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Who would have thought that the group's dedicated to protecting and serving actually protected and served? And notice how something like this isn't actually on the news, just on FB.Ludlow School was out all last week and that meant many of the students that depend on the school for free and reduced meals had to go without. There is no doubt that for some of these kids this meant they were simply going hungry. On Fridays, many of these kids get pre-packaged food called "power packs" to get them through the weekend. After being off Monday through Thursday, only staff was to report on Friday. This would extend their period of hunger for three additional days.
One of the SRO's duties is to make home visits, usually due to truancy. Officer Nottingham decided to make home visits on Friday to deliver food to those who truly needed it. Together with some school officials, they picked up seven cases of macaroni and cheese to go with the power packs and delivered much needed and appreciated food to over SIXTY kids! Way to go Officer Nottingham and the folks at Ludlow Schools!
Remember, any group has bad and good members of it. Just because our society likes to accentuate the negative doesn't mean the positive also doesn't exist, and perhaps more so than its opposite.