Damn; got my directions scrambled; Camp Taji is located northwest of Baghdad and Bismayah is to the southeast. Meh, it was late here.
Simon_Jester wrote:
My standard of evidence is high because you are asserting a highly unexpected and improbable claim (the US is to a large degree supporting ISIL, with the apparent intention that this state of affairs become permanent). Some of your claims are quantitative, too- and yet you have never provided any of the quantitative evidence that supposedly convinced you.
The reason that concerns me so much is... well, what did it take to convince you that this was happening?
What, I need to go into the history of the client-state system?
Simon_Jester wrote:
You haven't presented a lot of quantitative evidence for your quantitative claims. So either you're not engaged in evidence-based reasoning (in which case just shut up), or you're very gullible and built up this whole elaborate network of reasoning on the strength of very insufficient evidence.
Either way, it speaks ill for the idea that your conspiracy theory is worthy of our time.
From my perspective it looks like an explanation as to why I was right and you were wrong was presented, and you countered with why I was wrong... and that's all; you didn't try to explain why you were right beyond that.
So, if you question the journalism, and my interpretation of it, that's fine, but you're not questioning it so much as dismissing and smearing, which is not fine.
There is enough evidence circulating in the news to suggest the jump from 'it strongly appears the United States may be supporting DAESH' to 'the United States is supporting Daesh' is (or rather, was in the immediate past) valid. There is no reason, based on your rebuttals, to up the standard of information beyond 'net journalism from reliable sources.
Simon_Jester wrote:The only one of your arguments I even bother to engage anymore is your claim that ISIL is heavily supported by the US. Because if you can't divest yourself of one conspiracy theory after half a dozen people tell you it's full of shit, you're really not worth talking to on anything else.
And the qualifications of those telling me where to go on this matter are what compared to the journalists I was able to link to? At best, all you could argue is that the evidence is not conclusive and leave it at that; instead you tried to smear it all as conspiracy theory. A respectful response to that was not going to be forthcoming.
Simon_Jester wrote:No I don't. Even if nonintervention is the right strategy, that doesn't mean you personally are an intellectually competent person who understands the situation well enough to be worth talking to.
I came here to test those ideas against those I recognized as more intellectually skilled. Yet, such understanding doesn't seem much better than my own. So, while it would be easier to concede the evidence is not conclusive, it won't be conceded.
There's enough evidence to warrant treating the allegations as sufficiently factual to assume validity at a general information level of knowledge and not dismiss them as unsubstantiated at this time.
Simon_Jester wrote:
You're under the delusion that I actually care about promoting the pro-intervention argument. I don't. I disagree with you because you made a specific false claim, a claim very important to your thesis, and which you keep returning to over and over as though you just can't resist the urge to mark that tree again.
Well, I already know you don't care about non-intervention.
You are an interventionist, and have been promoting and protecting interventionism from scrutiny. Where there's smoke there's fire. An answer, no, its just smoke and any allusion to fire is a conspiracy theory doesn't cut it.
Simon_Jester wrote:And yet you remain a conspiracy theorist who cannot muster the intellectual honesty to say "yeah, I goofed and I can't prove this conspiracy theory of mine BUT the rest of my arguments are still true."
Still over-reliant on the conspiracy theory meme. Shaming me into shutting up seems like a lazy way out.
Simon_Jester wrote:
I've asked you to put up or shut up; you've done neither.
And you still won't explain why armed intervention is the best thing since sliced bread this time around.
Simon_Jester wrote:See? There you go again- the assumption that this specific process "made" ISIL.
You can explain how it didn't? Oh, right, there wasn't a process it just happened all by itself needing no explanation.
Simon_Jester wrote:If one buys weapons for the police, and the police sometimes lose gunfights to MS-13 and some of the guns get captured, no you would NOT get charged as a straw buyer for the gang.
Buying guns to kill someone with is not the same as buying guns for them to use.
The Syrian rebels are somehow police? The official Syrian government didn't commission them to be so. If I bought guns for vigilantes and other vigilantes used them to rob banks, no honest court of law is going to let that go.
Simon_Jester wrote:
Provide quantitative evidence, however, that the flow of stolen US aid is actually a primary source of ISIL's supplies... and THEN I will change my tune.
I'm not sure if 'stolen' best describes that flow of materiale if DAESHI were ment to have it anyway.
If you have the answer, you volunteer it. I'm not going any further than commonly available information sources most people rely upon for news and information.
Simon_Jester wrote:I didn't provide evidence for it because I never asserted it. Why can't you get your head around that?
Well... apart from claiming my arguments are junk, what are you asserting?
Simon_Jester wrote:You are the very model of a strawmanning hack; I do not make a warmongering argument. You want me to, but I'm not; I'm making a "Brock is full of shit" argument. You have steadily reinforced this with each post in this thread.
Oh, that's what you were doing. So, what is your position on warmongering? For it, neutral? The character of your initial posts certainly suggested a pro-war, pro-interventionist position.
Simon_Jester wrote:[O-Blam-aaa regime] I love how you keep using this infantile nickname.
When O-blam-aaa stops the drone wars, a rather intellectually and morally bankrupt foreign policy tactic, maybe he'll deserve a respectful name.
Simon_Jester wrote:You have never demonstrated the scale of these defections or diversions; you simply asserted that they happened and it was all the US's fault somehow.
And I'll keep asserting it till its proven there's no fire behind the smoke..
Simon_Jester wrote:...
So, one more chance. Explain why, taken as a math problem, you expect the US 'cutting support' to have a meaningful impact on ISIL. Why you think ISIL would be unable to survive and function without this support, even if the US doesn't do anything else to weaken ISIL.
I already have. Not to your satisfaction or to some on this board.
Simon_Jester wrote:...
And delineate precisely what "cutting support" means. Does cutting support to ISIL mean, for example, stopping weapon sales to places like Saudi Arabia? If so, fine, but you should SAY that is the case, because Saudi Arabia is hundreds and hundreds of miles from ISIL's territory.
That depends on whether you recognize Iraq's Anbar province, the one along the Saudi northeast border, as belonging to DAESH or Iraqi Sunni resistance fighters.
Simon_Jester wrote:......Is expecting you to be able to count somehow 'white' of me?
It is when the numbers aren't publicly available (unless I missed that story) and not relevant to the claim that the U.S. is supporting DAESH. Moving the standard of information above news reportage is not a call you can make.
Simon_Jester wrote:...Is expecting you to define your own terms 'white' of me?
No, you do a pretty good job yourself.
Simon_Jester wrote:.
Because if so, that's the most anti-black racist thing I can remember hearing in a long time.
Its too bad I have to self-censor my response.
As far as I'm concerned, you haven't explained why the evidence of American involvement isn't damning, or explained why intervention is good. Either you are pro-intervention or you don't know. The character of your posts appear to favour intervention and interference in the affairs of foreigners and acted upon as such.
From my perspective all you can do is hide behind arguments that don't appear to have any real substance to match their technical sophistication; mere evasions; nothing to see, move along and don't look any closer.
So no, there's no obligation here to a forensic accounting of American aid to DAESH. Such information would certainly be very useful, but only back up the evidence of American intervention already presented.
Intellectual dishonesty is the abuse of intellectual powers. You've made it pretty clear you don't think I have any such powers to abuse. But so what?
If you can't refute the journalists and intellectuals presented, stick the claim that my interpretation of the sum of their findings is taken too far out of context to be plausible, and explain why yours is superior, then its yourself and your supporters who are being intellectually dishonest, moreso for resorting to the HOS to deal with my reaction to this dishonesty since the context of my actions is then obscured.
(Except where Stas elected on his own to send me to the HOS with cause).
You're incapable of answering and putting to rest in meaningful terms, concerns that America was indeed engaged in the support of DAESH, which can be taken to be factual general knowledge as far as can be gleaned from internet news services.