The Umerians are just getting the Space Jeep ready.
[This might be its real name. It's that or Grasshopper.]
It's not cutting edge in material science, or at least isn't
now, but it can take off, deliver about 5 tons to LEO, and land proudly on its
tailfins little poinky retractable feets, on a large concrete pad, as God and Robert Heinlein intended.
Other than that, about all they'd be playing with is... as a rough cut:
-A very noncompetitive capsule design (enough so they might say "fuckit" and just
purchase them from someone),
-ICBM-derived booster rockets (5-10 tons to LEO)
-A somewhat more distantly ICBM-derived medium-lift rocket with MIGHTY STRAPONS (~10-15 tons to LEO).
-They put up a couple of small space stations a few years back, but they de-orbited the things and there isn't a new one up there right now.
No major space science program in their own right, or at least nothing that isn't collaborative with other countries. They might well be angling to a position as
primus inter pares for an Austrafrican Space Agency reaching over to the Vedics and including, for example, Champa (if you're into that, Maddoctor? Gill, if you're still around?), working on something like