Maybe not against Ghandi, but Ghandi's grandson Arun has protested against the war in DC. He was there along with other various spiritual leaders, including eight members of the Methodist Bishops' Council and the rabbi who is editor of Tikkun magazine. Gulf War veterans also have spoken out against the war.Stormbringer wrote:Ted, you do realize we aren't exactly going against Mahatma Ghandi here. Regardless of Bush's motivation the Iraqi people will be better off.Ted wrote:Freedom of Iraqi oil you mean.Stormbringer wrote:Another lefty that forgets our troops are fighting and dying for the freedom of Iraq... Fucking assholes.
At this point, Al Sharpton is just about the only person I wouldn't vote for over Bush. Shrub's just another Texas bidnessman who hasn't grown up and never figured out how to do anything without relying on somebody else. His lack of political experience has become apparent since he entered the White House, and his provinciality has become America's greatest liability in world affairs.