Ziggy Stardust wrote:
How any things did Jesus preach in the Bible? Is every single one a major tenet of Christianity? If you consider this women issue so important, why do many existing Christian denominations not follow it to the letter? What do you consider the one true version of Christianity, since according to you any violation of any thing in the New Testament invalidates them as Christians?
Minor. Considering that each of the four gospels disagrees on the exact details, and there is no firm dogmatic interpretation of the event that's consistent across Christian teachings. And considering that it is one of the least important events in the New Testament. I mean, seriously, why did you pick this one? Just to be a pedantic jackass? Are you really so utterly out of touch with reality that you would consider a different interpretation of the events surrounding the anointing of Jesus such a severe departure from dogma that it would automatically disqualify someone as considering themselves a Christian?
I'll ask again: what denomination of Christianity do you consider "correct," since you have such incredibly strict standards for what can be considered Christian doctrine?
And I find your complete inability to recognize a joke, somehow thinking it was a sincere attempt at representing Church dogma, totally unsurprising. How fucking stupid can you possibly be to have misunderstood that statement? And further, you demonstrate that you lack any understanding of scripture and broader Christian teachings in general, so good job on that. Maybe you should check out Leviticus 18:22, and then try to find any passage in the Bible that says "no sodomy". Or, in fact, any passage in the Bible that even uses the word sodomy. I'll save you the trouble: the Bible never mentions sodomy. And before you say anything, because I know you are stupid and ill-informed enough to try and use this as a rebuttal, the account of Sodom and Gomorrah never mentions homosexuality at all (and the interpretation of what the sin of Sodom actually was is hotly debated among people who actually know what the fuck they are talking about, which you clearly don't).
Therefore what? Do you consider it moral to kill if God orders it? Have you willfully ignored the past 2,000 years of history?
A LOT. Well, he IS the word, right? Good question, there are a lot of reasons, I suspect one is that they are heretics. I already answered this, I specifically stated that they ARE Christians, they are just heretical on this point.
So, to you something can only be considered a major point if ALL Christians agree on it? Do you realize how many denominations there are, just in America?
Actually this is a VERY important moment in the new testament. There are several things going on here. #1 Jesus is announcing his death and burial #2 he is announcing that his body will not be there to BE anointed. #3 he is specifically giving this woman a place of honor in Christianity that was heretofore UNHEARD OF. #4 he specifically renounces FOR ALL TIME the major justification of pure socialism that many on this board seem son in love with, and associates the desire to use force to do "good" with Judas. You cannot through human means eliminate the poor or change the human condition. It is only with the intervention of the divine that human nature can be elevated.
And no, see above, already answered that.
Orthodoxy and I don't have very strict standards, that is your insinuation.
And I find your complete inability to recognize a joke, somehow thinking it was a sincere attempt at representing Church dogma, totally unsurprising. How fucking stupid can you possibly be to have misunderstood that statement?
You realize I can dismiss everything you say, just from this statement, right?
Why? What do you consider 'progressive' to mean, and why do you think that's a bad thing? Do you not realize that Protestants were once considered 'progressive'? Are you honestly stupid enough to not realize that the differences between modern Christian teachings and teachings 1,000 years ago are significantly larger than the differences in this thread that have so riled you up?
Again, I reiterate... if the great work was accomplished ~2015 years ago, what progress is needed? What type? Towards what? I am honestly curious.
AS for Sodom, at the end of along list of their sins, they wanted to rape some angels.... sodomy is not limited to homosexual sex, you get that right?
And as for you up in arms about God ordering murder, if God IS God, then how can he order murder?