back on his word to get out of Iraq.
Obama has plenty of stomach for it. And the beheading videos have essentially served to get both Democrats and Republicans to both agree that military action is needed. Essentially,
this reaction is exactly the one I've said it would have been wise for them to avoid. More forces are
already being deployed... And no worries, we will always
find the money. Building munitions and military components is one of the few things we haven't outsourced. Money spent there is money spent creating American Jobs. Besides, the pentagon was already planning to destroy about a
billion dollars worth of munitions this year.
And I expect that's only the start. See, while the general US consensus was that this was a middle eastern matter, one that we would prefer to stay out of, publicly beheading American journalists are quick to change that.
Don't get me wrong, I have no doubt that the USA could deploy a few forces (one division might even be enough) and defeat ISIS. But what then? Will they stay to hold that territory? Do you really think that will happen?
Hold territory? No, we'll let the next tinpot dictator/warlord take over and crush the people under his boot so long as he doesn't cross us. What the US will do is destroy ISIS capability to take and hold territory itself, leaving them like every other rag tag terrorist group, hiding from US drone strikes.
And Yes I think it will happen. Do you really think Obama and affiliate congress critters are going to let ISIS embarrass the US on international TV without retribution?
"Those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget ... that our reach is long and that justice will be served..."
That may sound like jingoistic dick waving, and that's because to an extent it is. But that makes it no less of a fact.
And besides, "freedom fighter" is not what rich Saudis are paying for these days. Otherwise we would see the "sane" islamic rebels in Syria flourishing and not ISIS. The US reluctance to go hard on terror financiers is what enables the whole problem but there is not a chance Obama will go after the money trail.
Alive and poor, or dead swimming in cash. I guess that's the choice they have to make.
Take Ukraine for example. You've got Russia taking more and more chunks of it, lying about it at the same time, but for the Average American we ask "Why should we give a shit? Ukraine IS Russia as far as we're concerned." If Putin were going on live TV though and publicly executing American Journalists, suddenly you'd see quite a different story. ISIS could have had the same deal - Most Americans were content to let them have their little kingdom of sand and rocks so long as they didn't cross us or appear to be too insane. Now, they've fucked that up and the writing is on the wall. Its only a matter of time at this point.