Eternal_Freedom wrote:Simon_Jester wrote:Hey, E_F, could we collaborate on interrogation? Delphinium Archer would actually be a very very good interrogator.
As I said, petit-perception is a lovely thing.
Certainly. Perhaps Orion would invite a neutral third-party to observe/aide in the interrogations, so as to avoid everyone going nuts about the swiftness of Orion justice like last time.
Allow me to explain.
Delphinium is not an ordinary foreign affairs geek. She is one of a relatively select body of individuals in Umeria who have received advanced training in various mental disciplines from what was once an oriental monastery in the mountains and is now the Waterville Institute for Advanced Logic. The Institute is now, and has long been, devoted to the advancing of human potential through development of the mental sciences, techniques for efficient thought, and cultivating both keen awareness and intuitive grasp of complex systems.
The cumulative effect of spending several centuries on this, and combining it with actual research in areas like neuroscience and information theory, is the ability to take an already highly intelligent and mentally disciplined person, and turn them into (more or less) a Sherlock Holmes.
So Delphinium, for example, can do things that would be freakish savant feats of intellect for most people. Like reading at something upwards of a hundred thousand words an hour, like being able to fully keep track of their surroundings mentally rather than only being able to focus on one or two things at a time as most people do, like having extraordinary memory and ability to analyze large masses of details for key conclusions, like being able to observe facial and body language with exceptional precision and detail.
And in honor of Dune I'm calling them 'mentats,' there's a fair amount of Frank Herbert in their creation.
I hope no one has a major problem with this; the idea of being able to unlock useful human mental potential through improvements on
education is a longtime interest of mine. It's also my answer to Siege's shapeshifting aliens and cyborgs and potential rogue AIs.
So, anyway.
Delphinium is a mentat in the employ of the Umerian government. Given her particular specializations she'd likely make a very effective interrogator because of her ability to
read a person, and to deduce facts from seemingly subtle hints (what I'm calling "petit perception," again from Dune).
[Note: the monastery does take non-Umerians, although they have to have the 'right' kind of mind and mindset before showing up in the first place. Basically, logical and committed to the pursuit of clear thinking
as such, not just as a means to an end. Or that's my current image of the concept...]
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Incidentally, even if you managed to generate convincing evidence of Rheinland's involvement, that would only delay the response. Since we, y'know, just signed a major treaty with them, we could quite easily find out if they were indeed resolved. Doubly so since we just save their delegates, along with everyone else's.
The story post is in progress.
Uh, I think when he says "Ostrheinland" he doesn't mean
Thanas. He means Nipponese separatists with a grudge against Fuso. So the Rheinland government is not responsible, though they might reasonably be asked to cooperate in any attempt to pursue the responsible group because they currently have jurisdiction over
Nippon East Germany Ostrheinland.
In that case, Fuso is not responsible for the attacks in a policy sense, but is definitely responsible for letting a Nipponese separatist mole get to a high echelon in their security forces undetected.
Certainly Thanas would not be responsible. But presumably Rheinland's intelligence agencies would be aware of any such groups and would be able to verify that no officials in Ostrheinland had been involved.[/quote]