____ on the E-D

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Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
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____ on the E-D

Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

If one of these people were on with an ISD or the E-D, what would happen?

1. Al Gore
2. Bill Clinton
3. George W. Bush
4. Timothy Jones
5. George Lucas
6. Somebody working with B&B
7. You
8. Doug Chiang
9. Yoda
10. Alex Trebek
11. James Bond
12. Jabba the Hutt
13. Bono
14. The kid from the Dell commercials
15. Graham Kennedy
16. Boba Fett
17. A Geonosian
18. Harry Potter
19. Kofi Annan
20. Someone of your choice
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Re: ____ on the E-D

Post by Isolder74 »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:If one of these people were on with an ISD or the E-D, what would happen?

1. Al Gore
nothing would get done due constant recounts
2. Bill Clinton
would cut the funding to ship resulting in halfing crew strength and wouldn't have the balls for combat. Would cut Sensor monitering staff to almost nothing so would get caught by surprise. Would not resond to direct threats either.
3. George W. Bush
Would rally ship with fancy speaches after being attacked and would kick butt.
4. Timothy Jones
5. George Lucas
Would be run like a normal SD would, would militarize the ST ship
6. Somebody working with B&B
would manage to take the balls out of a SD
7. You
Would make use of past military history to plan my engagements and would use brilliant stragegies of great generals from the past as seen fit.
8. Doug Chiang
9. Yoda
Wors not make one Great but would not hesitate to fire.
10. Alex Trebek
Give the enemy all of the answers will only respond to hails that are in the form of a question
11. James Bond
Put Q in the engine room and have gadgets everywhere on the ship.
12. Jabba the Hutt
Pay off attackers
13. Bono
Sunny? If so would use Cher as a weapon
14. The kid from the Dell commercials
Paint comercials on the outside and his secret weapon would be an arcive video footage of his commercials
15. Graham Kennedy
Would win through the power of technobable
16. Boba Fett
Hidden weaponry everywhere nasty
17. A Geonosian
have a big area in the place of at-at bay
18. Harry Potter
Turn enemies into rabbits
19. Kofi Annan
20. Someone of your choice
Patton--Ground troops would kick butt
Hapan Battle Dragons Rule!
When you want peace prepare for war! --Confusious
That was disapointing ..Should we show this Federation how to build a ship so we may have worthy foes? Typhonis 1
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Re: ____ on the E-D

Post by RayCav of ASVS »

If one of these people were on with an ISD or the E-D, what would happen?

1. Al Gore

Nothing. Al would fit right in perfectly:)

2. Bill Clinton

If I'd be allowed to say this....

Every female onboard the Enterprise would take pernament sick leave from having raw vaginas

3. George W. Bush

As long as he's not in engineering, he'd fit right in

4. Timothy Jones

He would worship Picard like a God, or possibly try to initiate a homosexual relationship with him

5. George Lucas

SF would have a massive increase in REAL warships and starfighters. Lots of starfighters.....

6. Somebody working with B&B

See comments for Dubbya

7. You

I'd kick the warp core, then run away very very fast

8. Doug Chiang

You thought ST ships looked flashy now....

9. Yoda

"Dark Side, you are!" ::zaps warp core with Force lightning::

10. Alex Trebek

He would be crowned Emperor of the Federation for being the smartest man within its borders.

11. James Bond

Pretty much the same goes for him as for Clinton, except he may end up directly or indirectly causing the death of a few. He may also be driven insane by being surrounded by such dorkiness that he'll fire his PPK into the warp core.

Now, what I'd really like to see is Q (NOT THE ST ONE!) stuck on the Enterprise :)

12. Jabba the Hutt

The Enterprise becomes his newest wall decoration

13. Bono

Stupid question: who the hell? Sunny Bono?!

14. The kid from the Dell commercials

"Dude, get a Dell!" every time he sees an (exploding) console

15. Graham Kennedy

See comments for Timmy

16. Boba Fett

See comments for Jabba

17. A Geonosian

They would have to design some Imperial Starship that vaguley looks as if its lineage could be traced back to the Enterprise :wink:

18. Harry Potter

A magic spell sent straight to the warp core

19. Kofi Annan

Once again, stupid question: who the hell?

20. Someone of your choice

Two words: HIT-MAN :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
::sig removed because it STILL offended Kelly. Hey, it's not my fault that I thing Wedge is a::

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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

BTW that post was meant exclusively for people on the E-D
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Sea Skimmer
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

1. Al Gore
E-D: Is confined to quarters after claiming to have invented the Warp Drive
ISD: The crew accidentally kills him with a ion pistol after mistaking him for an out of control driod..

2. Bill Clinton
E-D: The ships women are happy to meet a male they don’t have to talk into bed. All soon regret that.
ISD: Klinton gets executed after being caught with the captain's personal Twi'lek slave girl.

3. George W. Bush
E-D: Bush attempts to further streamline the ships design to save money, but in the process cuts warp core containment from the budget, instantly destroying the ship.
ISD: On the advice of the Sec Defense, Bush cuts funding to the ship since it's designed for the outdated battles of the clone wars. The replacement comes out a decade late, is the size of the Executor with matching and armed with nothing but uber expensive missiles with cloaks that can vaporize starships, but are powerless against unarmored infantry.

4. Timothy Jones
E-D: Asks Picard to demonstrate the ships planet cracking phaser firepower and is reduced to a crying screaming infant when the targeted 100-meter asteroid is not even broken in half.
ISD: Timmy gets ass raped with a force pike after taunting the Stormtroopers.

5. George Lucas
E-D: Lucas has his legal department come down with an iron fist on the E-D after he find there using copies of the SW trilogy licensed for personal use only on the holodecks.
ISD: Being in his own universe, he instantly gains the powers of a god and becomes Emperor.

6. Somebody working with B&B
E-D: The ships crews mind boggling stupidity makes them feel right at home.
ISD: The guy faints from the sudden infusion of sanity into his life.

7. You
E-D: I capture the ship in 10 minutes with my AR-15, then slingshot back in time and crash the ship into Paramount to prevent the whole disaster that is the next generation/DS9/Voyager/Enterprise from happening.
ISD: The ships armament melts after the fifteenth back to back BDZ

8. Doug Chiang

9. Yoda
E-D: "Idiotic, this crew is"
ISD: Yoda mind controls the crew and uses it to return to his home in the swamp, he has no need of such a ship since his ally is the force.

10. Alex Trebek
E-D: The crew is fascinated by his endless 20th century trivia, and doesn't notice that he's rerouted all controls to his podium. He then kills them all uses the ship to travel back to his own time.
ISD: Trebek gets him self dropped off on a nearby world and then creates an impossible to win game show since all questions pertain to a society on a world in a galaxy far far away that doesn’t exist yet.

11. James Bond
E-D: Bond takes control of the Federation after his car's stinger missiles prove more powerful then Photon torpedoes.
ISD: Bond battles Stormtroopers, Dark Jedi, Sith Lords, Noghri many others throughout the ship with blasters, Force pikes, Vibroblades. before having an final show down with Grand Admiral Thawn hand-to-hand on cat walks above the hanger opening. Also included is a chase with AT-PT and speeders through the ships corridors, and an opening recon mission to an Ubiqtorate base..

12. Jabba the Hutt
E-D: The SIF can't take his weight on the deck and fails, destroying the ship.
ISD: Jabba pays off the captain to let his Spice shipments get past without being searched

13. Bono

14. The kid from the Dell commercials
God only knows..

15. Graham Kennedy
E-D: I don’t even want to think about it..
ISD: The crew promptly shoves him out an airlock when 50 kilometers from a Blue Super giant star when he stars making comments about how their shields cant even take a kiloton.

16. Boba Fett
E-D: Fett kills the whole crew, then uses the ill armed hulk to ram and destroy one of his targets.
ISD: Fett has the ship modified to have six times the weapons it normally would, but to only have two light turbolasers showing.

17. A Geonosian
E-D: Looks at the ships design, then becomes the life of parties when he recounts the details down to the last fatale flaw back at the hive.
ISD: Suggests raising moral by having annoying crewmen fight to the death in a pit built into the hanger floor. Suggestion is acted on.

18. Harry Potter
E-D: Potter gets thrown in childcare where he belongs
ISD: Potter gets killed in a hail of fire, cause Magic is also no match for a good blaster by your side.

19. Kofi Annan
E-D: Annan fits right in.
ISD: Annan get control of the ship somehow and fly's around solving problems, at gunpoint. However the power corrupts him in about 20 minutes, his new solution to a world hunger problem is to kill all those who lack food. Conflicts are resolved by BDZing one side.

20. Someone of your choice
John Conner Age 10
E-D: Conner uses his Atari Portfolio laptop to find the ships prefix code, then takes control and uses it to break Sarah out of a Federation gulag, opps I mean Federation mental rehabilitation facility were she's held for running weapons to the Maquis.
ISD: Conner steals credits out of the ships banking system, before having to flee a would be assassin with the help of a familiar looking human replica
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Sea Skimmer
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

1. Al Gore
E-D: Is confined to quarters after claiming to have invented the Warp Drive
ISD: The crew accidentally kills him with a ion pistol after mistaking him for an out of control driod..

2. Bill Clinton
E-D: The ships women are happy to meet a male they don’t have to talk into bed. All soon regret that.
ISD: Klinton gets executed after being caught with the captain's personal Twi'lek slave girl.

3. George W. Bush
E-D: Bush attempts to further streamline the ships design to save money, but in the process cuts warp core containment from the budget, instantly destroying the ship.
ISD: On the advice of the Sec Defense, Bush cuts funding to the ship since it's designed for the outdated battles of the clone wars. The replacement comes out a decade late, is the size of the Executor with matching and armed with nothing but uber expensive missiles with cloaks that can vaporize starships, but are powerless against unarmored infantry.

4. Timothy Jones
E-D: Asks Picard to demonstrate the ships planet cracking phaser firepower and is reduced to a crying screaming infant when the targeted 100-meter asteroid is not even broken in half.
ISD: Timmy gets ass raped with a force pike after taunting the Stormtroopers.

5. George Lucas
E-D: Lucas has his legal department come down with an iron fist on the E-D after he find there using copies of the SW trilogy licensed for personal use only on the holodecks.
ISD: Being in his own universe, he instantly gains the powers of a god and becomes Emperor.

6. Somebody working with B&B
E-D: The ships crews mind boggling stupidity makes them feel right at home.
ISD: The guy faints from the sudden infusion of sanity into his life.

7. You
E-D: I capture the ship in 10 minutes with my AR-15, then slingshot back in time and crash the ship into Paramount to prevent the whole disaster that is the next generation/DS9/Voyager/Enterprise from happening.
ISD: The ships armament melts after the fifteenth back to back BDZ

8. Doug Chiang

9. Yoda
E-D: "Idiotic, this crew is"
ISD: Yoda mind controls the crew and uses it to return to his home in the swamp, he has no need of such a ship since his ally is the force.

10. Alex Trebek
E-D: The crew is fascinated by his endless 20th century trivia, and doesn't notice that he's rerouted all controls to his podium. He then kills them all uses the ship to travel back to his own time.
ISD: Trebek gets him self dropped off on a nearby world and then creates an impossible to win game show since all questions pertain to a society on a world in a galaxy far far away that doesn’t exist yet.

11. James Bond
E-D: Bond takes control of the Federation after his car's stinger missiles prove more powerful then Photon torpedoes.
ISD: Bond battles Stormtroopers, Dark Jedi, Sith Lords, Noghri many others throughout the ship with blasters, Force pikes, Vibroblades. before having an final show down with Grand Admiral Thawn hand-to-hand on cat walks above the hanger opening. Also included is a chase with AT-PT and speeders through the ships corridors, and an opening recon mission to an Ubiqtorate base..

12. Jabba the Hutt
E-D: The SIF can't take his weight on the deck and fails, destroying the ship.
ISD: Jabba pays off the captain to let his Spice shipments get past without being searched

13. Bono

14. The kid from the Dell commercials
God only knows..

15. Graham Kennedy
E-D: I don’t even want to think about it..
ISD: The crew promptly shoves him out an airlock when 50 kilometers from a Blue Super giant star when he stars making comments about how their shields cant even take a kiloton.

16. Boba Fett
E-D: Fett kills the whole crew, then uses the ill armed hulk to ram and destroy one of his targets.
ISD: Fett has the ship modified to have six times the weapons it normally would, but to only have two light turbolasers showing.

17. A Geonosian
E-D: Looks at the ships design, then becomes the life of parties when he recounts the details down to the last fatale flaw back at the hive.
ISD: Suggests raising moral by having annoying crewmen fight to the death in a pit built into the hanger floor. Suggestion is acted on.

18. Harry Potter
E-D: Potter gets thrown in childcare where he belongs
ISD: Potter gets killed in a hail of fire, cause Magic is also no match for a good blaster by your side.

19. Kofi Annan
E-D: Annan fits right in.
ISD: Annan get control of the ship somehow and fly's around solving problems, at gunpoint. However the power corrupts him in about 20 minutes, his new solution to a world hunger problem is to kill all those who lack food. Conflicts are resolved by BDZing one side.

20. Someone of your choice
John Conner Age 10
E-D: Conner uses his Atari Portfolio laptop to find the ships prefix code, then takes control and uses it to break Sarah out of a Federation gulag, opps I mean Federation mental rehabilitation facility were she's held for running weapons to the Maquis.
ISD: Conner steals credits out of the ships banking system, before having to flee a would be assassin with the help of a familiar looking human replica driod..
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

By Bono, I mean the BOno from U2, the one with those wraparound sunglasses.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Sea Skimmer wrote:1. Al Gore
E-D: Is confined to quarters after claiming to have invented the Warp Drive
ISD: The crew accidentally kills him with a ion pistol after mistaking him for an out of control driod..

2. Bill Clinton
E-D: The ships women are happy to meet a male they don’t have to talk into bed. All soon regret that.
ISD: Klinton gets executed after being caught with the captain's personal Twi'lek slave girl.

3. George W. Bush
E-D: Bush attempts to further streamline the ships design to save money, but in the process cuts warp core containment from the budget, instantly destroying the ship.
ISD: On the advice of the Sec Defense, Bush cuts funding to the ship since it's designed for the outdated battles of the clone wars. The replacement comes out a decade late, is the size of the Executor with matching and armed with nothing but uber expensive missiles with cloaks that can vaporize starships, but are powerless against unarmored infantry.

4. Timothy Jones
E-D: Asks Picard to demonstrate the ships planet cracking phaser firepower and is reduced to a crying screaming infant when the targeted 100-meter asteroid is not even broken in half.
ISD: Timmy gets ass raped with a force pike after taunting the Stormtroopers.

5. George Lucas
E-D: Lucas has his legal department come down with an iron fist on the E-D after he find there using copies of the SW trilogy licensed for personal use only on the holodecks.
ISD: Being in his own universe, he instantly gains the powers of a god and becomes Emperor.

6. Somebody working with B&B
E-D: The ships crews mind boggling stupidity makes them feel right at home.
ISD: The guy faints from the sudden infusion of sanity into his life.

7. You
E-D: I capture the ship in 10 minutes with my AR-15, then slingshot back in time and crash the ship into Paramount to prevent the whole disaster that is the next generation/DS9/Voyager/Enterprise from happening.
ISD: The ships armament melts after the fifteenth back to back BDZ

8. Doug Chiang

9. Yoda
E-D: "Idiotic, this crew is"
ISD: Yoda mind controls the crew and uses it to return to his home in the swamp, he has no need of such a ship since his ally is the force.

10. Alex Trebek
E-D: The crew is fascinated by his endless 20th century trivia, and doesn't notice that he's rerouted all controls to his podium. He then kills them all uses the ship to travel back to his own time.
ISD: Trebek gets him self dropped off on a nearby world and then creates an impossible to win game show since all questions pertain to a society on a world in a galaxy far far away that doesn’t exist yet.

11. James Bond
E-D: Bond takes control of the Federation after his car's stinger missiles prove more powerful then Photon torpedoes.
ISD: Bond battles Stormtroopers, Dark Jedi, Sith Lords, Noghri many others throughout the ship with blasters, Force pikes, Vibroblades. before having an final show down with Grand Admiral Thawn hand-to-hand on cat walks above the hanger opening. Also included is a chase with AT-PT and speeders through the ships corridors, and an opening recon mission to an Ubiqtorate base..

12. Jabba the Hutt
E-D: The SIF can't take his weight on the deck and fails, destroying the ship.
ISD: Jabba pays off the captain to let his Spice shipments get past without being searched

13. Bono

14. The kid from the Dell commercials
God only knows..

15. Graham Kennedy
E-D: I don’t even want to think about it..
ISD: The crew promptly shoves him out an airlock when 50 kilometers from a Blue Super giant star when he stars making comments about how their shields cant even take a kiloton.

16. Boba Fett
E-D: Fett kills the whole crew, then uses the ill armed hulk to ram and destroy one of his targets.
ISD: Fett has the ship modified to have six times the weapons it normally would, but to only have two light turbolasers showing.

17. A Geonosian
E-D: Looks at the ships design, then becomes the life of parties when he recounts the details down to the last fatale flaw back at the hive.
ISD: Suggests raising moral by having annoying crewmen fight to the death in a pit built into the hanger floor. Suggestion is acted on.

18. Harry Potter
E-D: Potter gets thrown in childcare where he belongs
ISD: Potter gets killed in a hail of fire, cause Magic is also no match for a good blaster by your side.

19. Kofi Annan
E-D: Annan fits right in.
ISD: Annan get control of the ship somehow and fly's around solving problems, at gunpoint. However the power corrupts him in about 20 minutes, his new solution to a world hunger problem is to kill all those who lack food. Conflicts are resolved by BDZing one side.

20. Someone of your choice
John Conner Age 10
E-D: Conner uses his Atari Portfolio laptop to find the ships prefix code, then takes control and uses it to break Sarah out of a Federation gulag, opps I mean Federation mental rehabilitation facility were she's held for running weapons to the Maquis.
ISD: Conner steals credits out of the ships banking system, before having to flee a would be assassin with the help of a familiar looking human replica driod..
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

ISD: After seeing the big, clunky consoles and computer cores of the ship, he'd corner all of the droids and say: "Dudes, you NEED a Dell!" He's then chased into an airlock by an army of mouse droids.
E-D: He replicates a Dell computer and plays minesweeper. When he hit a bomb, the warp core breached.
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Enforcer Talen wrote:
Glad Someone liked it enough to reply..
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:By Bono, I mean the BOno from U2, the one with those wraparound sunglasses.
*slaps forehead* duh, the one Mike Wong rants against :P

ISD: Would start protesting the militancy of the Empire. I think we can all figure out the Imperials' reaction :D

E-D: Would pretty much be at home ::shudders::
::sig removed because it STILL offended Kelly. Hey, it's not my fault that I thing Wedge is a::

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Post by Lord_Vader »

Hahaha RayCavs 20 people response is hilarious!

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Sea Skimmer wrote:17. A Geonosian
E-D: Looks at the ships design, then becomes the life of parties when he recounts the details down to the last fatale flaw back at the hive.
ISD: Suggests raising moral by having annoying crewmen fight to the death in a pit built into the hanger floor. Suggestion is acted on.
LOL! We should do that here.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Darth Yoshi wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:17. A Geonosian
E-D: Looks at the ships design, then becomes the life of parties when he recounts the details down to the last fatale flaw back at the hive.
ISD: Suggests raising moral by having annoying crewmen fight to the death in a pit built into the hanger floor. Suggestion is acted on.
LOL! We should do that here.
Which one, have the Village idiots and Fundamentalist Morons fight to the death, or make a list of the E-D's flaws? I'm up for both, though I think we already have the second in the form of SD.nets canon database for TNG.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

And hears the link I forgot to add: http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Dat ... esign.html
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by Mr Bean »

So Begins the Second Page lol these are pretty good espcialy the Imperal Genoisan one

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Sea Skimmer wrote:
Darth Yoshi wrote:
Sea Skimmer wrote:17. A Geonosian
E-D: Looks at the ships design, then becomes the life of parties when he recounts the details down to the last fatale flaw back at the hive.
ISD: Suggests raising moral by having annoying crewmen fight to the death in a pit built into the hanger floor. Suggestion is acted on.
LOL! We should do that here.
Which one, have the Village idiots and Fundamentalist Morons fight to the death, or make a list of the E-D's flaws? I'm up for both, though I think we already have the second in the form of SD.nets canon database for TNG.
The VIs and Fundies fighting to the death.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
Secularism—since AD 80
Av: Elika; Prince of Persia
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Here's a few more to liven up the party:


B. Dilbert

C. Bill Gates

D. John Clark (the troll)

E. A Lego Minifig

F. Cher

G. Chewbacca

H. Mr. Bean (From the movies)

I. Gerald Ford

J. Geraldo Riviera

K. Regis Philbin

L. Charlton Heston

M. Religous Fundamentalist

N. An Ewok

O. Curtis Saxton

P. The Three Stooges

Q. Drunk Q (ST Q)

R. John Cleese

S. The ghost of Gene Roddenberry

T. Indiana Jones

U. Snoop Dogg

V. Red Green

W. Satan

X. That guy in Cloud City that ran down the hallway carrying an ice cream maker
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Post by Jadeite »

E-D: would hate ST, because its a moneyless economy.
ISD: would be vented with the rest of the garbage.

E-D: would go insane by sheer stupidity of crew (his pointy haired boss would be right at home though)
ISD: would act like a normal crewmember while dogbert would tag along and quickly take control of the ship

Bill Gates
E-D: would recognize the computers as future microsoft's. Then type in secret password, and transport crew into space. Then go back in time to earth and take over the planet.
ISD- would try and buy the ship.

Lego Minifig
E-D: would be given sentience by wesley then use the replicators to make millions of copies, and wipe out the crew. OR, itd be eaten by a little kid.
ISD: would get stepped on and broken accidentaly.

Religious Fundementalist
E-D: would be classified as primitive lifeform, and locked up for study.
ISD: woud try and convert stormtrooper, then get ass raped with a blaster rifle.

E-D: would be trained as a technician, so everyone else wouldnt have to crawl the maintenance tubes (its short enough to walk)
ISD: would go on rampage before being put down.

Curtis Saxton
ISD: would access ships main computer, and download stats for pretty much everything, while maniacally laughing about being right.

Three Stooges
E-D: would cause a warp core breach
ISD: vented out airlock

Drunken Q
E-D & ISD: would switch members of both crews around, then play evil tricks on them like usual.

Ghost of Gene Rodenberry
E-D: would take over ship, and wipe every trace of Voyager out of existence.

Indiana Jones
E-D: would cause engine problem, then roll under containment door just in time and still manage to save his hat.
ISD: mistaken for Han Solo and shot.

Snoop Dog
E-D: would overload the universal translator

E-D: would fight with Q over rights to torment crew.
ISD: would ally self with Empire.
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Post by Jadeite »

That guy in Cloud City that ran down the hallway carrying an ice cream maker
What scene is that in?
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Doctor Zoidberg, from Futurama, would really get things going.

Let's throw in Emeril to kick it up another notch.
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

E-D: Horified at the idea of replicators, he kicks (a phaser) up another notch (from stun to obiterate). After the crew is dead, he sails around on a grand crusade against replicating food.
ISD: He learns all the secrets of Imperial cooking, makes them better, jumps ship, and starts a HoloNet cooking show.
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Post by Mr. B »

ED- provides hours and hours of entertainment to the crew, then is imprisoned when they give them the bill
IMP-can you say interrogation droid, for no reason other than to hurt them.
B. Dilbert
ED-goes over the warp core designs, realizes what is about to hapen and steals shuttle, warp core explodes.
IMP-joins engineering and becomes lost in the crowd, dogbert usurps the throne and becomes dog emperor
C. Bill Gates
ED-becomes best friends with Data, but commits suicide after learing his money is worthless
IMP-builds death star win 95 edition, when about to fire superlaser, small blue screen appears.
D. John Clark (the troll)
ED-shot on sight
IMP-shot on sigh
F. Cher
ED-will try to ressurect career
IMP-will try to ressurect career
G. Chewbacca
ED-beats crew into bloody pulp after they touch him
IMP-sneaks out the garbage chute to safety
H. Mr. Bean (From the movies)
ED-stumbles around until he causes warp core explosion
IMP-thrown in brig
I. Gerald Ford
ED-constantly brags about football days, over and over and over....
IMP-because he was the only unelected prez is given job as moff
J. Geraldo Riviera
ED-says he is in the middle of combat with romulans but is really on Earth in his basement
IMP-hired by imp propaganda ministry with his background for FOX news
K. Regis Philbin
ED-turns bridge into crappy morning show with troi as cohost
IMP-spaced after asking captain "Is that youyr final answer?"
L. Charlton Heston
ED-demands to be able to own his own phaser, sent to rehab facility for barbaric thoughts
IMP-is made a stormtrooper
M. Religous Fundamentalist
ED-tries to convert the crew, and is spaced with new convert weasly
N. An Ewok
ED-new ships pet
IMP-kills all the stormies but is shot by captain
O. Curtis Saxton
ED-laughs himself to death when on bridge
IMP-is commited for excessive happiness
P. The Three Stooges
ED-bumble around until they breach the warp core
Q. Drunk Q (ST Q)
ED-ship turns from explorer ship into giant bunny rabit, makes worf a real dog, makes Picard a balerina, Troi a crackwhore, Data a wooden puppet, etc.
IMP-pretty much the same as above
R. John Cleese
ED-makes pythonesqe comments about entire ship
S. The ghost of Gene Roddenberry
ED-mutters to self "what was i thinking"
IMP-is scared shitless at sight of stormies
T. Indiana Jones
ED-recovers lost artifact only to have to give to to Fed mueseum
IMP-stages daring escape and gets away
U. Snoop Dogg
ED-quarters are always smoke filled and his language confounds the Univ TRans
IMP-is given record deal
V. Red Green
ED-tries to improve it with duct tape
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I have a few more.

21. Martha Stewart
22. Al Sharpton
23. Someone from PETA
24. Howard Stern
25. Mini-Me
26. Count Dooku
27. Yasser Arafat
28. Ariel Sharon
29. Jay and Silent Bob
30. Homer Simpson
31. The kids from South Park
32. Johnny Knoxville
33. Ozzy Osbourne
34. Anna Nicole Smith
35. Tonya Harding
36. Anna Kornikova
37. Darth Maul
38. A tobacco executive
39. Adolf
40. Queen Amidala

As for that guy in Cloud CIty with the ice cream maker, when Lando is telling everyone to evacuate, in one of the scenes of people running in panic, you can see him.

If he was on the E-D or an ISD, he's be running in panic with an ice crem maker between his arm and his hip, with other people running in panic.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

With almost any of the female celebs Wesley would ask Guinan for help and then try to ask them out unsuccessfully. With Martha Stewart it would be about two days before she became Mrs. Captain Picard. [retches with disgust]
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul

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"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000

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