Kojiro wrote:The palace is shown to have shielding, brought down by internal sabotage of the generator before fully raising. Seemed to go up slowly though, maybe a minute or so to be fully up. Whether or not the rest have shields that weren't manned is unknown. No idea whatsoever on what kind of firepower it can absorb.
That said, this RAR is about whether or not Asgard can be invaded. It does seem unlikely that Asgard has no other defenses given the universe they know full well exists. I think perhaps they rely on Heimdal here, who was more or less defeated by the DE stealth. The idea that Asgard would have no recourse against a Kree ship like we saw in Guardians seems a little absurd but that's more or less what we're talking about here. I think a prepared Asgard would fare significantly better than the ambushed one in TDW.
heimdall wasn't TOTALLY defeated byt he DE stealth, remember he saw through it soon enough to do his flying ninja knife climb of immediate combustion on it... but that was a Fighter craft launched from the DE carrier, Neither the ISD nor any TIES or AT-ATs will be able to land/approach so close without being seen. That means Asgard will likely have prep time, I doubt that the Imperials will CARE per se, but that means that Asgard will put up stiffer resistance than we saw in TDW. PS Odin mentions 10,000 Asgardian spears, so we can use that as a rough numbers count of Asgardians, if they can even partially shield thier city, then if they force the 501st to come down and fight them at close range, they could put a real hurting on them.
Also, the Bifrost bridge is a wild card, I supposed if it can be used as a weapon it COULD destroy an ISD, but can it target one? Somehow i doubt it.