The problem with their approach is that it cripples the player far more than it does the AI, the main offender when it comes to massive tier four spam. They have fallen into the age old trap of giving the higher difficulty AI's boosts to gold and production times, with each higher step giving larger progressive bonuses to their respective resource incomes.Edi wrote:One of the things that seems to lead to the T4 spam is that people turtle up too much, which allows the AI to build up to a ridiculous strength. XL maps have issues, but smaller than that and more aggressive play helps. Game settings also have quite an effect (e.g. turning off city building and adding relatively more cities to a map).
The newest patch already addresses some of these issues and many others are being worked on. The new research costs already push Tier 4 units to a lot later in the game than they were initially, for example.
So increasing the time it takes to produce these units does absolutely fuck and all to fix the issue of harder AI's just filling it's ranks with ungodly powerful units in a fraction of the time it will take you do to so, for a fraction of the cost.
One of the better suggestions I've seen to fix this problem is to have a hard number cap on tier four units so that you can only have a few, or in some cases, one of them to ensure a balance of units - tier 1-3 are still very valid unit choices right up until you start getting hordes of Tier four critter armies.
I honestly think this would go a ways to fixing the issues with the AI.
Also? crippling some of the better/more enjoyable features of the game just so the AI will fight fair seems like a retarded solution.