Purple wrote:Eternal_Freedom wrote:We can. And, to the best of our knowledge, we have done so.
Incidentally, where are you getting this "we can't prove it so it must be true" stuff from? All we've said is that we cannot predict the outcome with 100% certainty because the problem is just too damn big.
These quotes in particular:
amigocabal wrote:The thing about climate change is that most of it is influenced by the equivalent of a black box which we do not understand. (This is in sharp contrast to the simple logarithmic relationship between CO2 and temperature; one can literally calculate how much temperatures will rise by exhaling.)
Sky Captain wrote:Now the climate is also changing but is there actually a hard evidence that this change unlike similar changes in the past is caused purely by human activities instead of some yet unknown natural phenomena which just happen to coincide with increased human CO2 emissions. Or possibly natural climate change that is also mixing with climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions and stopping one will not stop the other.
The first of those is actually what sparked me to ask here. He described the whole thing as a black box. And that can't be good.
Also, every single word LaCroix said. Especially his continuous strawmaning which immediately rang alarm bells for me because it's the kind of tactic used by people who argue out of faith and not science. A lot of his arguments and those of a few others here would down to them proclaiming that I demand an insanely accurate result, can newer be satisfied and must thus be wrong.
Ok. I am going to be nice.
The climate model is huge. Absolutely huge. Running the calculations in order to get climate predictions takes weeks on a bank of supercomputers sort of huge. Main variables are as follows:
1) CO2, Methane, and other gases in the atmosphere that trap heat, their movements, and region-specific concentrations, including daily cycles in concentration due to photosynthesis.
2) Particulates and gases in the atmosphere that reflect the light of the sun, including their movements and region specific concentrations etc
3) Sun spot activity etc
4) Volcanic eruptions and their effect on 1 and 2
5) The melting of glacial and sea ice, and the changes in albedo and ocean currents these create.
6) The prospect that trapped CO2 and Methane in permafrost deposits will be released by melting.
7) Feedback loops created by 5 and 6, tipping points for which we simply dont fucking know.
Tiny changes in the earth and moons orbit.
9) The movement of continents
10) Daily human activity like international air travel--not the emissions, but the changes in air currents
And there is more. Climate scientists have plugged these into massive computer models (see above), and post-dicted the earths climate with a little bit of fuzz around the edges. A herculean effort in and of itself. Then, applied that to the future.
They dont know what future conditions will be. It is one thing to hold other variables constant or at very readily predicted values and just modify greenhouse gases. But in order to get perfect predictions, they would need to know what the status of the airline industry is including the daily flight schedule 10 years from now. The same goes for deforestation etc.
There is also chaos theory to consider. Tiny errors in the measurement of CO2 or any of the other variables get amplified when you are trying to make long term predictions. This is why we cannot predict the weather more than a few days in advance. We never and can never perfectly measure, say, barometric pressure. The error gets amplified because the models are sensitive to initial conditions. The same goes for the climate.
So, while the climate scientists can say "If CO2 increases by X amount, mean global temperature should increase between M and N amounts, with the following general effects on your daily lives", they cannot get much more precise than that. They can give you a confidence interval. They can say for example that droughts will get worse. They cannot tell you whether drought will hit Dallas or Mombasa in the spring of 2040