It is a good thing comics are not the only things I mentioned in support of that claim.Imperial Overlord wrote:Haven't read the comics and don't care. Haven't read the novels and don't care. They aren't the issue. 700 gees is inconsistent with how things are presented in the series. B5 has a bunch of scenes where the visuals don't match how things work. We don't fret over how the scene with the destruction of the Black Star is problematic with the mentioned mines and how nukes work in space and we don't chew cud and decide 700g Star Furies must be a thing. We chuck the stuff that's obviously bad and move the fuck on.
How exactly is 700 Gs inconsistent with god damn anything? The only way that is inconsistent internally that I can think of is if inertial dampeners dont exist. Not only has it been canonically stated they do in the EA (I dont care that you dont care about the comics you have not read). They clearly do, because without them the very concepts of certain ships dont work. You cannot have a functioning Omega destroyer without them. Period. Without extremely high G STL drives with accompanying inertial dampeners, the narratives of entire episodes dont work. With or without narrative time compression and scene cuts, they fail because the time scales involved to make the scene compatible with a lack of inertial dampeners make no god damn sense.
Do they go into combat at 700 Gs? Not with fighters at knife-fight range they dont (and I have calculated out every instance of starfury combat in babylon 5 that it is possible to calculate. They dont go above 90 Gs in combat, usually much slower). That would be crazy because humans dont have the reflexes of a computer. But for getting across long distances? Yeah. They have to. Or the narrative framing of plot critical episodes fails.
It is one thing to say that something was wrong with the Black Star. Maybe its gun ports were open and exposed volatile components to sufficient energy to cause overload. Maybe the nuke propelled asteroid fragments (much closer to the epicenter initially) like a giant shotgun blast (my preferred explanation) that ripped the Black Star apart/critically damaged the engines/reactor. Hell, you can even claim that mistakes were made in the verbal specification of the yield of the nuclear device. That happens. You think you have a 2 MT nuke off the top of your head, but it is actually a 20 MT nuke (which at 800 meters will vaporize .25 meters of titanium and lead to impulse shock throughout the structure of the ship. Hell, even a 2 MT nuke could have been a ship killer from the impulse shock generated from vaporizing armor across the entire forward facing)
But you cannot make the claim that because nukes dont work that way, the Black Star was not destroyed by a nuke. You might chuck it for analysis purposes, but you cannot chuck the event. For the plot to work, it is sufficient that the Black Star was destroyed by way of mining an asteroid field with nuclear weapons and we can fudge the yield.
You cannot do that for the scene I selected. One way or the other, the same squadron of starfuries has to get from one side of a planet to the other. Twice. Similar distances both times. Distance is very large, in the tens of thousands of km. And discounting on-screen elapsed time, the scenario imposes a time limit. A time limit you have yet to dispute as being at most a few minutes.
No matter how you swing that, the acceleration of a Starfury is beyond human survival limits. If we assume the entire transit takes 10 minutes (which is way the hell too long for Sheridan to sit around under a rapidly over-heating defense grid not returning fire), that is still 50 Gs. People exposed to G forces like that in rocket sleds for a couple seconds suffer permanent damage. 10 minutes, well... 16 Gs for a minute is lethal. Do the math on whether or not inertial dampeners are required for that.
How do you rectify that scene? The onus is on you.
Is there something other than a purported lack of inertial dampeners that makes acceleration like that inconsistent? If not, is there something I am missing--something in specific, not just your proclamation from upon yonder lofty throne--that leads you to believe inertial dampeners dont exist and/or that acceleration of 700 Gs (or some other value of G forces that requires inertial dampening) is obviously bad? Do you think elapsed time is something longer than 10 minutes? Do you want to dispute the travel distance? What?