Yes but doesn't that prove the point I was trying to make? This is a prime example of how conservatives routinely wipe their asses with the law, congressional procedure, and constitution to get what they want. If a liberal justice pulled something like Rehnquist did, they would probably be tried and executed for treason. To be honest subverting our voting process is legitimate traitor status, yet Dems refuse to point out the elephant in the room and pretend everyone's playing by the same rules, going out of their way to "reach across the aisle". How many years did Harry Reid let every single bill get filibustered before finally invoking the so-called "nuclear option" to let the majority force a vote, and how many nanoseconds would the GOP have waited before doing the same if the positions were reversed? It's like a schoolyard where a physically weak and abnormally stupid child is allowed to bully and lord over the others because no one else calls him on his shit or dares break the same rules. Someone needs to kick that kid's ass and make the others realize how stupid he is so they stop viewing him as some kind of alpha ape. If the Dems would sack up and stake out a coherent platform of popular ideas, refuse to apologize for some of them being "liberal" or "socialist", go for the jugular when Repubs do or say something stupid (which is constantly), and actually defend outspoken members of their party instead of offering them as sacrifices the second they come under attack, it wouldn't be long before people would be embarrassed to call themselves conservatives in public the way liberals are reluctant to identify as such now.Maraxus wrote:I don't think that's accurate, leastwise from a historical angle. Like, Democrats gave the same "Holy Jesus this is a waste of time" speech every single day during the impeachment. Gore conceded in Florida after the Supreme Court, in an unprecidented and literally indefensible decision, ordered a stop to the recount, delivering Bush the state. Gore could have done a lot better in that election, but he couldn't have fought on after Rehnquist voted the second time. And there were a lot of passionate Democratic voices against the Iraq War! The Senate Dems obviously dropped the ball there, mainly because of the elections that year.Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:As long as I can remember, the Democratic party has dithered to Republicans and social conservatives on issue after issue without even putting up a fight. During Monicagate, one Democrat after another went up and proclaimed how disappointed they were in President Clinton and tried to distance themselves from him as damage control. No one stood up to shame the Republicans for focusing on the President's sex life instead of things that matter (tm). The DNC completely failed to notice how popular Clinton still was outside of the Washington beltway and that no one in the outside world who was even marginally inclined to vote Democrat really gave a shit whether he was getting head under the desk while balancing the budget and creating jobs. Al Gore conceded defeat without a fight despite some pretty blatant evidence that the election was rigged by Diebold and he actually won. After 9/11, the political center and left folded completely and let the right rush us all off to the worst foreign policy mistakes since 1953 and only offered weak, mealy-mouthed objections to Bush's warmongering years after the fact. Today, Obama's popularity is so low that a Democratic candidate froze like deer in the headlights rather than admit voting for him despite clear and overwhelming evidence that conservatives have been disastrously wrong about healthcare from Day 1. Instead of shoving a clear victory in their faces, Democratic candidates have run away from Obamacare and allowed Republicans to convince the voting public that grass isn't green, the sky isn't blue, and the ACA isn't working. The right wing establishment has poisoned the word "liberal", and is now doing the same to "progressive", which the political left fled to instead of mounting a defense, and a woman's right to have an abortion is under greater threat than at any time since most of us were alive.
I'm not old enough to remember when left-of-center politicians loudly and proudly defended their positions and called conservatives on their bullshit, but I know that some of you are, and I would like to know when the left neutered itself, what political debates were like beforehand, and hopefully gain some insight to when we can expect surgical reattachment of liberal testacles.
Brown has hit all the right notes with mild social progressivism and practical pro-business attitudes that don't piss off unions. He also had the testicular fortitude to attack the redevelopment agencies that have been bleeding the state for years. Yet if he were in Obama's position, the rest of the party would abandon and distance themselves from him and let him soak up every wild accusation for years with no response. Anyone's approval ratings would be in the toilet with friends like that.Things are looking pretty fucking gloomy for the Dems. I think that this perceived lack of "testicular" fortitude has very little to do with that. The President's real unpopular and we're defending some tough turf. Most of the really vulnerable seats are states that Obama lost by 15% or more in 2012 AND 2008. They'd be tough whatever the circumstances. And the Dems are doing reasonably well in the governors races, despite the general suck. As a Californian, you of ALL people should know this. Governor Moonbeam and the Democratic brand are so successful that he's going to win re-election despite launching his campaign literally two days ago. And we're likely to win 2/3rds in at least one part of the state ledge. And we're likely to keep the more competitive house seats.
I understand pretty well how the right has used social engineering to get what it wants. The part I don't understand is why the center-left refuses to defend itself.More broadly, I think you're asking why the Republican Party is so very effective, while the Democrats just can't seem to do anything right. It's not that they're wrong, it's just that they suck. And I think it's a fair point, but that the underlying idea there is wrong. It's fair in that the Democrats really aren't an effective force for legislation, at least on the national level. They're relagated to utter powerlessness in like fifteen states, and it looks like they're going to lose seats on the state level. This election kinda sucks if you're a liberal because you're losing and there's really no discernable reason other than the electorate just kinda doesn't care for you.
I think it's wrong because the two parties aren't in any way equal. The Republican Party has this massive Conservtive Movement behind it. That Conservative Movement has a lot of very powerful and influential people all pulling their oars in the same direction. The Conservative Movement isn't doing so hot right now. Broadly speaking, it's losing influence on the presidential elections, it has already lost the gay marriage fight and is rapidly losing other parts of the Culture Wars too. And the people that make up the Conservative Movement are shrinking proportionally to the rest of the voters. But it still has a great deal of strength, especially on the local level. The revolutionary changes the Conservative Movement brought down in Wisconsin and North Carolina and Texas are truly astonishing.
The Democrats don't have anything that can compare with this movement. Probably because they're not promising to kill all regulations that aren't industry-approved and keep the capital gains tax at 2%. The Republicans have an awful lot of money going their way, and now it's so untracible that the RNC can't possibly hope to control much of it, to say nothing of the whole pot. And the Democrats are relatively more ideologically diverse. The Republicans are essentially all conservative at this point; it's only really a question of degree. And they've discovered that lockstep and EXTREMELY BITTER opposition to the Democrats doesn't exactly hurt that much. The Dems who are going to lose in four days are overwhelmingly in states that Romney won (AK, AR, WV, SD, LA, ) and the Dems are just not doing well enough to match the 2012 electorate. The Dems have had a lot of their dead weight pruned away in the last few elections. The semi-craven Blue Dogs are essentially extinct. Most of the "New Democrats" that sprang from Clinton's DLC nonsense have moved to the left and vote reliably Democratic something like 90% of the time anyway. If the Dems ever retake the House and Senate, it won't be through those old cowardly conservative Democrats, but more ideologically cohesive (whatever that may be).
TL;DR: Don't cry. There's always 2016.