Elfdart wrote:The reason there are fewer Muslim denominations is the same reason there are fewer political parties and quite often, only one candidate on the ballot when the rulers are so generous as to let the people vote at all. The region of the world where Islam is most common is made up of the remnants of several colonial empires and has almost zero tradition with democracy, civil rights and so on. On those rare occasions when pluralism, tolerance and democracy looked like they might take root, it was quickly snuffed out in favor of a police state imposed from outside. One of the easiest ways for a generalissimo to keep power is by inciting mobs based on race, nationalism and/or religion, especially when the common folk are poverty-stricken and one of the few sources of self-worth allowed to them is the Koran. So it should come as no surprise that some immigrants from that region (and a subsequent generation or two) might bring that volatile mixture with them. Add in the usual maladies common among unassimilated immigrants (poverty, crime, bigotry) and lo and behold…
Religion lends itself well to totalitarianism. We’re in agreement. In regards to your last line; as an immigrant myself you are using a good example of failed assimilation policies and ignoring a huge factor. Religion. Australia has
roughly the same number of Buddhists (2.5%) as Muslims (2.2%) where is the huge ‘problem’ with Australia’s Buddhists that there demonstrably is with its Muslims?
Elfdart wrote:Like the fundie Muslims, you seem to think the words in their special book have some kind of magical powers, like the Necronomicon. You could swap out the Koran with anything from the Latin bible to Dianetics under the same conditions and you'd have similar results. We had similar issues in America -Fuck Yeah! with Irish Catholics 150 years ago.
What are you talking about? Are you telling me when discussing the actions of jihadis I’m not meant to point out that they believe the hype?
Elfdart wrote:Speaking of the Irish, one of the reasons their land of origin was so blighted is that Oliver Cromwell, that great by-product of the Protestant Reformation, raped Ireland four ways from Sunday, exterminating the Irish like vermin and reducing the survivors to bare subsistence farming. Looking at charnel houses like Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria and Syria, it looks like large chunks of the Muslim world really are following in the footsteps of Cromwell (Oliver and Thomas), Wolsingham, James Stuart and Martin Luther. And that's the last thing they ever needed.
You’re such an ass. The Reformation, with its numerous flaws, broke the central authority of a Theocrat over a large swathe and ethnically diverse people. It allowed the thought that they could ‘find God’ their own way. Once you had one splinter, it naturally led to thousands more which allowed this pluralism of which you spoke earlier to appear. Which means people have to learn how to get along with other people. That’s my point, not that we should welcome sectarian violence in the Islamic world.
Also, what you just said was ‘Obama uses drone strikes, he’s a Democrat in a democracy, therefore electing Democrats in a democracy means you’re going to get drone strikes’.
Elfdart wrote:Cut the horseshit. If the hysterical attacks on Muslims aren't racist, then why does almost every political cartoon (especially the Charlie Hebdo ones) depict them as crazed, dark-skinned, hook-nosed savages? Other than the fact that they're just cribbing from anti-Jewish cartoons from early in the last century, when DA JOOOOOOOOZ! were drawn as crazed, dark-skinned, hook-nosed savages, I mean.
Stop flinging it first. Why were 12 people executed in Paris
Elfdart wrote:By the way, since when would being an agnostic Indian be proof against having prejudice against Muslims or anyone else?
I was being accused of being prejudiced against ‘
brown people’ on the assumption I was a Christian Caucasian. Fuck you just did it again, you assume any ‘attacks’ against something you can
convert to and
apostasy from (if they don’t kill you first) means that person must be a racist. I
understand that the right wing is going to parrot a lot of what I’m saying
for other reasons but I can’t stop saying ‘just because’. I’m not going to stop calling Israel a fascist state with prejudice policies and leaders who should be tried for war crimes just because some Neo Nazi will agree with me! Why then, when Jihadis do
exactly what their religion tells them to do should I fall over backwards to not state this very simple and obvious fact?