salm wrote:
I´m not talking about individual soldiers having or causing problems. I´m talking firstly, about how soliders are a significant group of the population. Secondly, about how a significant group influences the population because, well, it is of significant size. Since soldiers get molded into having particular character traits this group will cause a certian shift of the presence of these traits in the population.
Ok, I have no problem with this premise.
Since I find adherence to rules a bad trait (at least if as dominant as in soldiers) I want to have as few people with this trait in the population as possible. Therefore it is logical to favour and army with fewer soldiers. On the other hand I want the military to have a certain value, so if we have few soldiers they need to be good soldiers. Since conscripts tend to be worse than non consricpts due to a bunch of factors I favor a non conscripted military.
This is the one I am having problems wrapping my head around. You have a problem with people having a trait of following rules. Ok, I guess it is a spectrum, in that at some point blindly following rules can be seen as bad. However, I don't see where you've stipulated that or have shown that the basic trait of said veterans is elevated to that level.
I could be wrong but it looks more like a clumsy justification of not liking military things and so deciding to not like this trait. But I could be wrong.
The same counts for soldiers with PTSD. If you have a significant number of them they will have a negative impact on the country. Therefore it is better to have fewer soldiers because fewer soldiers means less PTSD soldires which again means more resources per PTSD soldier to keep away negative impacts on the rest of the population. Obviously this profits the individual solidier as well.
Yeah, the more you go on the more I'm seeing you working backwards on this issue. Look, I have sympathies with your position, if I'm seeing it right, in that large military needs to do something, might as well break a country- type thing. That said, if you go that route, you need to look at leadership, not some weird thing about how positive traits in the military are really negative. lol.
This isn´t something confined to soldiers. I want to have as few beurocrats, cops and probably consultants and advertisers as possible, too. It´s just that with soldiers it is relatively easy to categorize them because they get actively drilled into certain behaviors whereas other jobs are less clear cut.
An extreme case would be societies like ancient Sparta where a very large percentage of people were soldiers. That would be a social model that is extremely unappealing to me.
I'm more worried about wannabe's than actual vets. People who buy into and want the prestige, glory, mythos, and grandeur of military service without actually going into the military and learning those positive traits you don't like. Nutbar militia guys running around with guns and some old training book they bought off of Amazon but have never wanted or have been trained to work as a group, follow legal orders but refuse illegal ones, fantasize about the glory of combat against evil government forces but have never really been in danger let alone be shot at to temper those fantasies. Those are the scary ones.