Durandal wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:What is this crackwhore smoking?
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
It's opium, not opiate...I've got a copy of Marx sitting right here
Meanwhile ...
Phelps: Jesus Christ is the One True Savior!
Christian: I agree!
Phelps: The Bible is the Word of God!
Christian: I agree!
Theologian: Depends on what you mean by "Word of God." Maybe that's true, maybe it's not. It all depends on what is meant by that phrase.
Phelps: The Bible is the absolute literal word of God!
Christian: Well ... maybe some parts, I guess ...
Theologian: No chance. There are too many obvious contradictions to believe it could be literal. For example, the Book of Joshua is inaccurate compared to the Book of Judges when looking at the invasion of Canaan. The archaeological evidence supports the version rendered in Judges, not the version in Joshua.
Phelps: God hates fags!
Christian: Well, maybe ... there might have been some translational errors, since the original text never really referenced homosexuals except in one part ...
Theologian: There's no textual evidence for it. The only attempts to claim otherwise rely on bad translations of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek.
Sorry, just a little nitpicking since we've covered all of that in courses.